Modded jRDC2 w/SQLite support and more B4J
Attached you''''ll find a modified version of jRDC2 (source that supports SQLite as the datastore out of the box. Support for V1 has been removed and therefore this is not a drop in replacement for jRDC2. This is more meant for people starting new with jRDC2. Comments are welcome (pro and con). Other modifications are listed in the main file and are relisted here
@OliverA · 2024-07-29v2024-07-29
PocketBase Hooks Collection B4J
PocketBase Hooks Collection [Web]
@Mashiane · 2024-07-27v2024-07-27
Digitally sign XML Documents B4A
Digitally sign XML Documents
@jkhazraji · 2024-07-24v2024-07-24
jEasyCaptcha - Setup your own Captcha Server B4J
jEasyCaptcha - Setup your own Captcha Server
@tummosoft · 2024-07-24v2024-07-24
LZStringCompress, the method compress and decompress data through sockets B4AB4IB4J
LZStringCompress, the method compress and decompress data through sockets [B4X]
@tummosoft · 2024-07-23v2024-07-23
Introducing liteCsvParse: A Lightweight Library for Efficient CSV Processing B4A
Introducing liteCsvParse: A Lightweight Library for Efficient CSV Processing
@carlos7000 · 2024-07-22v1.07
wmBoseSoundTouch - control a Bose SoundTouch speaker from B4X B4AB4IB4J
wmBoseSoundTouch - control a Bose SoundTouch speaker from B4X [B4X][Class]
@walt61 · 2024-07-22v2024-07-22
Preferences - Material Design Preferences B4A
This library provides a framework to create nice looking Material Design Preferences down to API9. It uses this GitHub project to fix some bugs in the android support preferences stuff. It also adds some nice features like simple icon tinting, simple menu list preferences and a color picker.
@corwin42 · 2024-07-21v3.00
Barcode reader based on Google Play Services Vision B4A
This is not really a library. It is a modification to CameraEx example that adds barcode detection based on Google Play Services Vision. It uses JavaObject to create the detector and detect barcodes in the Preview event. You should call CreateDetector with the code types you want to detect. Fewer codes will yield faster detections. The implementation is quite simplistic as it is done on the main thread. It works good on Nexus 5X. I haven''''t tested it on a low end devices.
@Erel · 2024-07-18v2024-07-18
DocumentScanner based on Google ML Kit B4A
DocumentScanner based on Google ML Kit [class]
@Erel · 2024-07-18v1.01
Google Code Scanner - no permission, very simple to use, barcode scanning B4A
Google Code Scanner - no permission, very simple to use, barcode scanning [class]
@Erel · 2024-07-18v2024-07-18
SelfieSegmentation with ML Kit B4AB4IB4J
SelfieSegmentation with ML Kit [B4X]
@Erel · 2024-07-18v2024-07-18
jPager - ViewPager B4J
This is a high performance pager, optimized for large lists.
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-07-12v1.03
rESP8266littleFS for B4R B4R
Library littleFS for ESP8266 on B4R. It is just rESP8266FileSystem modified to work with littleFS from ESP8266 delivery. This library is faster and more reliable then spiffs.
@candide · 2024-07-08v2024-07-08
Fireworks library B4A
Fireworks library
@Jerryk · 2024-07-07v1.2
GooglePlayBilling - In App Purchases B4A
The previous service which was used by InAppBilling3 library is being deprecated and will soon won''''t be available. GooglePlayBilling is based on the new in app purchases service: ttps://
@Erel · 2024-07-07v7.01
NotificationListener B4A
The NotificationListener library allows you to access the device notifications. This is a new feature which is only available on Android 4.3+ (api 18+).
@Erel · 2024-07-07v1.2
InetStatus - Check if Internet is available + type B4AB4IB4J
InetStatus - Check if Internet is available + type [WiFi/Cell/LAN] [B4X]
@Sergio Haurat · 2024-07-04v2024-07-04
SP Ping - Run the ping command B4A, B4J and B4I B4AB4IB4J
SP Ping - Run the ping command B4A, B4J and B4I [B4X]
@Sergio Haurat · 2024-06-28v2024-06-28
SP IFStatus - Check if interface status B4AB4IB4J
SP IFStatus - Check if interface status [WiFi, cell network data or LAN] has enabled or disabled [B4X]
@Sergio Haurat · 2024-06-27v2024-06-27