WebP images B4AB4IB4J
Cross platform library that loads the new WebP format images. Android natively supports this format so the regular LoadBitmap methods will also work.
@Erel · 2025-02-12v1.01
Introducing TastyToast – Animated Notifications for B4A B4A
Based on the original TastyToast thread, I have updated the library and added the confusion notification, inspired by the TastyToast repository.
@fernando1987 · 2025-02-11v2025-02-11
rESP32RGBLEDC is an open source library to set the color of a RGB LED connected to an ESP32 using the Arduino-ESP32 LEDC API.
@rwblinn · 2025-02-10v2025-02-10
AS RoundSlider B4AB4IB4J
AS RoundSlider [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-08v1.01
AS SectionedSlider B4AB4IB4J
AS SectionedSlider [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-08v1.00
ASLabel - CrossPlatform Label B4AB4IB4J
This is a simple label view, in IOS roundings are removed when resizing or colors are not displayed properly. This can be fixed by placing a panel under the label, this view does the work for you. Just set the properties you want in the designer like in a normal label.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-08v1.04
WebApiUtils v3 B4J
A utility class to simplify the development for server app using project template Web API Server v3.00+.
@aeric · 2025-02-07v3.05
AS Radio Button B4AB4IB4J
AS Radio Button [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-06v1.05
AS RangeRoundSlider B4AB4IB4J
AS RangeRoundSlider [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-06v1.06
MiniHtmlParser - simple html parser implemented with B4X B4AB4IB4J
MiniHtmlParser is a cross platform class that parses html strings and creates a tree with the various elements. It is a less powerful alternative to jTidy or jSoup, however it is simple to use, cross platform and as it is implemented in B4X it can be extended quite easily.
@Erel · 2025-02-06v0.95
AS Chips - Display your Hashtags, Filters or Categories B4AB4IB4J
AS Chips - Display your Hashtags, Filters or Categories [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-03v1.13
AS DropDownBox - simple in app notification/information panel B4AB4IB4J
AS DropDownBox - simple in app notification/information panel [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-03v1.02
OpenAI library B4J
OpenAI library
@Tim Chapman · 2025-02-03v2025-02-03
AS BlinkTextView B4AB4IB4J
A TextView that blinks, just like the good old HTML tag.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-02v1.00
AS PlusMinus B4AB4IB4J
AS PlusMinus [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-01v1.00
AS SelectionList - Single or multiple selection B4AB4IB4J
AS SelectionList - Single or multiple selection [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-01v2.06
AS TimePickerDialog based on B4XDialog and AS_TimePicker B4AB4IB4J
AS TimePickerDialog based on B4XDialog and AS_TimePicker [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-01v1.06
SimpleLottieB4A B4A
Edited and simplified version of the AXrLottie source for compatibility with Api34
@intellvold · 2025-01-31v2025-01-31
AS NumberProgressBar B4AB4IB4J
AS NumberProgressBar [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-30v1.01
B4XDrawerAdvanced - Sliding Drawer - Left and Right Panel B4AB4IB4J
I took the original B4XDrawer code from @Erel and modified it to create a new view. This view supports right panel in B4A and B4I. What was often requested.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-30v1.61