✨ B4XAttibute - Allows you to set attributes for directories and files. B4J
A simple library that will allow you to set/remove attributes (+H,+R,+S,+A/-H,-R-S-A) for directory(s) and/or file(s) including on request of all subfolders.
@T201016 · 2023-04-05v2023-04-05
✨ Music Tracker Box B4AB4IB4J
Music player libraries for MOD, S3M and XM formats.
@mazezone · 2023-04-05v2023-04-05
A library that allows you to connect to MySql, MsSql (for the moment) databases with B4A and B4J; B4I is work in progress.
@Star-Dust · 2023-04-05v0.07
✨ BMTypeWriter B4A
Create a simple TypeWriter Effect on any TextView
@Brian Michael · 2023-04-03v2023-04-03
✨ OSMDroid 6 BonusPack B4A
This library is an addition to the OSMDroid 6 library. Contains additional classes and methods for geocoding, reverse geocoding, POIs, Routing and others. This library is based on the original GitHub library version 6.9.0, but I had to rework some classes due to deprecation to make them functional.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-04-03v2023-04-03
✨ OSMDroid 6 Mapsforge B4A
This library is an addition to the OSMDroid 6 library and enables the display of Mapsforge offline maps in the OSMDroid6 MapView. Mapsforge maps are vector maps, which allows the size of the map file to be several tens of times smaller.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-04-03v2023-04-03
✨ Exoplayer 2.18.0 RTMP Player B4A
Exoplayer 2.18.5 RTMP Player
@Addo · 2023-04-02v1.70
✨ SD: MenuClose B4A
I had the need to create a menu when it is required to exit App from the Back button of the device but also from the home button. So I have to create something similar to closing the device.
@Star-Dust · 2023-04-01v1.05
✨ PagesTransition B4AB4IB4J
PagesTransition [B4XPages]
@Solutions Development · 2023-03-27v1.07
✨ OkHttpUtils2 v3.02 B4A
All previous versions of OkHttpUtils2 relied on a service. In the new version HttpUtils2Service is actually a receiver. It should be transparent for developers.
@Erel · 2023-03-22v2023-03-22
✨ BitmapsAsync B4AB4IB4J
A cross platform library that allows loading images using background threads. It can be useful with keeping the app responsive while loading many images.
@Erel · 2023-02-28v2023-02-28
✨ Caffeine Cache B4J
Caches can be critical for servers and other apps where you cannot store all data in memory and still need good performance.
@Erel · 2023-02-28v2023-02-28
✨ ImageScaler B4J
Library to resize image in B4J non-UI app
@aeric · 2023-02-24v1.00
✨ B4JServer QRCode Generator B4J
B4JServer QRCode Generator
@aeric · 2023-02-21v1.00
✨ SD_Streaming B4J
This library is developed in JAVA and is a wrapper of the VLCj library. Is based on the code by @moster67 (see here). It has been reworked to obtain an h.264 streaming from the pc cam, streaming of an mp4 video and finally of the desktop and a portion of it. Demo only, streams max. 120 seconds.
@Star-Dust · 2023-02-20v1.01
✨ SD_VideoStreaming B4J
To the SD_Streaming library it adds a few functions to make some methods simple. In particular, it is not necessary to create an fxml file for the player in case you want to use it to receive a stream. Demo only, streams max. 120 seconds.
@Star-Dust · 2023-02-19v2023-02-19
✨ FirebaseServer - backend verification for signed in users B4J
Users can sign in to your B4A or B4i apps using Google or Facebook with the FirebaseAuth libraries. FirebaseServer completes the puzzle with server side verification of the user. This means that the signed in user gets a token id (long string) from Firebase services by calling FirebaseAuth.GetUserTokenId. The client sends the token id to the server. The server verifies the token using this library. Once verified we know for sure that the request was sent from our app and we know the identity of the signed in user.
@Erel · 2023-02-14v2023-02-14
✨ jAudioStreamer library B4J
jAudioStreamer library
@yo3ggx · 2023-02-12v1.0
✨ MLwifi Library Updated to v4.00 B4A
Due to issues with using MLwifi with Android Q+, I have updated some of the core functions to work correctly with pre Q as well as Q+
@Computersmith64 · 2023-02-11v4.41
✨ jSelenium - A Test Automation for B4J B4J
jSelenium - A Test Automation for B4J [b4j]
@tummosoft · 2023-01-27v1.0