This library adds the detection of standard gestures (press, single-tap, double-tap, long tap, drag, scroll, fling, pinch, rotation) to B4A. Instead of using the Touch events to figure out what the user really did, now you just set 15 different listeners with one line of code and you get the gestures as events with all the useful values (scrolling distance, fling velocity, pinch variation, rotation angle...). With this library, you can also know easily the pressure or the size of a touch event.
@Informatix · 2017-10-02
Multitouch With Dynamic Add and Remove - Now you can dynamically add, remove, scale and rotate images, it''s real multitouch on Android
@Johan Schoeman · 2017-10-01
Here is a simple dynamically resizable label inside a panel. Useful for ''posting'' like views. Specially using scrollable lists.
@DaniDPX · 2017-09-30
Horizontal CustomListView
This is a simple library that I customize from the original CustomListView (vertically scrollable). You may find it useful like i do, to be able to make ''Messenger like horizontally scrollable online users.
@DaniDPX · 2017-09-30
Yet another MySQL-Library (but a FAST one)
@DonManfred · 2017-09-28
Circle Time View is an android custom view for displaying time in a pretty format. The View is highly customizable, so you can adapt the appearance according your needs.You can use this view to create countdown timers, alarms or just allow user to set time manually.This library requires API level 8 or higher.
@Johan Schoeman · 2017-09-24
This library will create a Compact ActionBar. You can display a clickable Logo, a Menu button and up to 20 action buttons, the ActionBar can also auto-hide.
@NJDude · 2017-09-19
JdbcSQL - Directly connect to remote databases
This is a port of B4J jSQL library.
@Erel · 2017-09-17
Phone as Compass Java library
The library sends the compass heading for which the phone is pointing.
@canalrun · 2017-09-15
The unofficial Tesla library for B4A
@Jamie8763 · 2017-09-12
Device Administrator library
Device Administrator library
@Erel · 2017-09-11
Encrypt / decrypt
This libs consume 2 methods. encrypt base on encrypt 3des with key and encode in base64. same to decrypt.
@victormedranop · 2017-09-11
Minimal Text OCR using Google Vision
I found a solution by writing a wrapper library for my modified code written in Android Studio; thanks to tutorials and example code in this forum. This wrapper only performs text recognizing/scanning on an existing image file. It does not display anything.
@Xenno · 2017-09-10
IndexedTable with Custom List view
For the project that am doing, I was looking for a list view with alphabet searching items on side. I have seen Erel''s project ( Unfortunately, i want to search my own searchable list items that are custom or designed independently inside designer view. so I finally wanted to share with you here as follows.
@DaniDPX · 2017-09-04
Printer Driver Android Termianl Xpay-701
Printer Driver Android Termianl Xpay-701
@victormedranop · 2017-09-04
DataServer Library
DataServer Library
@azzam223 · 2017-09-03
This is a simple FidgetSpinner view. You can implement a Android FidgetSpinner with it.
@Johan Schoeman · 2017-09-02
AppUpdating (
AppUpdate works with dropbox. You can always use dropbox to host your APK files and TXT files. the URL for that is instead of A little modified for own needs library (author: UGD), which allows for direct downloading files from the internet to your phone from the shared DropBox folder (
@T201016 · 2017-09-01
The main advantage of this version (different from the other) is the ability to own encryption method remembered options in your application which then are displayed in the settings of your application.
@T201016 · 2017-08-31
ExSDCard - SD memory card.
Check on our phon if an external memory card (SD memory card) is installed
@T201016 · 2017-08-31
A very flexible ActionBar
@udg · 2017-08-29
Snake library is a simple and animation line chart for Android.
@DonManfred · 2017-08-27
CameraView - Take Pictures, record Video with the Camera
CameraView is a well documented, high-level library that makes capturing pictures and videos easy, addressing most of the common issues and needs, and still leaving you with flexibility where needed.
@DonManfred · 2017-08-26
A few days ago I decided to collect all intents I use constantly in my applications and make a library for it. They are common and easy intents to find here in the forum and outside it as well. Most codes can be found in stackoverflow (i think all) This libs have social share intents, like share on facebook, whatsapp, telegram, twitter and whatsapp.
@Douglas Farias · 2017-08-23
Oh no! - another Barcode scanner (100% embedded in B4A)
Barcode scanner based on ZXing(100% embedded in B4A)
@Johan Schoeman · 2017-08-23
@DonManfred · 2017-08-19
OCR - MobileVisionText
Optical Character Recognition on Android
@Johan Schoeman · 2017-08-19
WhatsApp Library
WhatsApp Library
@MarcoRome · 2017-08-17
Google Maps RippleEffect
"GoogleMapsRippleEffect" is an awesome first of its type android library for showing a ripple on a google map, e.g show catchment area of an earthquake where ripples have been felt, give prominence to certain markers which need to be highlighted. Also add a ripple when your user is moving on the map and give a #PokemonGo type ripple effect.
@DonManfred · 2017-08-13
VokaturiAndroid [Chargeable]
Emotion recognition by speech in android.
@somed3v3loper · 2017-08-10