✨ AS BottomEmojiPicker B4AB4IB4J
AS BottomEmojiPicker [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-08-11v1.01
✨ jSystem Information B4J
Java library for get information about your machine. Information about Operating System, CPU, Memory, Net, Disk, Network, Services and Process
@behnam_tr · 2024-08-10v2024-08-10
✨ XLUtils / jPOI 5 - Read and write MS Excel workbooks B4J
XLUtils / jPOI 5 - Read and write MS Excel workbooks
@Erel · 2024-08-04v2.09
✨ FirebaseFirestore B4AB4IB4J
FirebaseFirestore [B4X]
@Claude Obiri Amadu · 2024-08-01v3.06
✨ xSocket - The socket library is fully functional for event and semantic message streams B4J
xSocket is a library wrapped around Socket.d. Socket.d has a collection of many connection protocols: TCP, UDP and WS. It can be used for MSG, RPC, IM, MQ and other scenarios, and can replace Http, Websocket, gRpc and other protocols. Such as the connection between the mobile device and the server, such as some microservice scenarios, etc.
@tummosoft · 2024-07-31v2.12
✨ Modded jRDC2 w/SQLite support and more B4J
Attached you''''ll find a modified version of jRDC2 (source https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...ation-of-rdc-remote-database-connector.61801/) that supports SQLite as the datastore out of the box. Support for V1 has been removed and therefore this is not a drop in replacement for jRDC2. This is more meant for people starting new with jRDC2. Comments are welcome (pro and con). Other modifications are listed in the main file and are relisted here
@OliverA · 2024-07-29v2024-07-29
✨ PocketBase Hooks Collection B4J
PocketBase Hooks Collection [Web]
@Mashiane · 2024-07-27v2024-07-27
✨ jEasyCaptcha - Setup your own Captcha Server B4J
jEasyCaptcha - Setup your own Captcha Server
@tummosoft · 2024-07-24v2024-07-24
✨ LZStringCompress, the method compress and decompress data through sockets B4AB4IB4J
LZStringCompress, the method compress and decompress data through sockets [B4X]
@tummosoft · 2024-07-23v2024-07-23
✨ wmBoseSoundTouch - control a Bose SoundTouch speaker from B4X B4AB4IB4J
wmBoseSoundTouch - control a Bose SoundTouch speaker from B4X [B4X][Class]
@walt61 · 2024-07-22v2024-07-22
✨ SelfieSegmentation with ML Kit B4AB4IB4J
SelfieSegmentation with ML Kit [B4X]
@Erel · 2024-07-18v2024-07-18
✨ jPager - ViewPager B4J
This is a high performance pager, optimized for large lists.
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-07-12v1.03
✨ InetStatus - Check if Internet is available + type B4AB4IB4J
InetStatus - Check if Internet is available + type [WiFi/Cell/LAN] [B4X]
@Sergio Haurat · 2024-07-04v2024-07-04
✨ SP Ping - Run the ping command B4A, B4J and B4I B4AB4IB4J
SP Ping - Run the ping command B4A, B4J and B4I [B4X]
@Sergio Haurat · 2024-06-28v2024-06-28
✨ SP IFStatus - Check if interface status B4AB4IB4J
SP IFStatus - Check if interface status [WiFi, cell network data or LAN] has enabled or disabled [B4X]
@Sergio Haurat · 2024-06-27v2024-06-27
✨ jGoogleMaps B4J
Add markers, change position
@Erel · 2024-06-09v2.01
✨ AS FloatingActionMenu B4AB4IB4J
AS FloatingActionMenu [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-05-29v1.01
✨ SQLiteJDBC and slf4j B4J
Starting with version, the authors of the SQLiteJDBC library added the SLF4J logging framework as a dependency.
@Claudio Oliveira · 2024-05-27v2024-05-27
✨ B4J as an interactive backend for Python3 B4AB4IB4J
B4J as an interactive backend for Python3 [B4J, B4XPages]
@William Lancee · 2024-05-25v2024-05-25
✨ ABMaterial B4J
ABMaterial is a new framework combining a tuned Materialize CSS with the free programming tool B4J. It allows creating WebApps that not only look great thanks to Googles Material Design, but can be programmed with the powerful free tool from Anywhere Software without any knowledge of HTML or CSS.
@alwaysbusy · 2024-05-17v5.15