B4ASnippetAnimation [AGAIN]
Animation with SetLayoutAnimated [Again]
This is another example of using SetLayoutAnimated method that we can use to create animation.
@rraswisak · 2020-01-09
VideoRecordApp with FileProvider
VideoRecordApp with FileProvider
@Erel · 2020-01-07
FFT Test with source
A test program to detect sound. It acquires audio data from the microphone, performs an FFT and magnitude squared, then graphs the "bin" output.
@canalrun · 2020-01-06
A way to calculate the time taken by a part of source code (very simple and rarely useful but... I was tired of writing these lines every time).
@LucaMs · 2019-12-13
Clean SQLite database, if it grows much
Long working apps have DB that grows and grows. It must be controlled, when records qty is very big, and most old data should be deleted
@peacemaker · 2019-12-01
B4ASnippetAction Bar, Drawer, etc
Bottom Popup Drawer
Bottom Popup Drawer
@maddy · 2019-11-26
Choose audio file and play with MediaPlayer
Although the use case (see title) sounds trivial, it took some time to get the result. The search returned many hits on the topic, from which the last valid "Single Point of Truth" could be found. The obstacles were the read permission and the path provided by the ContentChooser. Thanks to Erel''s "GetPathFromContentResult()" the path format expected by the MediaPlayer could be determined.
@fredo · 2019-11-10
WebViewExtra: Call B4A Sub from WebView
WebViewExtra: Call B4A Sub from WebView
@rraswisak · 2019-11-06
Get relative view position
These two subs will get the positions of a view relative to the activity, regardless of how many parent panels it is nested in.
@stevel05 · 2019-11-05
Sudoku Solver Collaborative Project
I created this as a ''lazy'' Sudoku solver and it developed a bit by adding in brute force auto-solving.
@rodmcm · 2019-10-24
Taking SquareRoot in SQL
SQLite doesn''t have SQTR as a standard function, so you would normally do this in code. There is a way though to do this in SQL with a CTE.
@RB Smissaert · 2019-10-22
B4ASnippetComms & Network
Testing for working Internet connnection
Testing for working Internet connnection
@Derek Johnson · 2019-10-06
B4ASnippetDatabase [''NOW''][SQLITE]
datetime[''now''] [SQLite]
datetime[''now''] [SQLite]
@aeric · 2019-10-03
WebView and Particle.JS
Ever wondering my B4A app has nice looking background with animation, to be honest - i know nothing about live wallpaper nor how to create bitmap animation using canvas. I ever saw in the net, a page using nice animation called Particle.JS. It''s javascript code to generate the wonderful animation. So i made simple login page which use WebView as animation background.
@rraswisak · 2019-09-28
B4ASnippetFile handling [SOURCE CODE]
File Explorer [source code]
What distinguishes this from other explorers is that the upper beam (← back) it is not controlled as the other elements of the list (it always remains in place), always available and in view.
@T201016 · 2019-09-27
Detect Current Orientation
This sub will assist you to determine the current orientation of your activity.
@DawningTruth · 2019-09-22
Update your App without using the Gplaystore
This app shows you how you can control the updating of your apps. It is a stripped down version of what we use in our production apps. We removed all our apps from the play store and developed this method. Please feel free to use/modify it.
@Jmu5667 · 2019-09-19
Get the name of an SDK release
@DonManfred · 2019-08-23
Returns the SDK-Version of the device running this code
@DonManfred · 2019-08-23
B4ASnippetList- and scrollview
CLVSwipe with images
I modified CLVSwipe to allow images, not just text on the Swipe
@MrKim · 2019-08-21
Gerador de CPF [Brazilian document]
Example of how to randomly generate valid CPF (Brazilian document).
@Douglas Farias · 2019-08-10
Firebase Authex - login mail/password SOLVED
Allows you to enter a firebase with the email / password, avoiding errors that cannot be resolved in the library.
@gregorio_adrian_gimenez · 2019-07-28
Parsing your apps logs
Parsing your apps logs
@Erel · 2019-07-23
Animation with SetLayoutAnimated
Animation with SetLayoutAnimated
@rraswisak · 2019-07-20
B4ASnippetDatabase [OR LIST OR ARRAY ETC.]
Group and count Recordset [or list or array etc.]
Needed a fast way to take a recordset and group and count a specified column, so that is get the unique items of that column and count the occurrences of all those unique items. A recordset with a column with largish (10 to 2000 chars) and about 400000 rows produces a map with 60000 values and counts in about 700 milli-seconds.
@RB Smissaert · 2019-07-16
Remove linefeeds & carriagereturn/linefeeds from strings
Remove linefeeds & carriagereturn/linefeeds from strings
@gravel · 2019-07-15
Remove multiple spaces inside strings
Remove multiple spaces inside strings
@gravel · 2019-07-15
A treat for my Pythonic friends who got used to its JSON module
@wonder · 2019-06-11
Load HTML to Label B4A
This is how you can set HTML data to Label (works only in release mode),
@Brandsum · 2019-06-09
PhoneStateChanged sample: all possible calling states
PhoneStateChanged sample: all possible calling states
@peacemaker · 2019-06-06