lmB4XComboBox V. 1.01 B4AB4IB4J
It is a modified version of the Erel''''s original B4XComboBox and allows you to store in it a value for each text item. Not rarely (mainly in DBs managements) you need a ComboBox in which an Item is made of a display value and an associated value, i.e. a "description field" of a table and the relative primary key (usually the classic Integer ID). Note that the type of the values associated is object, not just Int.
@LucaMs · 2023-01-16v2.03
In-App Review Library B4A
In-App Review Library [untested Beta] - need someone to test library
@Pendrush · 2023-01-15v2.01
rDebug.b4xlib - Debug arduino code adding break points in all microprocessors'''' code B4R
rDebug.b4xlib - Debug arduino code adding break points in all microprocessors'''' code [even the older ones]
@hatzisn · 2023-01-12v2023-01-12
MongoDB - Documents database B4J
MongoDB access
@Erel · 2023-01-10v2023-01-10
SD Floating Button StandOut B4A
A flying button that always stands out even on other Apps On the Desktop.
@Star-Dust · 2023-01-10v0.09
B4xLanguage - Localize your B4a+B4i applications B4A
B4xLanguage - Localize your B4a+B4i applications
@Filippo · 2023-01-05v2023-01-05
BLE 2 - Bluetooth Low Energy B4A
BLE 2 - Bluetooth Low Energy
@Erel · 2023-01-04v1.39
AudioTrack B4A
Wrapper for AudioTrack Library allows sending audio from within an app.
@stevel05 · 2023-01-03v1.3
JDA - JAVA Discord Api - Create a Bot for Discord B4J
JDA - JAVA Discord Api - Create a Bot for Discord
@DonManfred · 2023-01-02v2023-01-02
Alerter Library B4A
This library aims to overcome the limitations of Toasts and Snackbars, while reducing the complexity of your layouts.
@Pendrush · 2022-12-31v1.10
ListPlus library B4AB4IB4J
ListPlus can be defined as Single type list or Different types list. The first implies a list with the same types of variables or objects. ListPlus has a large number of additional methods compared to the native B4X List.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2022-12-26v1.0
SD DigestServer B4A
Source code included. I have extended the HttpServer Library functions by adding Digest authentication. This is a demonstration version, it allows normal http connections (such as httpserver) and activating the digest protocol on a specific folder will display (if you enter the correct credentials) a standard page. You can ask for the full version privately which allows you to send your http pages to requests for authenticated pages.
@Star-Dust · 2022-12-25v0.13
Expander v2 : Expandable CustomListView B4AB4IB4J
Expander v2 : Expandable CustomListView [B4X]
@epiCode · 2022-12-24v2022-12-24
SD AutoComposeTextView B4A
SD AutoComposeTextView [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2022-12-21v0.03
Firebase phone number authentication B4A
A wrap to integrate firebase auth phone number authentication.
@Enrico Fuoti · 2022-12-17v1.9
Windows Notifications Library B4J
Windows Notifications Library
@hatzisn · 2022-12-14v2022-12-14
B4A Welcomes SSE B4A
Server Side Events
@drgottjr · 2022-12-04v2022-12-04
DSE_Layout - Align and Spread Controls B4AB4IB4J
DSE_Layout - Align and Spread Controls [B4X]
@HZZ · 2022-12-04v2022-12-04
jWebSocketClient B4J
With this library you can implement WebSocket clients.
@Erel · 2022-12-04v1.13
B4j WebSocket Client B4J
A barebones WebSocket server and client implementation not based on Jetty
@Addo · 2022-12-01v2022-12-01