Another View Pager which can smoothly slide between panels with lazy loading, suitable for sliding images, doesn''t require any external libraries
@KZero · 2020-04-27
A beautiful Android custom seek bar, which has a bubble view with progress appearing upon when seeking. Highly customizable, mostly demands has been considered.
@somed3v3loper · 2020-04-22
@somed3v3loper · 2020-04-22
Lottie is a mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile! For the first time, designers can create and ship beautiful animations without an engineer painstakingly recreating it by hand.
@DonManfred · 2020-04-19
Firebase UI Auth - a new Dimension in Authentication
This is a Wrap for the Firebase UI-bindings found at Github. It offers Authentification using - Google-Account (Tested) - email and password authentification (Tested) - Telephone-Authentification (Tested) - Twitter (Not tested as i do not have a Twitter-Dev Account) - Facebook (Not tested as i do not have a Facebookr-Dev Account) For the last two (Twitter and Facebook) there must be made additional changes to the Manifest.
@DonManfred · 2020-04-18
Just another Grid view; main features: - Support custom layouts - Can handle any number of items - Support Right to left - Adjustable items count per row - Divider size
@KZero · 2020-04-12
ProBundle contains all the following libraries: - ArchiverPlusZip v1.13 Based on the Zip4j library, this library allows to add, extract, update and remove files from a zip archive. It supports encryption and decryption (standard and AES), Zip64 format and split zip archives. It is compatible with B4J. - ClassLoader v1.0 This library can dynamically load classes from a separate file (JAR or uninstalled APK) at runtime and verify the file signatures to make sure of its origin and integrity. You can use the library to create plug-ins, load code encrypted in the assets or download code from a remote server, for example. - CPUFeatures + source v1.0 This library detects the target device''s CPU family and the maximum number of CPU cores. - DataCollection v1.07 This library wraps the ArrayDeque, BitSet, PriorityQueue, SparseArray, Stack, TreeMap and TreeSet classes. These classes can replace your lists, maps or arrays for specific tasks. A TreeSet, for example, can maintain a sorted list of objects in a more efficient manner than a typical List class. A TreeMap is a map whose entries are sorted by their keys. A SparseArray is also a sorted map, but restricted to integer keys, that is lightning-fast. This library can serialize to an array of bytes any collection, including Map, List and user defined types. A version for B4J is provided (without the SparseArray). - F5Steg v1.2 This library implements F5, a secure steganographic algorithm, which embeds data into images. Data are encrypted with a password or, by default, with the application signature (thus any tampering of the APK will prevent from extracting valid data). - FastIO + source v0.9 This library replaces the Read and Write functions (with their encrypted variant) of the RandomAccessFile library for arrays of bytes. These new functions are a lot faster. - OverlayWindow + source v1.2 This library allows to create overlay windows and floating buttons. These interactive views can be displayed on top of all other applications. - PackageUtils v2.1 This library replaces the PackageManager class of the Phone library. It gives plenty of informations on packages (activities, features, permissions, receivers, services, etc.) and can list the features available on the system (camera, gps, wifi, etc.). It allows experts to change the enabled state of components. An application is provided with the library to show what you can get with it. - UltimateArchiver v0.91 This library wraps P7Zip, a command line utility that can create archives with the 7z, zip, bzip2, gzip, tar or xz format. It can unpack files with extension 7z, cab, gz, img, iso, jar, rar, tar, zip and a few others. It supports encryption/decryption and volumes. It is written in C to be as fast as possible. - UnArchiver7z v1.0 Based on the official source code in C of 7zip, this library allows to extract files from a 7z archive compressed with the Lzma or Lzma2 method. It can unpack an archive directly from the assets. It does not support decryption. - UnArchiverRar v1.04 Based on the official source code in C++ of the UnRar.dll, this library allows to extract files from a Rar archive. It supports decryption, Rar5 format, QuickOpen records and split Rar archives.
@Informatix · 2020-04-09
Attitude Indicator
This is a sample application that uses the Android rotation sensor and displays the device rotation (pitch/roll) with a custom view (an attitude indicator, aka "artificial horizon").
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-04-05
Subsampling Scale Image View Library
A custom image view for Android, designed for photo galleries and displaying huge images (e.g. maps and building plans) without OutOfMemoryErrors. Includes pinch to zoom, panning, and rotation support, and allows easy extension so you can add your own overlays and touch event detection.
@Pendrush · 2020-04-04
MQTT Multiplayer Library
This is a MQTT Multiplayer Library created by one of the best B4A library creators and member in the B4X Community. I use his libraries in all of my games. I didnât write any of this code and I told him I would keep his identity private unless he wanted to reveal who he is.
@paris7162 · 2020-04-03
Simple Slider Horizontal with PreoptimizedCLV - xCustomListView
I add a simple example of a horizontal slider of images, it is very easy to use, and to modify according to the need of each one.
@scsjc · 2020-04-03
AmazonDeviceMessaging [ADM]
Amazon Device Messaging (ADM) lets you send messages to Amazon devices that run your app, so you can keep users up to date and involved. Whether you''re giving a user a game update or letting them know that a message from their buddy has arrived, ADM helps you stay in touch.
@DonManfred · 2020-03-30
AnimateProgressBar - Standard Progress Bars are Animated Now
This library animates standard progress bars. It doesn''t add any view
@ProgrammedComputer · 2020-03-30
Using xListview you can add tens of thousands of items instantly with an extremely low memory footprint.
@KZero · 2020-03-23
MaterialDrawer V0.9 (Mike Penz)
It provides you with the easiest possible implementation of a navigation drawer for your application. There is a Header with profiles (AccountHeader), a MiniDrawer for Tablets (like Gmail), provide custom DrawerItems, custom colors, custom themes, ... No limits for customizations.
@DonManfred · 2020-03-22
ScaleImageView - jpg_jgw and vector maps
ScaleImageView - jpg_jgw and vector maps
@js486dog · 2020-03-19
jcifs-ng SMB-Client [SMB2]
jcifs-ng SMB-Client [SMB2]
@DonManfred · 2020-03-15
FusedLocationProvider is Android''s latest attempt to improve the location services available to your applications. Official documentation can be found here: https://developer.android.com/google/play-services/location.html. This library depends on the Google Play Services library and the GPS library. The GPS library is required in order to use it''s Location object.
@warwound · 2020-03-12
SharedPreferences - Save Key-value data
SharedPreferences - Save Key-value data
@ProgrammedComputer · 2020-03-11
WatchFace Library
With this library you can create WatchFaces for Android Wear devices with B4A.
@corwin42 · 2020-03-05
aPOI - A wrapper for jPOI for Android
aPOI - A wrapper for jPOI for Android
@DonManfred · 2020-03-01
This library contains an FFT object for performing Fast Fourier Transforms.
@klaus · 2020-02-27
Firebase RemoteConfig
Firebase Remote Config is a cloud service that lets you change the behavior and appearance of your app without requiring users to download an app update.
@DonManfred · 2020-02-25
Accessibility Services (assisting users with disabilities, automation etc)
This is a partial wrap/library for Android''s Accessibility Services which you can read about here: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityService
@moster67 · 2020-02-22
The standard way to build the UI in Basic4android is with the visual designer / designer script. You can also create UI elements by code. This library adds a third option which is to use xml files to define the layout. This is Google''s standard method. This option is especially useful if you want to reuse resources created for an Android Java project. All three options can be combined together.
@Erel · 2020-02-20
jMQTT - Official Android MQTT client
jMQTT - Official Android MQTT client
@Erel · 2020-02-17
A geo-spatial capable database, enabling fast and efficient storage and retrieval of geo-spatial data types.
@warwound · 2020-02-06
MediaProjectionScreenshot library
Make a screenshot of Android APi21+ system (or multiple screenshots) of the real device screen size (without black borders), it includes the virtual buttons block. The source code is published also under LGPL license: please, upload any updated lib version and its source code to this forum, if you downloaded it and updated.
@peacemaker · 2020-01-26
This EditText fixes a few issues with the standard EditText and adds new features: - Filter: you can transform any input before the text is changed; - Mask: you can define an input mask; - Read-only: you can protect your EditText against changes; - Error popup: you can display a message in a popup to warn the user
@Informatix · 2020-01-23
A B4A wrapper of VLC player
@Moster67 · 2020-01-14