BLE Peripheral
A BLE connection is made between a central device and a peripheral device. In most cases the Android device will be the central device. Beacons, heart rate sensors and other BLE devices are implemented as peripheral device. However the Android device can also implement the peripheral role. This is done with this library.
@Erel · 2018-10-07
Animated Label Old Style (Medieval Style...)
Animated Label Old Style (Medieval Style...)
@Yayou49 · 2018-09-14
Allow end users to change (and save) layout''s views positions while running live the apk
This new library allow end users to change by themselves the position of each view in your layout while running live the apk.
@Yayou49 · 2018-09-11
Barcode Scanner supported by Mobile Vision Api
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-09-08
Single LED
A very simple LED view with 2 colors: RED & GREEN with possible blink with duration.
@Yayou49 · 2018-09-06
Button On/Off Old Style
Button On/Off Old Style
@Yayou49 · 2018-09-05
Led Indicator Old Style
A 4 colors led indicator Old Style. It''s possible to set one color by one color (Green/Orange/Red/Black) Possibility also to blink the led with an appropriate duration.
@Yayou49 · 2018-09-05
Potentiometer Old Style
A little potentiometer working with Touch up and Touch down.
@Yayou49 · 2018-09-05
Simple Lunar Library
Well, that''s a Chinese Lunar Library, It''s just convert milliseconds value to Chinese lunar calendar date, e.g. the DateTime.Now
@52manhua · 2018-09-05
Simple WIFI library Updated
This library is based on the library Jem: Which Jem can no longer maintain. I needed some methods that the library did not have, for an application I''m doing, and instead of creating a library from scratch, I preferred to take advantage of Jem''s library and create those methods that I needed. I''ve modified the source code, I have corrected some errors and added new methods that I needed.
@bgsoft · 2018-09-05
VuMeter Old Style
VuMeter Old Style
@Yayou49 · 2018-09-05
TensorFlowLite - an experimental machine/deep learning wrapper
I started playing around with TensorFlowLite for Android/B4A and came up with this wrapper based on various examples found on the internet.
@moster67 · 2018-09-01
GraphView Library
GraphView Library
@walterf25 · 2018-08-27
Custom Android view that helps you displaying large number of sprites. Implemented using OpenGL ES 2.0, resulting in significantly better performance than regular Canvas drawing.
@Ohanian · 2018-08-26
Perform payments with PayPal or credit cards
@MarcoRome · 2018-08-23
Pinyin4j is a popular Java library supporting conversion between Chinese characters and most popular Pinyin systems.
@Moster67 · 2018-08-23
SD Switch
SD Switch
@Star-Dust · 2018-08-22
Tor Onion Router
Enable Android and Java applications to easily host their own Tor Onion Proxies using the core Tor binaries. Just by including an AAR or JAR an app can launch and manage the Tor OP as well as start a hidden service.
@Jamie8763 · 2018-08-19
Contact Picker
I convert all code about select contact to single class easily. This class need to ContactUtils.
@Pooya1 · 2018-08-16
Modified Sdk/AvdManager
Targets: 1) to expand the list of phones / tablets 2) to fix troubles with starting Platform 28 AVDs
@Semen Matusovskiy · 2018-08-10
Bitmaps to Video
This is a library which creates a video from a series of bitmaps.
@CaptKronos · 2018-08-09
ViewPager - Cleaned up ViewPager
This library is a cleaned up and slightly enhanced version of the AHViewPager library. There are some deprecated objects in AHViewPager that I removed here and it has a slighly better handling now.
@corwin42 · 2018-08-09
SD RevealColorView [XUI]
This XUI library serves to change color to an animation (XUI) panel. This panel has the same methods as an XUI panel
@Star-Dust · 2018-07-17
This library create alpha view black that blocks all content from an activity.
@Andre Souza · 2018-07-03
BGL Parser [Chargeable]
Java parser for Babylon dictionaries
@somed3v3loper · 2018-06-30
Telegram Bots API B4A
The same library as on compiled for B4A .
@somed3v3loper · 2018-06-24
AppBrain Ads
AppBrain Ads
@Erel · 2018-06-17
Updates to internal libraries
Updates to internal libraries
@Erel · 2018-06-17
Digital Panel
I created a class that displays digital numbers in a panel. I needed it for something I am creating and I would like it to share it with you. It is pretty easy to create a digital panel with as many digits as you want, at any dimensions you want and with any colors you want.
@hatzisn · 2018-06-14
CompassView - Another CompassView
Compass view with full options style.
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-06-09