rsMQTTBroker an MQTT broker for esp32 and esp8266 B4R
rsMQTTBroker an MQTT broker for esp32 and esp8266
@candide · 2023-07-26v2023-07-26
rDebug.b4xlib - Debug arduino code adding break points in all microprocessors'''' code B4R
rDebug.b4xlib - Debug arduino code adding break points in all microprocessors'''' code [even the older ones]
@hatzisn · 2023-01-12v2023-01-12
ILI9488 tft Library B4R
This library is for support for the 320x480 tft controller over 4 wire SPI. It is based heavily on the Adafruit_ILI9341 library and is designed to work with the Adafruit_GFX library.
@candide · 2022-08-31v2022-08-31
library for PCF8574 B4R
This library gives easy control over the 8 pins of a PCF8574 and PCF8574A chip. These chips are identical in behavior although there are two distinct address ranges.
@candide · 2022-08-02v2022-08-02
rEspalexa livrary B4R
It allows you to set a ranged value (e.g. Brightness, Temperature) and optionally a color, additionally to standard on/off control. For example, you can say "Alexa, turn the light to 75% / 21 degrees".
@candide · 2022-08-02v2022-08-02
rRFXMeter B4R
The goal is to send sensor & actuator data from an Arduino Microcontroller to Domoticz Home Automation System by using a RFXCOM RFXtrx433e transceiver.
@rwblinn · 2022-07-22v2022-07-22
rLoRa library B4R
An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRa radios.
@candide · 2022-06-20v2022-06-20
rTM1637Ex B4R
rTM1637Ex is an open source B4R library for writing to TM1637 7-segment-displays connected to microcontroller, like Arduino.
@rwblinn · 2022-04-09v1.51
rAsyncTCP on esp32 B4R
rAsyncTCP on esp32
@candide · 2022-03-24v2022-03-24
rSPI library and rSPI32 library B4R
A wrapper for SPI library from esp8266 project and a wrapper for SPI32 from esp32 project
@candide · 2022-01-29v2022-01-29
I was looking for a web server working with B4R and i found a good candidate with aWOT library for arduino.
@candide · 2021-12-12v2021-12-12
rSPI32 - A port of rSPI for ESP32 boards B4R
rSPI32 - A port of rSPI for ESP32 boards
@hatzisn · 2021-12-04v2021-12-04
SPI library for Arduino
@hatzisn · 2021-10-27v2021-10-27
rLegoinoBoost B4R
This B4R library wraps the Boost methods of the Legoino Library. The rLegoinoBoost library enables controlling the LEGO® Motorized Hub (MoveHUB) from the LEGO Creative Toolbox 17101.
@rwblinn · 2021-10-19v2021-10-19
ESP32 Ping B4R
ESP32 Ping
@thetahsk · 2021-10-09v2021-10-09
rURL - UrlEncode and UrlDecode B4R
Allows you to UrlEncode and UrlDecode strings in order to use them in URLs
@hatzisn · 2021-09-25v2021-09-25
rHCSR04 - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor B4R
rHCSR04 - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
@rwblinn · 2021-07-28v1.30
GlobalStore - Global objects storage B4R
As explained in the tutorial about memory management in B4R: it is not trivial to assign the value of a local, non-numeric, variable to a global variable.The reason behind this limitation is that the memory is statically allocated during compilation. It is therefore only possible to set fixed-size values (such as numbers).The attached module uses B4RSerializator to convert the objects to bytes and then copies them to a global buffer.Using it is simple. You need to call Store to put an object and you need to get objects from the GlobalStore.Objects array.By default there are 5 slots that you can use. This can be changed by modifying the code.
@Erel · 2021-07-22v2021-07-22
rLEDController B4R
rLEDController is an open source B4R B4XLib for controlling multiple LEDs.
@rwblinn · 2021-07-21v2021-07-21
rGPRMC is an open source B4R B4XLib for parsing the GPS NMEA RMC sentence message
@rwblinn · 2021-07-05v1.45