Tip: SQLite Column Does not exist even if you know it exists!!!
Tip: SQLite Column Does not exist even if you know it exists!!!
@Mashiane · 2021-01-19
XNoted - Free source
A notepad app with source code
@sfsameer · 2021-01-19
Custom notifications channel
Starting from Android 8, notifications are grouped by channels. The notification behavior depends on the channel it belongs to. With B4A v8+ notification channels are created automatically based on the importance level. You can use the following code to manually create a notification channel with the same id as the notification channel that will be created internally. This allows you to override the notification behavior. Note that once a notification channel was created then you cannot change its behavior. This means that: 1. You must call this code before you initialize the notification object. 2. If you have already created a notification in the past then you need to uninstall the app to see the changes (clean the project afterward).
@Erel · 2021-01-15
B4ASnippethttp [HTTPSERVER]
ServletRequest all Header [httpServer]
I arose from the need to know all the headers of a GET request. When HttServer raises the HttpServer_HandleRequest event it returns the Request variable. The Request variable has only one method for reading Headers, GetHeader. How to get a complete list of Headers?
@Star-Dust · 2021-01-14
Add pinned shortcut
Add pinned shortcut
@Erel · 2021-01-03
Center Align Spinner Text: 95% perfect workaround
Center Align Spinner Text: 95% perfect workaround
@vascofire · 2021-01-02
B4ASnippetCharSequence / CSBuilder
To Make a simple CharSequence:
To Make a simple CharSequence:
@Antoine EGO · 2021-01-01
SQL Server with no-ip
SQL Server with no-ip
@Wendell Carneiro Mendes · 2020-12-31
Send SMS/MMS using Twilio Rest API
Send SMS/MMS using Twilio Rest API
@JohnC · 2020-12-25
Adaptive Icons - simple instructions and tips
Adaptive Icons - simple instructions and tips - All apps should have an adaptive icon
@Erel · 2020-12-23
Cloud Vision post image
After 4 hours searching i figure it out how to post an image to Cloud Vision API in order to check if content is safe
@yiankos1 · 2020-11-25
Get URL of any image in a web page
Get URL of any image in a web page
@SergeNova · 2020-11-07
open the app in Huawei appGallery...
open the app in Huawei appGallery...
@Almora · 2020-10-29
Share image using Facebook App
Share image using Facebook App
@asales · 2020-10-01
A note on RSAKeyConverter
A note on RSAKeyConverter
@nwhitfield · 2020-09-26
Whatsapp Send Function
Whatsapp Send Function
@HAH · 2020-09-22
B4ASnippetFile xfer
Download file via HTTP with resume
Download file via HTTP with resume
@peacemaker · 2020-09-20
B4ASnippetAction Bar, Drawer, etc
Change the action bar height
Change the action bar height
@Erel · 2020-09-17
B4ASnippetViews - additional
SD: Numeric Up/Down with Designer support
SD: Numeric Up/Down with Designer support
@Star-Dust · 2020-09-08
B4ASnippetBluetooth [CADENCE/SPEED]
BLE CSC [cadence/speed]
BLE CSC [cadence/speed]
@MbedAndroid · 2020-09-07
Add image to Gallery Android 5 - 10+
Add image to Gallery Android 5 - 10+
@Erel · 2020-09-06
Funny Jokes App - With Source Code
Funny Jokes was my first app that I published on PlayStore. The App has thousands of Jokes in multiple categories and users could share jokes using share option. I have attached the source code of the app along with the SQLite Database. I do hope newbies like me are able to benefit from the same.
@TheRnker · 2020-09-01
MediaBrowser - get a random image from gallery
MediaBrowser - get a random image from gallery
@Alexander Stolte · 2020-08-27
Short messages with emoji
In searches, I''ve come across a fair few people wondering how to detect if a message is just emoji so that, like WhatsApp, it can be displayed in a larger font if necessary. So I thought I''d share my solution to this.
@nwhitfield · 2020-08-16
B4ASnippetList- and scrollview
Expanded CLV inside an Expanded CLV
Expanded CLV inside an Expanded CLV
@wes58 · 2020-08-15
How I converted my apps to B4XPages
How I converted my apps to B4XPages
@jahswant · 2020-08-02
B4A WebView & SSL Certificate Errors
B4A WebView & SSL Certificate Errors
@drgottjr · 2020-07-24
B4xTable - Generic Code
This code contains a selection of the code snippets and tutorials on the B4x forums.
@rodmcm · 2020-07-24
B4x pages GetStartingIntent
B4x pages GetStartingIntent
@Michael2150 · 2020-07-21
B4ASnippetViews - effects
Create Ripple effect inside Panel
Create Ripple effect inside Panel
@rraswisak · 2020-07-18