IME2 Library
I have been having a lot of trouble lately with layouts being corrupted when rotating a device with the soft keyboard open. The problem stems from trying to use the IME library HeightChanged event. Unfortunately Android provides no direct way to determine whether the soft keyboard is shown or not so the IME.HeightChanged event uses a bit of a hack. to detect this. The problem that I have found is that, particularly when rotating a device with the keyboard is open, different soft keyboards and different devices produce different erroneous layouts after rotation, particularly in split mode. In some devices it works well, others produce poor results. The IME2 library provides some extra methods to help sort this problem and the KeyboardTest app uses them to demonstrate obtaining the correct layout after device rotation with the keyboard open in all normal and split mode combinations in portrait and landscape. This app works on all my devices but may not work on yours.
@agraham · 2020-08-21
B4ALibraryAds [UMP]
User Messaging Platform [UMP] Library
A new better way to get consent from EEA users.
@Pendrush · 2020-08-20
AXEmojiView is an advanced Android Library which adds emoji,sticker,... support to your Android application
@User242424 · 2020-08-17
StartApp ads service
An example of how to use StartApp, banner and interstitial with lasted SDK version.
@Douglas Farias · 2020-08-17
Text Recognition for Android using Google Mobile Vision. The Mobile Vision Text API gives Android developers a powerful and reliable OCR capability that works with most Android devices.
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-08-15
AS Gallery - show images from folders [image- and video-thumbnails]
AS Gallery - show images from folders [image- and video-thumbnails]
@Alexander Stolte · 2020-08-13
B4ALibraryViews - effects
Another B4A Library that makes any view to be zoomable
@User242424 · 2020-08-08
Tiles gives the user quick access to a specific task or functionality of the app without opening the app itself, improving the productivity and overall user-experience of the app.
@User242424 · 2020-08-06
Various chart types
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-08-05
This library uses OpenCV 3.x library to identify the shapes in the photo and provide you with the coordinates of the points of each shape.
@OGmac · 2020-07-31
Loaders Pack - Android Loaders
Loaders Pack - Android Loaders. A replacement of default android material progress bar with loaders. Original library: https://github.com/agrawalsuneet/LoadersPack-Android
@Pendrush · 2020-07-18
Library for creating and subscribing to meEvent custom events
The library of simple creation and subscription to user events meEvent allows you to create an event variable in any module (class), and then in other modules (classes) it is easy to subscribe or unsubscribe from these events.
@Darsiar · 2020-07-12
SD: Panel Navigator
SD: Panel Navigator
@Star-Dust · 2020-06-30
MaatisaLibs - Collection of Themes & Tools
This lib contains 4 Classes and one manifest attribute for changing theme in version 1.00. 1- MaatisaScaleFont v1.00 Class: Balanced FontSize in any Devices. 2- MaatisaLinkSupport v1.00 Class: Labels with Link Support. 3- MaatisaCustomToast v1.00 Class: A custom toast message with custom FontFamily, FontColor, FontSize, Shape Color and Shape''s border radius. 4- MaatisaPersianNumber v1.00 Class: Converts any digits to Persian digits. (It is useful to Middle-East users, Persian, Arabic and...) 5- Available themes in Library: [Contains 20 Themes]
@Mohsen Torabi · 2020-06-29
B4ALibraryComms & Network
Socket.IO Client Library
Socket.IO Client Library
@Biswajit · 2020-06-27
Custom AlertView Dialogue is the world''s most advanced alert view library. Custom AlertView Dialogue includes simple message popups, confirmation alerts, selector popups, action sheet bottom menus, and input/feedback contact forms. This library fixes many issues and crashes that plague other alert dialogue libraries and looks amazing while doing so!
@alimanam3386 · 2020-06-25
SD ScheduledAnimations
Setting up multiple animations and executing them according to a schedule The animations are added to a list of STEP and are executed one after the other. You can set to stop the execution of the animations for each animation step made or you can perform all the steps of the animations to follow. Obviously it is a panel and like every panel it is possible to add some views inside it
@Star-Dust · 2020-06-25
Displays a list on a rotating wheel.
@Derez · 2020-06-25
FirebaseAdMob v1.6
Google has added a few new requirements to AdMob implementation. You must make these changes if you are using the latest versions of Android SDK libraries (firebase-ads 18.1.1+).
@Erel · 2020-06-21
B4ALibraryhttp [B4A-B4J CHARGEABLE]
Amir_Retrofit [B4A-B4J Chargeable]
A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java.
@alimanam3386 · 2020-06-11
Another B4A Barcode Scanner - based on Android Vision
Another B4A Barcode Scanner - based on Android Vision
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-06-07
Using GeoLocator-Android you could easily get you GPS based location from Android Devices
@DonManfred · 2020-06-04
B4ALibraryImages [CUSTOM VIEW]
GifViewer [custom view]
Simple view that shows an animated gif. Based on agraham''s GifDecoder library.
@Erel · 2020-06-02
Exception, raise, log and format
Sometimes you need to stop a piece of code and explain why you have to do it. A good way is to raise an exception and to give information about the reason why. This little class offers you a pratical way to do this.
@spsp · 2020-05-22
The ShortcutBadger makes your Android App show the count of unread messages as a badge on your App shortcut!
@DonManfred · 2020-05-20
Printing and Pdf creation
This is an Android 4.4+ (API 19+) library. Its two main features are: 1. Creating Pdf documents with the PdfDocument object. 2. Printing with the Printer object.
@Erel · 2020-05-18
The NumberProgressBar is a bar, slim and sexy
@DonManfred · 2020-05-15
Functional calendar library for Android - Horizontal swipe - Show dot for one day event - Show line for multiple days event
@DonManfred · 2020-05-12
ShapeDrawable - Clipped rounded rectangle and circle shape
A drawable that draws shapes. You can draw Arc, Oval, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, even a Custom Shape (using Path). The content of the view will be clipped only for rectangle, circle, and rounded rectangle shapes.
@Biswajit · 2020-05-11
Webview Custom Error Page
This code module will return a custom HTML design along with the actual error message instead of the default webview error page.
@Biswajit · 2020-05-11