SendInput - Emulate user input within your app
SendInput - Emulate user input within your app
@Jim Brown · 2018-06-07
Android Library to select files/directories from Device Storage.
@DonManfred · 2018-05-31
Midi Driver Lib
Midi Driver Lib
@stevel05 · 2018-05-29
SlidingPuzzleView is a custom view for sliding puzzle games
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-05-26
Reverse geolocation with OpenStreetMap
i wrote a simple class to obtain the full address (if available) from a given Latitude and Longitude location. The address, along other more or less useful info, is obtained from the online nominatim server that makes use of the OpenStreetMap. The pros is that it doesn''t require any key or registration ,the cons is that it doesn''t allow a massive usage, see their policy
@DavideV · 2018-05-24
SD: ImageTile (Image Swap Animation)
Move from one image to another with a brick animation. The image is decomposed into a tile, each tile is rotated and the new image appears in the back. You can set the number of grids/tile from the Design.
@Star-Dust · 2018-05-16
SD: Trimmer
Simulate the mixer trimmer, the bass volume etc
@Star-Dust · 2018-05-08
SD: MenuExtender
I created a new library that adds new menus that are not in my other libraries. (menu and PanelExtra) ManagerPanel: allows you to change from one panel to another by leafing them like a deck of cards. catalog: It has a series of articles with relative photos, name, code, description and price in grid format. Clicking the article opens at full schemro to the card and you can buy it or go back. Clicking the purchase button (the shopping cart) generates the Select event ATTENTION: This library intercepts the back key to return
@Star-Dust · 2018-05-04
SD: TouchViewEvent B4A [XUI]
Using the XUI views I realized the need to follow the events of Touch, Drag, Click and Release in a unique way. I wanted to create an XUI class that manages things in a standard way, so if we write apps using XUI views we can also have a standard when we write code related to events, without having to use #IF B4A, #IF B4J
@Star-Dust · 2018-04-30
Android Things
The Things library provides access to hardware features of Android Things platforms.
@Erel · 2018-04-29
Popup Menu On Any View
This particular library will create a popup menu on click of any view in the activity. Needless to say you can have as many menus as you want and can call them upon click event.
@msali · 2018-04-29
LiveEdgeDetection is an Android document detection library built on top of OpenCV. It scans documents from camera live mode and allows you to adjust crop using the detected 4 edges and performs perspective transformation of the cropped image. It works best with a dark background.
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-04-27
A Library to add Magnify effect on image.
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-04-27
Ruler Picker
Android custom view that uses a ruler for picking the number from given range.
@moster67 · 2018-04-27
SD: ViewExtra
This library adds some elements of view. SwitchView: Android and IOS SD_Spinner: Animated spinner with images UpDown: A view that allows you to increase or decrease a number within the set limits AlfabeticListView: A ListView that places the items in alphabetical order and a separator for each letter SeparatorListView: A ListView that allows you to add separating lines between the components QuestionTime: A view where you can enter a series of questions with multiple answers. The user can answer each question, the class will return the results.
@Star-Dust · 2018-04-21
SD: ViewAnimation
This class receives the view and an image as parameters. Once the class has been initialized, the image with the circular shape will be displayed in the background. With the "Progress" methods add a circular progress bar of different graphics to the survey as you can see in the attached image
@Star-Dust · 2018-04-19
DJI Drones UI - use DJI widgets in your App
This Library is based on the Source (thanx for sharing it!!) of the DJI Library posted here.@Erel will combine the two libraries at some time. My permission is granted for this. The difference in the two libs are that the DJI Drones UI Lib is using the Mobile UI Library from DJI. With the Mobile UI Library you are able to use some nice UI Widgets in your App.
@DonManfred · 2018-04-14
KDGaugeView is a simple and customizable gauge control for Android inspired by LMGaugeView
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-04-14
SD: BindingNavigator (Sqlite GUI Navigator)
This is a first version of the BindingNavigator Library, which wants to somehow reproduce the corresponding BindingNavigator of VB.NET A DataSet Class is available that allows to associate some views (EditText, Label, ImageView, ToggleButton, CheckBox) with specific fields of a Sqlite DataBase. By scrolling the position of the DataSet the fields will be updated and if the fields in some way undergo a variation by the user, raising the UpdateChange event will in turn be modified in the DataBase. This very Agevolent construction of GUI related to the DB. In addition you have a Second ViewCalss NavigatorBar that adds a new Seek view to the design that is linked to the DataSet. Scrolling through the Seek will change all the views linked to the DataSet. And if the UpdateChange eventio is updated, the DB will be updated based on changes in the views linked to the fields. PS. a third class is being processed, this will automatically create views based on the fields in the table. The VievClass will be added to the Design and then the Mask will appear automatically with all the fields. There will also be the possibility to select only some fields that you need to have in the mask. But for this you will have to wait
@Star-Dust · 2018-04-14
A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected.
@moster67 · 2018-04-09
A new WheelView
This wheel is kind of up-down selector, it works quickly without jumps. The content is defined by a list of strings, clicking on the top part rotates the content one up, clicking on the bottom rotates the content one down. LongClicking on top or bottom starts the rotation one by one with a short delay, clicking on the center part stops the rotation. It is a customview so it can be added to a designer file or by code. There are few methods of appearance to make the wheel to your likes. enjoy.
@derez · 2018-04-08
Convert HTML pages to XML
@Erel · 2018-04-08
B4AClayView - Crop and image trimming
You can use this to trim the outline of an image and create your own custom shape. You can also undo your previous trimming actions.
@moster67 · 2018-04-07
SoundMeter - Real Time display of Sound Level (dB)
SoundMeter - Real Time display of Sound Level (dB)
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-03-31
Android Vision Barcodereader
Android Vision Barcodereader
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-03-30
Allows checking for app''s newer versions on a webserver.
@udg · 2018-03-28
Augmented Reality in Android with Googleâs Face API
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-03-25
A dialog that closes automatically after a few seconds [Lib, transparent]
A dialog that closes automatically after a few seconds [Lib, transparent]
@T201016 · 2018-03-24
This new library is used to add some functions to the already precious SQL library. Insertion, updating and reading of images in fields of type BLOB. Functions to add a table, a field. Update a field. Delete a row or table. Commands to populate List and ListView also with images.
@Star-Dust · 2018-03-23
Barcode Scanner - Just for fun.
Barcode Scanner - Just for fun.
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-03-17