What3Words b4xlib B4AB4IB4J
This is a b4xlib for getting What3Words to coordinates, coordinates to What3Words and your location to What3Words
@hatzisn · 2022-11-29v2022-11-29
fsPreferences B4A
fsPreferences [ PreferenceMenu + PreferenceManager]
@Filippo · 2022-11-25v2022-11-25
pigpio for b4j B4J
pigpio is a library for the Raspberry which allows control of the General Purpose Input Outputs (GPIO). pigpio works on all versions of the Pi.
@jinyistudio · 2022-11-25v2022-11-25
UltimateWebViewAssetLoader B4A
(Deprecated) Since API version 30 it is not possible to use file:/// to load files from the DirAsset, DirInternal and Resource folders. This library provides a solution.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2022-11-24v2022-11-24
BiometricManager - Biometric Authentication B4A
This class replaces FingerprintManager (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/fingerprint-authentication.72500/#content). It works with all the device supported biometric authentication features.
@Erel · 2022-11-22v2022-11-22
jRLDialogs8 B4J
Dialogs Libary based on JavaFX 8
@rwblinn · 2022-11-22v1.88
CreditsRollView B4A
CreditsRollView library
@DonManfred · 2022-11-19v1.0.0
SoftOrientation Library for Activitiy and B4XPages based projects B4A
Allows changing the screen orientation without killing the activity
@Ivica Golubovic · 2022-11-12v2022-11-12
Modbus TCP Library B4A
Available functions: FC01 - Read Coil FC03 - Read Holding FC05 - Write Single Coil FC06 - Write Single Holding FC16 - Write Multiple Holding
@Walter95 · 2022-11-09v2022-11-09
Facebook - Extends FirebaseAuth to support Facebook B4A
This library together with FirebaseAuth allows users to sign in to your app with a Facebook or Google account.
@Erel · 2022-11-07v2.01
PndCommonsSunCalc - B4A
PndCommonsSunCalc - [B4A/B4J] library for calculation of sun and moon positions and phases.
@Pendrush · 2022-11-04v2022-11-04
Graphics B4J
This Library wraps the 2Dgraphic elements of JavaFX2
@stevel05 · 2022-10-31v1.04
Javax print wrapper for UI and non-UI apps. B4J
This is a wrap of the Javax print API. It is more complex to use than the Javafx print API but does have a few benefits such as being usable in non-UI apps and access to java Swing printable interface which makes it easy to print the content of swing nodes.
@stevel05 · 2022-10-31v2022-10-31
Ayfie Library - Free text translation, summary and keyword extraction service B4A
Ayfie Library - Free text translation, summary and keyword extraction service
@fernando1987 · 2022-10-27v2022-10-27
PerfectMoney B4J
PerfectMoney is an alternative method of payment on the Internet for services.
@MichalK73 · 2022-10-24v1.1
Palantech Framework B4J
It''''s with great pleasure that i am releasing the first ever ORM MVC B4J Framework: ORM: Object Relational Mapping, This framework allows you to pull from and push data to a database without writing SQL, this is done using the awesome Type system that we all love in B4x MVC: Stands for Model View Controller. you can read about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model–view–controller B4J: The IDE that we all love! (please check footnotes)
@EnriqueGonzalez · 2022-10-21v2022-10-21
3D Body 4 libraries B4A
There are three libraries, doing similar thing with variations: 1. A 3D cube, with or without dice numbers on, can roll by touch or by command or provide a throw result by click. 2. A 3D library for any body, provided that you know how to define its verteces and polygons. There are examples of several bodies which may help, see photos. 3. A 3D library for any body (like 2 above), using Open_GL 1 library (thanks to Agraham). Note that I have very limited knowledge on the use of Open_GL and this implementation is very basic, however the user of this 3D library does not need any knowhow of Open_gl at all. In all libraries you can create a view which is a base panel and the body on it. The panel may be transparent or with a bitmap.
@Derez · 2022-10-17v1.2
PndAudioExoPlayer - For online radio stations apps B4A
This wrapper is no substitute for Erel''''s ExoPlayer, it was created with one goal in mind, to make it easier to create applications that use the online radio streams.
@Pendrush · 2022-10-16v1.30
SD: Bluetooth Printer B4A
Print text on bluetooth thermal printers.
@Star-Dust · 2022-10-16v0.21
An image loading and caching library B4A
An image loading and caching library. Glide library supports fetching, decoding, images, and animated GIFs for Android.
@tummosoft · 2022-10-15v2.0.1