Device Information
CPU information: (Displayed in ListView1 of the attached project) 1. Maximum CPU Frequency 2. Minimum CPU Frequency 3. Current CPU Frequency (Displayed in ListView2 of the attached project) 1. The number of cores 2. Combined utilization of all cores (%) 3 to x. The utilization of each individual core (%) The two ListViews are updated every 500ms via a timer.
@Johan Schoeman · 2017-12-24
ECS/POS printer WIFI print library
ECS/POS printer WIFI print library
@hears · 2017-12-12
Notification Builder
This library uses the new NotificationCompat Builder. It allows us to add Jellybean expanding notifications as well as loads of other options. Custom xml Layouts are supported with view click listeners. Version 3 includes Wear device specific Notification options.
@barx (BarxDroid) · 2017-12-12
ECS/POS printer USB print library
ECS/POS printer USB print library
@hears · 2017-12-11
@Emme Developer · 2017-11-20
An awesome QR code generator for Android.
@Johan Schoeman · 2017-11-12
An imageView can auto scroll with device rotating.
@DonManfred · 2017-11-12
APW is a wrap for this Code: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/apwlibrary/code/ It is basically the same source-project as the PDFWriter library. This one is only a shortcutwrap.
@DonManfred · 2017-11-11
Spark is a simple Android library that takes a series of x,y points at any scale and draws them as a sparkline chart.
@DonManfred · 2017-11-11
PyStuff - Increase Your Productivity
This library is aimed at developers with a Python background.
@wonder · 2017-11-08
B4ALibraryComms & Network
IR Control for Samsung Smart TV
The attached project is based on this b4a library and project that I have posted before. It is an IR remote control for a Samsung Smart TV. Your device needs to support and IR blaster to make use of this B4A library and B4A project (such as the Samsung S4 mini with KitKat) Found most of the pronto hex codes here. The attached project controls my Samsung Smart TV 100%.
@Johan Schoeman · 2017-11-04
With this library you can open a PDF-File and then you can get page x from this PDF as Bitmap. ATTENTION: This library needs Android 5 (Lollipop)!!!
@DonManfred · 2017-11-03
SimplePython - CPython Interpreter
SimplePython - CPython Interpreter
@wonder · 2017-10-31
OCR, FaceRecognition, BarcodeScanner using Google Vision
OCR, FaceRecognition, BarcodeScanner using Google Vision
@DonManfred · 2017-10-30
QR Droid Zapper
QR Droid Zapper
@Johan Schoeman · 2017-10-30
Scrolling Panel
Here is a scrolling panel which can auto scroll objects and text contained smoothly in both directions right-to-left and left-to right The library allows the developer to switch the direction while playing, it also rearrange the views contained to match the scrolling direction. You can also add or remove views during the playback, think about it as the luggage roller line, some people add luggage and other people removes their luggage while the roller is scrolling. This is good for rss news display.
@Asim A Baki · 2017-10-29
OCR with Tesseract
The purpose of this exercise was to see if OCR via Tesseract performs better/worse than the Vision API.
@Johan Schoeman · 2017-10-28
External Display
A library for external display with b4a sample. If you don''t have a display (like me ) , you might be able to simulate a secondary display in Settings >> Developer options
@somed3v3loper · 2017-10-25
B4ALibraryIcons / fonts
This library will allow you to set custom fonts to views easily.
@NJDude · 2017-10-21
OCR - Extracting text from a bitmap using the Play Services Vision API
The attached project extracts text from a bitmap that you can pass to the library making use of the Android Vision API.
@Johan Schoeman · 2017-10-19
Three routines to adjust a label to fit its text: * SizeToFitWidth - given a width (and using the label''s font), adjust the label''s height * SizeToFitHeight - given a height (and using the label''s font), adjust the label''s width * SizeFontToFit - given some text for the label (and using the label''s width/height), adjust the label''s fontsize so that the text fills the label * MeasureExpectedSize - Returns Width/Height/FontSize (type SizeToFit_Metrics) for a label that hasn''t yet been added to an activity/view (using Reflector object) * getFontSize & setFontSize - cross-platform subs to get/set the fontsize for a label
@Misterbates · 2017-10-17
Image Compressor
Compressor is a lightweight and powerful android image compression library. Compressor will allow you to compress large photos into smaller sized photos with very less or negligible loss in quality of the image.
@Ohanian · 2017-10-14
This library will allow you to generate random users (contacts) data. Requirements: 1- B4A 5.x. 2- Internet access. 3- Copy the RandomUser.xml and RandomUser.jar to your additional libraries directory.
@NJDude · 2017-10-14
Circle Menu
CircleMenu is a simple, elegant menu with a circular layout.
@Walterf25 · 2017-10-11
PropertyEditor - display/edit object properties or database fields / create an App settings page
PropertyEditor is available for IOS and Android and can be used to present object properties to the user for review and editing. It is modelled on the IOS Settings App (see https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...gs-to-the-default-settings-app.48778/#content)
@Misterbates · 2017-10-10
Base64 encode/decode image library
Base64 encode/decode image library
@Peter Simpson · 2017-10-08
B4ALibraryFirebase [DONATIONWARE]
Firebase Appinvite [Donationware]
Firebase Invites are an out-of-the-box solution for app referrals and sharing via email or SMS. To customize the invitation user experience, or to generate links programmatically, use Firebase Dynamic Links.
@DonManfred · 2017-10-08
B4ALibraryViews - additional
@NJDude · 2017-10-07
Read / Write files GPX - LibGPX v1.0
This library enables: 1. read the information contained in the files - GPX; 2. Write the GPS coordinates to the new file in the following format (see example).
@T201016 · 2017-10-07
Unwired LocationAPI Android Library
The Unwired Labs'' LocationAPI locates all sorts of devices based on cell towers, WiFi APs and IP addresses, anywhere in the world. LocationAPI works both indoors & outdoors, when GPS isn''t available or preferred (high battery drain).
@Ohanian · 2017-10-05