jServer3 B4J
jServer3 library is the previous version of jServer library. It is the library that was included with B4J up until B4J v9.80. This post contains the link to where jServer3 can still be found.
@Erel · 2022-06-21v2022-06-21
Selenium Browser Automation - Create any Robot with Browser B4J
Selenium is an open source automated testing suite for web applications across different browsers and platforms. It is quite similar to HP Quick Test Professional (QTP) only that Selenium focuses on automating web-based applications. Selenium is not just a single tool but a suite of software''''s, each catering to different testing needs of an organization. Based on Selenium WebDrivers, this new Library for B4J can automate browsers and create any robot and get any information from websites.
@Alberto Iglesias · 2022-06-12v2022-06-12
Download descriptions, covers, backgrounds and other things about a movie from TMDB (The Movie DataBase)
@MichalK73 · 2022-05-27v2022-05-27
SD_CosmosMenu B4AB4IB4J
SD_CosmosMenu [XUI] [B4X]
@Star-Dust · 2022-05-21v1.03
Zip4J - Library update - Version 2.10.0 B4J
Zip4J - Library update - Version 2.10.0
@Claudio Oliveira · 2022-05-13v2022-05-13
bcprov-jdk18on-171 B4J
bcprov-jdk18on-171 [BouncyCastle] update [encryption]
@KMatle · 2022-05-09v2022-05-09
AwesomeMaterial : search FontAwesome and Material icons B4J
Search FontAwesome and Material icons and copy ''''Chr(…)'''' to the Clipboard
@walt61 · 2022-05-04v2022-05-04
AS Bottom Menu V2 B4AB4IB4J
This is the V2 of the ASBottomMenu, with more Features, less code than the V1, B4X optimized and more... Why a new thread for this? Because i have develope the class from the ground new, the event names etc. have been changed. The V2 is not compatible with the V1.
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-04-27v2.10
HintOverlay - display hints that also highlight target views B4AB4IB4J
HintOverlay - display hints that also highlight target views, with a connecting line between hint and view [B4X] [XUI] [B4XLib]
@Segga · 2022-04-26v1.20
JsonTree - Tool to help with JSON parsing B4J
JsonTree - Tool to help with JSON parsing [Updated as 23/4/2022]; I changed the generated code to avoid naming conflict with B4XPages projects, root changed to jroot
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2022-04-23v2022-04-23
SnapCLVAdvanced - Move to the nearest item - Instant snap B4AB4IB4J
I took the original CLVSnap code from @Erel and modified it to create a new class. With this class you can decide if you want to have an instant snap or if you want the list to snap only when the list stops moving.
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-04-13v1.00
HTMLEditorWrapper - Edit HTML B4J
I got fed up looking for a simple solution to be able to add tables to the HTML editor, so in the vein of keeping it simple I decided just to make it super easy and edit the HTML source from the Editor instead.
@stevel05 · 2022-04-07v1.1
CLVItemToolbox - custom view. B4AB4IB4J
When you create an item layout for your xCustomListView in the Designer, add this CLVItemToolbox like any other view. You can choose which of the 3 icons to display (Check, Edit, Remove) and change the images if you don''''t like them.
@LucaMs · 2022-03-30v1.31
jBasiclib editor B4J
I have been playing with Andrew Grahams excellent jBasiclib and created an editor for an app I have been working on.
@stevel05 · 2022-03-30v1.10
lmB4XSQLiteDump B4AB4IB4J
This library allows you to dump SQLite database tables.
@LucaMs · 2022-03-29v2022-03-29
lmInputDlg B4AB4IB4J
Cross platform (B4A, B4J, B4I) simple but useful input dialog, based on B4XDialog (ShowCustom).
@LucaMs · 2022-03-26v2022-03-26
CodeMirror wrapper and example B4J
A wrapper for the CodeMirror javascript libarary which runs quite happily in a Webview. Current functionality: - Highlighting Mode for B4x (and 100+ other languages) - Minimal wrapper implementation in library, see the attached CodeEditor for an example of a fuller implementation - Implemented the available visual themes
@stevel05 · 2022-03-25v1.52
HikariCP 5.x B4J
This is a wrapper for HikariCP which is a database connection pool manager (https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP)
@tchart · 2022-03-21v2022-03-21
jBasicLib embedded Basic interpreter library B4J
Nearly six years ago I posted the original B4A version of this library that was in fact a port to Java from the original Basic4ppc .Net C# version that I wrote even earlier. Shortly after that I gave up Android development out of disgust with Google and returned to playing with Basic4ppc and C# under Windows. I now find myself back having to use Android for mobile work and have already posted an updated, polished and reasonably documented version for B4A. I now post here a version that will work with B4J.
@agraham · 2022-03-14v2.2
B4XCollections - More collections B4AB4IB4J
B4XCollections is a b4x lib. It adds several cross platform collections. It includes a static module named B4XCollections which should be used to create new instances of the collections. You can either create new empty collections or pass the initial data.
@Erel · 2022-03-08v1.13