ShSlideToAct [Wrapped from kotlin]
A simple Slide to Unlock Material widget for Android
@Salar82 · 2020-12-05
HMS v1.02 adds support for banner and interstitial ads.
@Erel · 2020-11-25
B4ALibraryHuawei [HUAWEI]
HMS [Huawei] - DRM verification
It allows checking whether the app was purchased from the store or not.
@Erel · 2020-11-24
IOS like Spinner
IOSspinner is a custom control with designer support. The control mimicks the spinner used by IOS/Apple.
@Guenter Becker · 2020-11-19
IOS like switch
IOSswitch is a custom control with designer support. I mimics an IOS/Apple like switch.
@Guenter Becker · 2020-11-18
B4ALibraryMenu [DRAWER]
FoldableMenu is a customview lib being used with the designer. It shows a menu tree with branches and leafs (see appended screenshot). The menu is customizable in deep with Backgroundcolors, Textfont, Textcolor and Textsize by setting the appropriated properties in designers customview
@Guenter Becker · 2020-11-07
- Ability to reduce the size of images to 100 KB or even more without loss of quality. - Change configurations and personalization on the compressor type, such as changing the RGB color range and specifying the color spectrum when compressing. - Change the quality of the width, height and format of the reduced file size - Has an event or event Error, Start and Success to use multiple images at the same time. - Full compatibility with AndroidX.
@Alimoeini · 2020-11-03
Webview - Right click to save image
Webview - Right click to save image
@drgottjr · 2020-11-03
B4ALibraryPush notifications
HMS / Huwaei Push Kit
HMS push notifications are similar to iOS push notifications. These are "notification" messages. They are intercepted by the OS which then displays a notification. The app is not started and no code runs. This is different than FCM messages which start the app in the background.
@Erel · 2020-11-01
Hitex TransformationLayout
Transform into a different view or activity using morphing animations.
@sadeq.hitex · 2020-10-29
Scanner TextBa
Scanner TextBa
@roberto64 · 2020-10-29
Hitex Intent
An almost complete intent
@sadeq.hitex · 2020-10-27
With this library, you can create 3 models of bottom navigation with Simple , Morph and Meow modes , and enjoy its many personalizations.
@Alimoeini · 2020-10-26
B4ALibraryList- and scrollview [LIB, CHARGEABLE]
Amir_RecyclerView [Lib, Chargeable]
RecyclerView, an important part of the sdk and android for making a custom list with better Layout , animation , and fixed for large data set.
@alimanam3386 · 2020-10-26
scan code Qtr barracode etc ...
scan code Qtr barracode etc ...
@roberto64 · 2020-10-24
Huawei SDK + Analytics
This library is very simple, it connects to the HMS SDK and then sends Stats to Analytics services like: Which Activity open, users actions, etc. Works on every brand phone,
@Ferdari · 2020-10-23
Code Scanner
Awesome Code scanner library for Android, This is multi code scanner module. You can scan QR, Barcode etc in your app using this library. This library is based on ZXing.
@roberto64 · 2020-10-18
SD GhigliottinaMenu (GuillotineMenu)
SD Menu (with Animation)
@Star-Dust · 2020-10-12
B4ALibraryFirebase [CLOUD][CHARGEABLE]
Firebase - [Cloud]Firestore [Chargeable]
Firebase - [Cloud]Firestore
@DonManfred · 2020-10-10
Ready to run SDK
The recommended way to manage Android SDK is explained here: https://www.b4x.com/b4a.html#installation Some users encounter issues (mostly network issues) that prevent them from downloading the required components. As a workaround you can follow these steps to download the SDK with the required items already installed. You can later add more components with B4A Sdk Manager.
@Erel · 2020-10-07
AmazonAds Library
AmazonAds Library
@Pendrush · 2020-09-24
AES Encrypt/Decrypt [Encryption/Decryption] B4A and B4J library
AES Encrypt/Decrypt [Encryption/Decryption] B4A and B4J library
@Peter Simpson · 2020-09-22
B4ALibraryAction Bar, Drawer, etc
Smooth Bottom Bar - BottomNavigationView
Simple bottom navigation view library for Android (Kotlin, AndroidX, Spring Animation)
@hongthuanjsc · 2020-09-22
ImageSlideshow For B4A
This is an android image slider library. Just add the images you want to view
@hongthuanjsc · 2020-09-19
B4ALibraryFile handling
FilePicker Library for Android Wrapper -InlineJAVA
A FilePicker library for Android for selecting multiple types of files and also to capture Images and Videos.
@hongthuanjsc · 2020-09-18
FirebaseStorage - Simple file storage backend
FirebaseStorage service is similar to a FTP server. Clients can upload and download files. FirebaseStorage takes it a step further and adds an authorization layer.
@Erel · 2020-09-14
Social Share Library
This is a library to share text in all social apps and not only... I compiled the code into a library and made it a lot easier for me and for everyone to use it.
@hatzisn · 2020-09-06
Analytics & Crash Reports
@Erel · 2020-09-03
SD: ZipLibrary
SD: ZipLibrary
@Star-Dust · 2020-09-03
As AHSwipeToRefresh lib cannot work now with WebView (seems, due to AndroidX) - any solution must be found for pull-to-refresh. So, CLVSwipe Erel''s class was reworked into this WVSwipe result class (only for Android from my side).
@peacemaker · 2020-09-03