TTSextras - Freedom of Speech B4A
TTSextras allows you to: 1) save raw PCM (android''''s default) audio output to a file in your system''''s Documents folder. do with it as you see fit. 2) save synthesized output (as a .wav file) to RuntimePermissions.GetSafeDirDefaultExternal("") or to your systems''''s Files folder. listen and share to your heart''''s content. 3) synthesize text greater than 4000 bytes at a time. obviously, within the limits of your device''''s memory. 4) easy voice selection and identification. you can map a given voice to a user-friendly description for future reference.
@drgottjr · 2024-10-21v2024-10-21
Sithaso SDUIFetch - A Non Head Cracking Approach to BANanoFetch B4J
Sithaso SDUIFetch - A Non Head Cracking Approach to BANanoFetch [Web]
@Mashiane · 2024-10-19v2024-10-19
Sithaso SDUIPocketBase - Use PocketBase BackEnd in your BANano Projects B4J
Sithaso SDUIPocketBase - Use PocketBase BackEnd in your BANano Projects [Web]
@Mashiane · 2024-10-19v2024-10-19
addoMedia3 - AndroidX Media3 Exoplayer Wrapper B4A
addoMedia3 - AndroidX Media3 Exoplayer Wrapper
@Addo · 2024-10-15v1.9
AS AnimatedCounter B4AB4IB4J
This is a Animated Counter with more Features. The Class is based on this class from Erel. Features: -Negativ Numbers -Positiv Numbers -Compatible with B4A,B4I and B4J -The Numbers are Centered -Automatic Counting
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-10-10v2.00
AS SegmentedTab B4AB4IB4J
AS SegmentedTab [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-10-10v1.22
CLVDragger B4AB4IB4J
Modified version of CLVDragger which will work on B4A, B4i and B4J
@aeric · 2024-10-10v2024-10-10
B4XMenuPlus B4AB4IB4J
Extension for B4XPages menu. Replacing B4XPages.AddMenuItem().
@Gfy · 2024-10-09v1.01
Walk File Tree: Recursive file find B4J
This library has one class which finds files that match the specified glob pattern in any selected path, then they are returned in a list.
@jkhazraji · 2024-10-09v2024-10-09
1D and 2D Barcode Scanner ZXING B4A
Android library projects that provides easy to use and extensible Barcode Scanner views based on ZXing and ZBar.
@Johan Schoeman · 2024-10-06v2024-10-06
jtokkit - Java Tokenizer Kit B4J
JTokkit is a Java tokenizer library designed for use with OpenAI models.
@DonManfred · 2024-10-05v2024-10-05
concave hull: a k-nearest neighbours approach B4J
concave hull: a k-nearest neighbours approach
@MbedAndroid · 2024-09-22v2024-09-22
FrostPocketBaseMobile - A Full Wrapper for Pocketbase-mobile server B4A
FrostPocketBaseMobile is a B4A wrapper around the Pocketbase-mobile library by Rohit Sangwan. This wrapper brings the power of a Pocketbase Server to your B4A projects, allowing you to easily integrate a lightweight, self-hosted backend into your Android apps.
@FrostCodes · 2024-09-22v2024-09-22
jSD_EscPosPrinter B4J
This library allows you to print text and image to bluetooth thermal printers. Works with Bluetooth and USB. For USB thermal printers you need the driver.
@Star-Dust · 2024-09-21v1.30
AS StepSeekBar - StepSlider B4AB4IB4J
AS StepSeekBar - StepSlider [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-09-20v1.05
AS View Pager based on xCustomListView B4AB4IB4J
AS View Pager based on xCustomListView [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-09-18v2.08
JSONPath: create, read and modify JSON files using a path syntax B4AB4IB4J
JSONPath: create, read and modify JSON files using a path syntax [B4X] [BANano] [CLASS]
@alwaysbusy · 2024-09-16v2024-09-16
SD_Curtain B4AB4IB4J
Page transitions with curtain effect (B4A, B4J)
@Star-Dust · 2024-09-16v2024-09-16
My Serial Comms Class B4J
My Serial Comms Class (as a library) is a wrapper for the standard serial comms (jSerail) and TCP networking (jNetwork) B4J libraries. I wrote it to more easily switch between physical RS232 (or RS485) serial comms and TCP network ports when controlling physical equipment.
@Starchild · 2024-09-14v2024-09-14
B4Xtesseract4android ver 4.70 B4A
B4Xtesseract4android ver 4.70
@roberto64 · 2024-09-12v2024-09-12