display.io ads service
display.io ads service
@Erel · 2018-03-14
Replaces the Http library. The current Http library is based on the Android version of Apache HttpClient. Google has stopped updating this SDK a long time ago and they are removing it from Android M. This means that it is a good time now to switch to a different implementation. Note that if you are using HttpUtils2 (as you should) it is also based on Http library. The OkHttp library is based on the OkHttp SDK: http://square.github.io/okhttp/ As this is a newer SDK it supports new features such as SSL SNI, SPDY, Patch requests and better performance. The OkHttp wrapper API is almost identical to Http library API. The main difference is that the object names start with Ok (OkHttpClient, OkHttpResponse and OkHttpRequest). The following features are currently not available: - Digest authentication. - Proxy This library requires Android 2.3+.
@Erel · 2018-03-14
CodeScanner - 100% embedded in B4A
Code scanner library for Android, based on ZXing Features Auto focus and flash light control Portrait and landscape screen orientations Back and front facing cameras Customizable viewfinder
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-03-03
A library to make the map display process easier by entering latitude and longitude only
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-03-03
AutoTextSizeLabel (custom view)
When you set the text of this custom label the text size is automatically modified to the largest possible size so that all the text is visible.
@Erel · 2018-03-02
mp4composer (Apply effects on video)
This library generate an Mp4 movie using Android MediaCodec API and apply filter, scale, and rotate Mp4.
@somed3v3loper · 2018-02-28
Hide arbitary data into an image
@Jamie8763 · 2018-02-25
SimplePGP - Encrypt, Decrypt, Sign, Verify B4A
A wrapper library making the implementation of PGP in Java applications easy. It also strives to provide sane defaults for secure PGP to ensure easy and secure PGP implementations in Java.
@DonManfred · 2018-02-13
Clock 24
A custom view of my 24 hour clock (just for fun) build into a library.
@MarkusR · 2018-02-09
A library containing over 1000 material vector icons that can be easily used as Drawable or as a standalone View.
@DonManfred · 2018-02-08
Video recorder that is 100% embedded in B4A
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-02-03
Heart Rate Monitor
Android based heart rate monitor which uses the camera and its flash to determine the users heart rate in beats per minute and send via UDP. A Processing patch is provided to receive the data send.
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-02-03
Volley is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and, most importantly, faster.
@mshafiee110 · 2018-02-03
This is a class for getting place name (name of building, plaza, mall, tower, etc.) from Google Places API. Place is identified using Place ID which can be retrieved for example in geocoding result from Google Geocoding API. I use this class in my app BS Where Am I .
@Xenno · 2018-02-03
Library to create fully customizable Bootstrap styled alerts (toasts)
@mshafiee110 · 2018-02-02
Another coverflow library, which loads images only when they are required (to avoid filling the memory) and supports different sizes and aspect ratios. This is an abandoned project so don''t expect any support.
@Informatix · 2018-01-30
SSL Certificate pinning inspired by https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/okhttp-set-parameter-with-inline-java.64748/ post but updated to work.
@Jamie8763 · 2018-01-28
A library that uses google''s mobile vision api and simplify the QR code reading process
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-01-27
Interactive paging indicator widget, compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library.
@Erel · 2018-01-24
digital dashboard library
digital dashboard library
@WhoIsShmoove · 2018-01-21
XXTEA (Corrected Block Tiny Encryption Algorithm) algorithm
XXTEA (Corrected Block Tiny Encryption Algorithm) algorithm
@advansis · 2018-01-17
MessagePack Library
MessagePack library. Serialize and unSerialize. With 3des / password encryption. From https://msgpack.org/
@victormedranop · 2018-01-14
YouTube V3
Search YouTube
@MarcoRome · 2018-01-14
IR Remote RGB Controller for SMD3528/5050/5730/5630/3014 RGB LED Strip Lights
This project is a replacement for the IR remote control for the SMD3528/5050/5730/5630/3014 RGB LED Strip Lights (see here). Your device needs to support an IR Blaster (such as Samsung S4 mini).
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-01-06
RSS Parser
This is an Android library to parse a RSS Feed.
@DonManfred · 2018-01-06
Vitamio 5
This is an update of Vitamio and wraps version 5.0.2 of Vitamio.
@Moster67 · 2018-01-06
NFC library
Edit: The latest version of this library is an internal library preinstalled with the IDE
@Erel · 2018-01-04
PhilipsHUE SDK - Control your HUE System
PhilipsHUE SDK - Control your HUE System
@DonManfred · 2017-12-30
AppShortcuts - a Helper to define Dynamic shortcuts
This Library help you to define dynamic shortcuts for your app. A Device with Android 7.1 (Api 25) is needed to use this library.
@DonManfred · 2017-12-27
Manam RSA
I recently created this class for a particular project, you can use it , you can google the RSA algorithm for more information.
@alimanam3386 · 2017-12-27