✨ Adafruit RGB Led Matrix B4R
This is an Arduino library for 16x32 and 32x32 RGB LED matrix panels
@Erel · 2017-06-30v2017-06-30
✨ rTTP229 - Capacitive Keypad B4R
Wrapper for ttp229-arduino open source project: https://github.com/arduino12/ttp229-arduino It works with Arduino and ESP8266. Connections are explained here: https://github.com/arduino12/ttp229-arduino/tree/master/TTP229 It can work in 8 keys mode or 16 keys mode.
@Erel · 2017-05-07v2017-05-07
✨ Stepper motors B4R
Stepper motor library based on Arduino Stepper API.
@Erel · 2017-04-04v2017-04-04
✨ Keyboard, Mouse, etc... B4R
In the attached .zip is a project that includes and demonstrates the use of three code modules. Keyboard.bas and Mouse.bas wrap the Arduino Keyboard and Mouse libraries using their own syntax.
@Roycefer · 2017-03-17v2017-03-17
✨ rBH170FVI B4R
Digital Light Sensor BH1750FVI Library.
@rwblinn · 2017-02-15v1.01
✨ rBH1750FVI - Digital Ambient Light Sensor B4R
Ambient Light Sensor BH1750FVI Library using I2C communication.
@rwblinn · 2017-02-15v1.01
✨ rCRC32-Easy for Calculate CRC32 B4R
rCRC32-Easy for Calculate CRC32
@santook · 2017-02-13v2017-02-13
✨ rMPU6050_I2C - MotionTracking B4R
Library to read values from the MPU6050 MotionTracking device by InvenSense.
@rwblinn · 2017-02-13v2017-02-13
✨ rMultiFuncShield - Arduino Multi Function Shield B4R
This library supports the Arduino Multi Function Shield - a good device to get started learning sensoring & B4R.
@rwblinn · 2017-02-13v2017-02-13
✨ rSRF04-Easy Use Ultrasonic ranging B4R
rSRF04-Easy Use Ultrasonic ranging
@santook · 2017-02-13v2017-02-13
✨ rTM1638 - 8 Seven Segment LED Display with Keys And LEDs B4R
Library supporting the 8 Seven Segment LED Display with Keys And LEDs using the TM1638.
@rwblinn · 2017-02-07v2017-02-07
✨ rLCD1602BigNumbers - Display Big Numbers B4R
Library to display up to 4 Big Numbers on a LCD1602.
@rwblinn · 2017-01-31v2017-01-31
✨ rAdafruit_STMPE610 & rAdafruit_ILI9341 - Touch Sensitive Screen B4R
Libraries for Adafruit TFT screen: https://www.adafruit.com/products/1651 https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-2-8-tft-touch-shield-v2
@Erel · 2017-01-16v2017-01-16
✨ rAdafruitGFX B4R
This is a wrapper for Adafruit-GFX library: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-GFX-Library This is a graphics library. It is used by other lower level libraries.
@Erel · 2017-01-16v1.01
✨ TM1637 - 4 digits display B4R
Arduino library for TM1637 (LED Driver)
@Erel · 2017-01-15v1.20
✨ ESP8266 Ping B4R
Implements a ping feature which can be useful to test whether a remote server is reachable.
@Erel · 2017-01-01v2017-01-01
✨ rMCP2515 B4R
This is a wrapper for MCP2515 library
@Erel · 2016-11-22v2016-11-22
✨ rLedControl B4R
This is an Arduino library to control MAX7219 and MAX7221 Led display drivers.
@Erel · 2016-11-17v2016-11-17
✨ rMAX7219LedMatrix B4R
Wrapper for: https://github.com/squix78/MAX7219LedMatrix This is an ESP8266 library.
@Erel · 2016-11-17v2016-11-17
✨ Keypad B4R
Simple library that monitors keypad key presses.
@Erel · 2016-10-30v2016-10-30