✨ esp8266 OTA updater B4R
esp8266 OTA updater
@Siam · 2019-01-13v2019-01-13
esp8266 OTA updater
rIRremote (Arduino) is based on IRremote open source project: https://github.com/z3t0/Arduino-IRremote. rIRremoteESP8266 (ESP8266) is based on IRremoteESP8266 open source project: https://github.com/markszabo/IRremoteESP8266. These libraries allow receiving IR signals with a IR receiver module and transmitting signals with an IR led.
Google home notify
TimeTools Library with NTP Time
Based on the Ethetnet2.0 library, multiple Wiznet Ethernet peripherals are supported.
I wanted to be able to assign a new IP address when running the ESP8266 in AP mode so I started to look into writing a library for B4R. Once I started to look inside the ESP and WIFI classes in Arduino I realised that there are many interesting and useful functions available. I started with the ESP8266 library provided in B4R v1.20 and wrapped a lot of these extra functions together with a little extra code to make some of them easier to use.
On ESP the default PWM range is 0 to 1023. And default PWM frequency is 1KHz. http://esp8266.github.io/Arduino/versions/2.0.0/doc/reference.html These values can be changed. Attached is the files.
This is a wrapper for RCSwitch library. https://github.com/sui77/rc-switch Receive from or operate 433/315 MHz remote radio controlled devices. Tested with Uno, Mega and Wemos D1.
ESP8266 comes with built-in file system provisioned on the chip flash. The file system is useful for storing persistent information.
Libraries from this thread should be copied to the internal libraries folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\B4R\libraries
I have succeeded to implement 2 functions and 4 constants from RadioHead/RF95 library. Sleep: will put the Lora radio into sleep mode, it will wake up next time you send something. ModemConfig: lets you select between 4 predefined modem configurations. Sending 25 bytes Mode=0 : Default medium range (75ms airtime) Mode=1 : Fast+short range (22ms airtime) Mode=2 : Slow+long range (1266ms airtime) Mode=3 : Slow+long range (Did not work on Dragino shield nor Dragino Lora Mini)
I have updated the B4R library rESP8266rtc (v1.05) so it can also be used with the ESP-32 modules.
A software based Real Time Clock.
This library makes it very simple to advertise data through BLE. You just need to call ble.Advertise with the string that you want to advertise as the device name. Note that it doesn''''t support making connections.
Very simple to use Bluetooth library for ESP32 modules. Note that you need to have a recent version of ESP32 SDK. If you encounter any error then download the complete SDK: https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32 and copy it to ESP32 SDK folder: C:\Users\\Documents\Arduino\hardware\espressif\esp32
Adruino Library for MCP3008 8-Channel 10-Bit ADC with SPI interface. http://www.adafruit.com/products/856
Adafruit graphic library for SH1106 driver lcds.
This is a wrapper for RadioHead library. Currently only RF95 is exposed. RadioHead documentation: http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/arduino/RadioHead/classRH__RF95.html#details : "Driver to send and receive unaddressed, unreliable datagrams via a LoRa capable radio transceiver."
rRF24xt ... an extended library for nRF24L01+ radio modules
This library (called rSoftRtc), is a generic derivative of the device specific library rESP8266rtc v1-03.