Library Check Signature
This is simple library to check signature APK.
@MarcoRome · 2020-01-13
Casty - Cast Videos to Google Cast Devices
Casty is a small Android library that provides a simple media player for Chromecast. It''s fully consistent with Google Cast v3.
@DonManfred · 2020-01-05
Document Scanner
Automatically detect a document on a photo then scan it
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-01-03
FFmpeg_b4a - a FFmpeg library for b4a (decoding/streaming)
FFmpeg_b4a - a FFmpeg library for b4a (decoding/streaming)
@moster67 · 2020-01-03
Uses the most accurate clock available on the device, resets on reboot so only really useful for working with elapsed time in an app.
@stevel05 · 2019-12-31
Network Service Discovery - Apple Bonjour - mDNS - Zero Configuration Networking
I am designing an IoT device that required an auto-discovery service. I did not find any way to easily read a Bonjour Answer (mDNS - [5353]). To fix my problem I decided to wrap the Network service discovery (NSD) from android. Library Code :
@Dylan Meng · 2019-12-30
Heart Rate Measurement - 100% embedded in B4A
Android based heart rate monitor which uses the camera and its flash to determine the users heart rate in beats per minute.
@Johan Schoeman · 2019-12-28
Firebase ML-Vision [OnDevice Text-, Barcode-, Imagelabeling, Face- and Contour-Recognition]
This is a wrap for the Firebase ML-Vision live detection of - Text - Barcodes - Faces - Facontour - and Imagelabeling.
@DonManfred · 2019-12-27
CSBuilder, store in JSON format
This class can parse JSON to generate CSBuilder. Create a json string, save it in a file, add it to assets folder, and display it with this class. All the CSBuilder capabilities are supported.
@spsp · 2019-12-26
1D and 2D Barcode Scanner ZBAR
Android library projects that provides easy to use and extensible Barcode Scanner views based on ZXing and ZBar.
@Johan Schoeman · 2019-12-14
Pie chart
@soyVB6 · 2019-12-13
B4xEasyTabber - Cross Platform Tabber
What I wanted was a no frills tabber that allowed programmatic alteration of its content in addition to designer support. What I also wanted was a tabber that didn''t use multiple "pages" on iOS''s NavigationController.
@Jack Cole · 2019-12-11
Spinner Wheel - Vertical and Horizontal
Spin the wheel with a finger - up or down. The spinner is cyclic i.e it acts like a circular buffer.
@Johan Schoeman · 2019-12-10
A simple library that creates BottomSheets according to the Material Design specs:
@mshafiee110 · 2019-11-26
Create static door signs using DoorSignView or, if you''re into fancy things, give a try to AnimatedDoorSignView for adding a cool animation based on the device orientation sensor(s).
@mshafiee110 · 2019-11-26
Simple Android view to represent an angle (Goniometry).
@mshafiee110 · 2019-11-26
Hprob is a Horizontal Progress bar. It is a view showing progress with a number on it. When you want to express a progress or a record.
@mshafiee110 · 2019-11-26
InsLoadingAnimation is imitation of instagram and weibo avator animation of loading for Android. More information and code analysis please see blog:
@mshafiee110 · 2019-11-26
Android Particles Drawable and View.
@mshafiee110 · 2019-11-26
A simple, yet awesome sliding button for Android.
@mshafiee110 · 2019-11-26
A simple progress loader inspired by "Can you Code this UI? Volume 6!"
@mshafiee110 · 2019-11-26
Trianglify is an Android library that helps creates views with beautiful patterns. Trianglify is based on MVP architecture and licensed under MIT license.
@mshafiee110 · 2019-11-26
TypeWriter view
@mshafiee110 · 2019-11-26
Wrapper for Doki/Don''t Kill My App
If you have worked on an app that has a service that needs to be running all the time, you must have gone through the delightful experience of different phones killing your background service in different ways, despite taking all the corrective measures.
@Inman · 2019-11-23
TableView Sort Icons
When I use Flexible Table (, most times I forget to include the sorting icons in fileassets. Furthermore, I wanted a dynamical way of creating such icons, so I modified the library code. If you find useful, please include in future versions.
@advansis · 2019-11-08
ImageInternetChooser: pick image icon up from Internet directly
End-users of some apps may need to choose small icons to save it into app''s database. But there was no tool to choose a needed icon in 2-3 taps, but the Internet is always under finger. It seems, now it''s possible.
@peacemaker · 2019-11-06
This library wraps the android AsyncTask class. AsyncTask enables proper and easy use of the UI thread. This class allows you to perform background operations and publish results on the UI thread without having to manipulate threads and/or handlers. An asynchronous task is defined by a computation that runs on a background thread and whose result is published on the UI thread. An asynchronous task is defined by 3 generic types, called Params, Progress and Result, and 4 steps, called PreExecute, DoInBackground, ProgressUpdate and PostExecute.
@warwound · 2019-11-01
This is a simple to use library that enables you to create a NamedPipe. Your NamedPipe can be used to send and receive bytes from one process to another process.
@warwound · 2019-11-01
This is a simple library i want to share. It wraps three thread related java classes: AsyncTask, Process, Runnable
@warwound · 2019-11-01
HBRecorder [Screen recorder]
Lightweight screen and audio capturing Android library
@somed3v3loper · 2019-10-10