This is a small class that shows how to call from B4A the FFMPEG wrapper created by Taner Sener:
@CaptKronos · 2021-03-04
Simple Combo box [with source]
Simple Combo box [with source]
@incendio · 2021-03-03
MarkdownView for Android
MarkdownView is a simple library that helps you display Markdown text or files on Android as a html page just like Github.
@hoiketoan95 · 2021-03-01
AdManager Library
Wrapper for AdManager Library: Banner, Interstitial and Rewarded Ads only.
@Pendrush · 2021-02-22
AppUpdating 2.0 - update non-market apps
AppUpdating 2.0 is a partial rewrite of AppUpdating, a lib written back in 2014 to allow the remote update of non-market applications hosted on a webserver.
@udg · 2021-02-18
ScaleImageView - Pan and zoom large images
Instead of loading the entire image at once it only fully decodes from the image file the areas needed for display. As a bonus the pre-zooming and centering is very accurate and works a treat.
@agraham · 2021-02-18
The Net library supports FTP, SMTP and POP3 protocols. This library replaces the FTP library. Both regular connections and SSL connections are supported. SMTP - Allows you to directly connect to SMTP mail servers and send mails, including Html messages and attachments (more complicated than it may sound ;)) POP3 - Allows you to directly connect to POP3 mail servers and download messages. Currently the messages are not parsed. The raw string is returned. You can use MailParser class to parse the raw messages.
@Erel · 2021-02-14
This library provides a LinkedList object which can be used as a stack, queue, or double-ended queue. It also includes an ArraysExtra object that allows arrays to be partially or fully copied, cloned, partially or fully filled with a given value, sorted and searched. ArraysExtra can also return, using the ToString method, a comma separated string representation of the contents of an array of Strings or of a primitive type.
@Agraham · 2021-02-11
Simple Floating Button [Source included]
Simple Floating Button [Source included]
@incendio · 2021-02-10
Date and time related methods
@Erel · 2021-02-07
A library providing a PageTurnView that providing a page turn animation for displaying Bitmaps.
@Agraham · 2021-02-06
Huawei Ads Kit
Huawei Ads Kit
@Pendrush · 2021-02-04
MoPub Ads Library
MoPub Ads Library
@Pendrush · 2021-02-03
FTP server + Material Design
Simple FTP server and modern UI.
@Abdulizor · 2021-01-26
B4A ScreenRecorder
Here is a wrapper/library which lets you record the screen and save it as a video file.
@Moster67 · 2021-01-24
This class shows the consent form required for ads in EEC countries and UK in several languages (see Consts in Class_Globals). It''s almost a clone of the Google Consent form.
@Ivan Aldaz · 2021-01-09
AXrLottie (Android) Renders animations and vectors exported in the bodymovin JSON format. (Using rlottie)
@User242424 · 2021-01-06
StdActionBar (Standard ActionBar) library is based on the native ActionBar API, therefore it is only supported by Android 4+.
@Erel · 2021-01-03
Video Player with Full Screen Option Native
Video Player with Full Screen Option Native
@Alberto Iglesias · 2021-01-03
Chilkat-Bundle B4A
Chilkat is a cross-language, cross-platform API providing 90+ classes for many Internet protocols, formats, and algorithms.
@DonManfred · 2020-12-31
Protect app with code
This library protects app with pin. It uses a protected kvs (pinLockerLP.dat) file to store the pin. User can enable or disable pin.
@pliroforikos · 2020-12-31
HMS - In App Purchases
HMS - In App Purchases
@Erel · 2020-12-30
Google App Open Ads B4A
Google App Open Ads
@Biswajit · 2020-12-29
AXWaveAnimation is a wave animation or a bubble animation for recording or playing audio using the amplitude of the voice.
@User242424 · 2020-12-28
A library to read and update MS Access .mdb and .accdb database files.
@Agraham · 2020-12-20
db2000 functions
@maXim · 2020-12-18
AES128ECB encryption and decryption native B4A, B4J, VB6, C++, JAVA
AES128ECB encryption and decryption native B4A, B4J, VB6, C++, JAVA
@yancedywiler · 2020-12-15
This library creates a simple dialog for you to which you can add the desired view in any size, and also by changing the margins around it, the location of your dialoge.
@Alimoeini · 2020-12-14
B4XSwitch with adjustable size
This is a mod of the B4XSwitch class in the XUIViews library. I wanted a smaller switch than the default one, and got it by modifying a bit the code. There''s a new property called ''Size'', with 5 possible values: XS, S, M, L and XL. Default value is M, the original size.
@Ivan Aldaz · 2020-12-10
An Android PowerView with awesome animations and circular loading, Inspired by HotspotShieldVPN.
@User242424 · 2020-12-08