Check if a string is Base64 [isBase64]
Code to check if a string is base64 hash.
@Douglas Farias · 2018-12-02
Check if a string is CPF or CNPJ [is_CpfouCnpj]
Check CPF or CNPJ (Brasil - people or companies)
@Douglas Farias · 2018-12-02
Check if a string is valid Json [isJson]
Check if a string is valid Json [isJson]
@Douglas Farias · 2018-12-02
midiDeltaFromLong [delay midicode from time]
midiDeltaFromLong [delay midicode from time]
@Hans- Joachim Krahe · 2018-11-25
Share text messages in all social [and not] apps
Here is a code I developed with cooking and mixing of given recipies... Share text (you can include URIs) in every social app and more... Use it in activities.
@hatzisn · 2018-11-25
Unique combinations of m objects from a set of n
A fast combination algorithm
@William Lancee · 2018-11-18
Get device''s Google Account
I recently needed to check for device''s google account and I was not able to get it done with Erel''s code. I was not getting any results. So a little search on the Internet and a little mixing of the soup and voila
@hatzisn · 2018-11-17
Automatically set the text size
This is based on a nice new feature in Android Support library. It automatically adjusts the view''s text size to make it fit. You can call it with any of the following views: Label, Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, ToggleButton. Note that the size will change whenever you set the text.
@Erel · 2018-11-14
Check Internet Connection 2
I made some modification to be work fine even if you are connected to network but no internet
@HAH · 2018-11-10
DBUtils: clear table [delete all]
DBUtils: clear table [delete all]
@peacemaker · 2018-11-07
Ordinal Formating
I recently need to format numbers as 1st, 2nd, ... 121st, ⦠So I wrote these routines.
@Robert Valentino · 2018-11-05
adding Material icons to button text
The MaterialIcons font is handy for creating icon-only buttons. You can do this right in the Designer. If, however, you want to add an icon to some existing button text (say, a "Save" button with a checkmark before the "Save" text), you can''t do this directly in the Designer because the Material font only offers uppercase letters. So here''s a subroutine that takes any existing button with any existing text (e.g. "Save") and prefixes it with a Material icon. It uses CSBuilder to build a CharSequence containing both parts, then assigns that as the button''s new text.
@Dave O · 2018-11-04
Super-others: my 42 common usage subs
Common subs are usually placed into a code module. I decided to check all my projects that have "others.bas" code module, and i have found... 185 unique files. And much more common subs, but 42 pcs of them can be useful for community. Mostly the names are self-explaning, most are from the forum.
@peacemaker · 2018-10-22
Save and load CSBuilders
Using this class you can build CharSequences (the output of CSBuilder) and save the information required to build those styled strings. This allows to later load the information and create the same CharSequences.
@Erel · 2018-10-15
Predetermined graphs
I wanted a simple graphing function where I could define the range and intervals to sensible values but still have the luxury of the code determining the best fit from some derived values. As long as the maximum X and Y values was less than the maximum predetermined X and Y ranges then the code selects the best fit graph outline. This is easy if say you are measuring a sensor and know the maximum range for argument sake The code will select the best fit range and the predetermined intervals for that range, draw the graph outline and automatically label the X and Y intervals. The graph size is user set, but reduced sizes will require alteration of the interval label sizes to stop clutter An example of Multiple straight line point to point traces is provided
@rodmcm · 2018-10-14
Concept for VERY fast temporary IO
I briefly tested an idea that we can create a ramdisk from the actual very fast RAM, which from memory is normally closer to 900+mb/s On this disk, one could do any normal IO functions such read/write files (ie after creating it the code is basically unchanged), or even move an SQL dB, onto the disk and have pretty darn fast responses
@JohnK · 2018-10-10
FluidSlider [No Wrap] [B4A]
(B4A)FluidSlider [No Wrap]
@Star-Dust · 2018-10-10
MapRange A-B to C-D
SubName: Map a range of numbers from A-B to C-D and return the mapped value. Description: I use B4R a lot and that package includes a function called MapRange, I couldn''t find a version of MapRange in B4A or anywhere on the forum, so I found the formula online and I put together this little sub. Using MapRange you can map any range of number to another different range of numbers. For example 0 to 100 can be mapped to -50 to 50, 25 to 75, 2000 to 5000, -300 to -150 or whatever number range you need to return a value from. Your original number range can be any range you wish and not just 0 to 100 like above.
@Peter Simpson · 2018-10-03
Header with parallax effect for ULV
This is an example for UltimateListView showing how to create a sticky header (a header that is always visible) with a parallax effect (the image at the top is reduced as the list scrolls and stays centered). The header transparency changes over time so that the background is fully opaque when the image is no longer visible.
@Informatix · 2018-10-02
Get Random Numbers in a non repeating list
Get Random Numbers in a non repeating list
@Myron · 2018-09-30
Set any activity orientation (opposite to #SupportedOrientations)
SubName: Set any activity to the opposite orientation used in the app. Description: Using this line of code in your manifest allows you to set one (or more) of your projects activities to a different orientation than the default one which is set in the Main activity using #SupportedOrientations.
@Peter Simpson · 2018-09-20
Memory Usage
Memory Usage
@Robert Valentino · 2018-09-17
aLaw/uLaw PCM - compression, decompression - Code Available to all.
aLaw/uLaw PCM - compression, decompression - Code Available to all.
@Jmu5667 · 2018-09-14
SMS verification without permission (Android 8+)
SMS verification without permission (Android 8+)
@Semen Matusovskiy · 2018-09-13
precise timing beats (Metronome)
Long time I was not able to write a precise metronome (a tool for musicians). Playing the beats with SoundPool and a Timer was not accurate at all, because of the timer. Even playing in a own thread was not really precise. Finally I got now a 100% precise solution with the AudioTrack Library. For this code you also need the Threading and the ByteConverter Lib.
@skrjabin · 2018-09-12
Change Link Color in View
With below code you can linkable view and convert phone or url or email to link. I only add change link color method in this function
@Pooya1 · 2018-09-10
jRDC2 Add MySql Master / Detail
Code to add a row in a "master" table, and then the "children rows" in a "detail" table
@josejad · 2018-09-05
Sending SMS with _SmsSentStatus and _SmsDelivered events
Sending SMS with _SmsSentStatus and _SmsDelivered events
@peacemaker · 2018-09-02
Audio Streamer - Amplify Audio Buffer
I recently needed to add an audio amplifier to a new PTT app we have developed. I found this code on the web and through I would share it.
@Jmu5667 · 2018-08-28
Bezier curve
How to make the bezier curve with B4A? Here is a simple code, you can edit points by tapping and dragging them and the curve will change.
@Star-Dust · 2018-08-24