BBScrollingLabel - rich text scrolling label B4AB4IB4J
BBScrollingLabel is similar to XUI Views ScrollingLabel, however it is based on BCTextEngine and can therefore display formatted text.
@Erel · 2023-10-17v1.05
jAudioRecord2 B4J
This is a new version of the jAudioRecord library (but not a direct plugin replacement) provided as a b4xlib and uses current B4x practices and classes. It allows selection of audio inputs and capturing directly to file or to a byte array so you can process the data further.
@stevel05 · 2023-10-16v0.12
WebViewExtras B4A
WebViewExtras exposes more of the native Android WebView methods to your B4A application.
@warwound · 2023-10-16v2.20
SD ProductPicker B4AB4IB4J
SD ProductPicker [B4X] [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2023-10-15v1.07
Http Interceptor B4A
Http Interceptor
@drgottjr · 2023-10-12v2023-10-12
AS Sliding Onboarding B4AB4IB4J
AS Sliding Onboarding [based on ASViewPager] [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2023-10-10v2.01
FirebaseAdmin Library B4A
FirebaseAdmin Library
@Claude Obiri Amadu · 2023-10-08v2023-10-08
FusedLocationProviderGMS B4A
This is a new FusedLocationProviderGMS library that is based on the latest version of Google Mobile Services (GMS)
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-10-07v1.2
Replacement TitleBar B4J
I''''ve seen a few questions on the forums about changing the titlebar color. The answer is that you have to replace the title bar. This gives the problem of then losing all of the form controls, resizing minimising, maximising and close buttons. This is a customview, that does all of this. Just add the titlebarCV customview to the top of a layout and it will replace the existing titlebar with one defined int the titlebar layout.
@stevel05 · 2023-09-29v1.5
SpeechToText - Continuous Offline Voice Recognition B4A
This is a wrapper of Acephei VOSK , With this, you can add continuous offline speech recognition feature to your application.
@Biswajit · 2023-09-27v1.5
TreeTableView Helper Class B4J
TreeTableView Helper Class
@Mashiane · 2023-09-24v2023-09-24
rSFR05 a library for SFR05 B4R
Arduino library for the SRF05 distance sensor and compatibles.
@candide · 2023-09-21v2023-09-21
BANanoOrderedMap B4J
BANanoOrderedMap [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2023-09-19v2023-09-19
TextArea and TextField commands. Keep Undo working. B4J
TextArea and TextField commands. Keep Undo working. [B4j]
@stevel05 · 2023-09-19v2023-09-19
MenuButton B4J
I wanted to add a menu to a form that is to be used in a narrow portrait orientation. I have dealt with this before using a normal button and a popup menu. but as there is a MenuButton control in JavafX I thought I''''d wrap it.
@stevel05 · 2023-09-17v2023-09-17
SD Zebra B4AB4IB4J
SD Zebra [printer] [B4X]
@Star-Dust · 2023-09-16v1.11
SD_StrangeListView B4AB4IB4J
This new view allows you to have an ordered and distributed list of images (left) and their name, description and info (right). Or you can view the images in grid (if the screen size allows it, otherwise in column) where there will be related images with the name just below. There is an add button and a close button that makes the visit invisible (mBase.Visible = False so to speak).
@Star-Dust · 2023-08-31v0.13
TextField As Label B4J
This one was born out of frustration that in Javafx, you can''''t make a label''''s text selectable. This is a Textfield, that is styled as a label. with the added bonus that you can click the label to edit the text (which can be disabled) and would be useful to use in a data table or list where you may want to edit the field.
@stevel05 · 2023-08-30v2023-08-30
PuzzleTak_AudioPlayer and Visualizer B4A
Music playback library, which comes with the ability to display a Visualizer.
@PuzzleTak · 2023-08-25v2023-08-25
BANanoCSSUtils - Utility Helpers & Animations on any BANanoElement B4J
BANanoCSSUtils - Utility Helpers & Animations on any BANanoElement
@Mashiane · 2023-08-24v2023-08-24