Magnetic Field Calculator B4AB4IB4J
Magnetic Field Calculator [B4X]
@John Naylor · 2024-11-27v2024-11-27
AS BottomColorChooser B4AB4IB4J
AS BottomColorChooser [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-11-26v2024-11-26
lmB4XDateTemplate B4AB4IB4J
Enhanced version of B4XDateTemplate [B4X]
@LucaMs · 2024-11-24v2024-11-24
lmB4XMultiDateDlg B4AB4IB4J
Crossplatform (B4A, B4J, B4i) library that provides a template (lmB4XDateTemplate2) to use with B4XDateDialog to highlight N dates (and make them clickable). It is very useful for developing SW for appointments, notes, reservations, schedulers, reminders, ...
@LucaMs · 2024-11-22v2024-11-22
AS Stories B4AB4IB4J
Library that shows a horizontal progress like Instagram stories. You can add your own layout like on the AS_ViewPager. The AS_Stories supports lazy laoding too.>
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-11-18v1.02
nanoSvg Library B4AB4IB4J
nanoSvg Library [cross-platform] [B4X] [XUI]
@mazezone · 2024-11-18v2024-11-18
ShapeFile Reader B4J
ShapeFile Reader
@tchart · 2024-11-18v2024-11-18
Lottie animation B4J
Lottie animation
@jkhazraji · 2024-11-15v2024-11-15
Manage External Storage - access internal external storage > SDK 30 B4A
A class that lets apps on SDK 30 and higher devices treat the file store as a real file store and not some dumbed down abstracted thing.
@agraham · 2024-11-11v2024-11-11
MinimaListUtils B4J
A utility class to manipulate a simple List of Map to do basic CRUD.
@aeric · 2024-11-11v1.07
ABKeystoreSSL: SSL Certificate generator using Let''''s Encrypt B4J
ABKeystoreSSL: SSL Certificate generator using Let''''s Encrypt
@alwaysbusy · 2024-11-08v1.07
Intellvold New B4A CardView B4A
Intellvold New B4A CardView
@intellvold · 2024-11-01v2024-11-01
GPBilling B4A
This library wraps the GooglePlayBilling base library. It returns the results in structures as they are built in the Google accounting system.
@Jerryk · 2024-10-29v1.0
GPBpurchases - Google Play Billing purchases library B4A
GPBpurchases - Google Play Billing purchases library
@Jerryk · 2024-10-29v1.1
EasyAR B4A
EasyAR [Augmented Reality] Library
@walterf25 · 2024-10-27v2024-10-27
GreenApi - WhatsApp API B4AB4IB4J
Green API is a platform that allows you to send and receive WhatsApp messages through a stable API.
@Mariano Ismael Castro · 2024-10-25v1.40
UsbSerial B4A
This is an expanded version of the original UsbSerial library. It has added support for Prolific PL2303 USB to serial converters, Android ADK devices and USB permissions. All devices use the same simple interface intended to be used with AsyncStreams and AsyncStreamsText. Note that AsyncStreams prefix mode is not supported. The library is based on the same open source project Android USB host serial driver library as the existing UsbSerial library but no longer needs a separate jar file as the project source code is incorporated in the library.
@Erel · 2024-10-25v2.6
SDZipLibrary improvement B4A
SDZipLibrary improvement
@Alain75 · 2024-10-23v2024-10-23
Generic Android powered 1D/2D laser barcode scanner library B4A
Generic Android powered 1D/2D laser barcode scanner library
@Peter Simpson · 2024-10-22v1.20
the second series of XUI Views
@Star-Dust · 2024-10-21v0.16