Conversion of decimal numbers to neat integer fractions
Conversion of decimal numbers to neat integer fractions
@ShepSoft · 2020-07-14
Conversion of decimal numbers to neat integer fractions
Tip: CSBuilder usage
Timer not exact enough for sending to stream
Simple and Reliable User Feedback/Bug Reporting Method
This code demonstrates how JavaObject can be used to call external APIs that should be called with Context.startActivityForResult.
Update: If you are using B4A v8.0+ then the standard notifications will work. Older versions:As explained in this tutorial all store apps will soon be forced to target the latest SDK. The following code can be used to create a notification. It works on all versions of Android.
This is an example of a pull-down refresh animation that I recently wrote
Sample using GPS and GeoAddress
Sample code I use to display the reason why my app needs a particular permission so that the user is well informed of it before I let Android display it''s cryptic permission prompt.
Getting date time from the internet
Unlike an older "TextToBitmap" sub that you can find in the forum, this code vertically centers the icon. It can also be used in B4J and B4i (only need to change the font line).
Disable automatic redirections with OkHttpUtils2
Get all image folders [path]. This code runs on my phone in release with 156ms. And i have over 1k folders and over 10k images.
My ToastMessageShow
This code takes care of requesting the location permission which is needed on Android 8+
Print PDF library supports higher resolution
Enclosed is a simple call to storage , creating a directory and copying files from DirInternal using ExternalStorage Class
This code creates a label with the text and returns a snapshot of the label
Sometimes you need a QR-code generator in your website (which is working together with B4x). I searched for a standalone creator which is easy to handle. I came to this site: QR-code generator. I uses Javascript to generate the QR-code. I''ve modified the example (removed all inputfields and replaced them with simple variables).
Code that reads Wgs84 coordinates DDmmss.ssss / DDmm.mmm / and DD.ddddd and converts to floating point coordinates
Upload a file to your server with HttpJob and php[included]
Delete oldest files, if no free space
To swipe left-right from one activity to another without panels, buttons or tabs.
Change notification background color
SQLite - check table exists
Allow user to select custom notification sound and have complete control over playing it
I''ve just changed the XUI Views Library to have Min/Max Properties editable at runtime
1) Find navigation panel and switch positions with search filed 2) Add click event to page number, the pageButton event will open a dialog to specify a target page (you need to add a B4XDialog and set B4XTable1.CurrentPage = InputTemplate.Text) 3) Light theme for search field
Sometimes the images we use in our Apps are overly large. In some cases, images are entered by the user and therefore we do not know the size. And to manage them we need them to fall within a certain Byte limit. How to reduce them within the limit? Here is a code that allows you to redimension the images while maintaining the proportion and returning within the Byte mitie that serves us
LoadBitmapResize conundrum