SlidingMenu in more Activities
This is a small example project on how to implement Erel''s advice from here to make it work on more activities in one project.
@Erel · 2018-08-23
BSLabeledEdit - a composite views Label and EditText
Related to thread, the need for a simple labeled edit text and learning CustomView, I share to B4A Community my BSLabeledEdit. It consist Panel, Label, and EditText. It reminds me creating composite components in Delphi.
@Xenno · 2018-08-22
SMTP equal sign and another
if you have sign equal in SMTP you have problem, same thing with form feed etd.
@MarcoRome · 2018-07-25
How to determine what started a Service
As far as I can tell, there are three different reasons a service was started: 1.Manually started using StartService 2.Scheduled start using StartServiceAt or StartServiceAtExact 3.Automatically started at boot using #StartAtBoot I recently found myself needing to know why a service was started, so I came up with the snippet below
@Sandman · 2018-07-24
Check device is Emulator
Check if device is Emulator
@Pooya1 · 2018-07-22
Simple Progress Bar
This is a sample of progress bar I use in my project. It only use B4A Core library and native view. Yes, what you need is only 2 panels to create the progress bar. The reason I create this view is because I don''t like the square corner of default progress bar and I want to customize the colour.
@aeric · 2018-07-20
Check Internet Connection
Check Internet Connection
@Pooya1 · 2018-07-19
Simple Message (using FirebaseNotifications) + Source Code
This was my first test-App for Firebase Push Notifications and it is a easy way to chat over different topics/groups.
@skrjabin · 2018-06-26
Calling subs with webview links and buttons
I like to use the webview as a very individual user interface. You can load the content offline with WebView1.LoadHtml or do online real time changes on the interface with WebView1.LoadUrl. You can use all the HTML, CSS or even JavaScript to draw a nice view and with this code you can interact, if the user presses a link or a button. That way you can easyly create and quickly change a layout in runtime.
@skrjabin · 2018-06-25
Reversing Screen Orientation Using JavaObject
If your activity uses either landscape or portrait orientation, and you want to reverse either orientation, this code snippet will enable you to do so.
@ErickAsas · 2018-06-25
Bottom Toolbar [B4A] [XUI]
I am planning to create a B4A and a B4i app with identical UI. I try to look in this forum if anyone has created a bottom toolbar (iOS-styled) for B4A but I just found this thread with no reply. So I created a quick one in B4A.
@aeric · 2018-06-22
Calculator Intent
I am reposting this bit of code for those who want a simple way to call the calculator''s intent on any phone. It took me a few hours to find this and thought others may find it helpful.
@Jeremy Tipton · 2018-06-22
BitampCreator - DrawLine, DrawPath , DrawCircle, DrawArc, DrawImageTrapezoid [BAX] [XUI]
BitmapCreator lacks some important instructions on Canvas. Sometimes switching from BitmapCreator to Canvas and vice versa would slow down the code too much, so it would be better to implement them with BitmapCreator. I started writing some divers, if someone finds a way to improve it or add other features put other posts.
@Star-Dust · 2018-06-20
Full Screen Theme
Full Screen Theme
@Erel · 2018-06-07
ErrorResponse in OkHttpResponse of HttpUtils2Service may be JSON
Some server''s API (say cloud storage Yandex.Disk) may generate the error with a code (say, 404), but JSON-encoded
@peacemaker · 2018-06-06
NB6 - removing timestamp from notification
Using Erel''s NB6 library for notifications, I noticed the timestamp appearing on the corner of my notification. I didn''t want this, but couldn''t see a way to suppress it, so I modified the class''s ShowWhen sub
@Dave O · 2018-06-05
Flexible share INTENT
After browsing the forum for a long time I am attaching the code of my INTENT that I can use to share by e-mail, WhatsApp and other applications. It supports subject, text, an attachment and even an email. For me the ideal would be to be able to add a phone and that applications like WhatsApp use this data to communicate directly without having to search for it.
@wildfandango · 2018-05-20
SQLITE automatic primary key generation
SQLITE automatic random primary key generation
@fredo · 2018-05-19
Notifications with inline Java code
Notifications with inline Java code
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-05-12
Set value to single view on specific TabStripViewPager panel
On a TabStripViewPager with more than 1 loaded layout the views defined in Sub Global are only valid for the last loaded panel. Change of values on previous loaded panels require some extra effort. With this code you can access a specific view on any tabstrip control panel by using Erel''s RemovePage function.
@fredo · 2018-05-07
Switch Colors
Set the colours of a Switch
@Erel · 2018-05-07
Create bitmap from a view
Here is the inline java code, in order to create bitmap from a view. Erel: You can use B4XView.Snapshot from the XUI library to get a snapshot of a view.
@yiankos1 · 2018-05-02
Set maximum progress for Progressbar
Set maximum progress for Progressbar
@Pooya1 · 2018-05-01
Shorten numbers
Example convert 1000 to 1k or 1500 to 1.5k
@Pooya1 · 2018-05-01
Cube-Spline Curve
Here is also an example of Cube-Spline made in B4A. This is just an exercise, but can be used with appropriate modifications for other applications.
@Star-Dust · 2018-04-25
How to add Custom Views programmatically
How to add Custom Views programmatically
@LucaMs · 2018-04-25
Save/Load text formatted
Save & reload a formatted CSBuilder string
@ilan · 2018-04-25
Side Menu Icon with xCustomListView
Side Menu Icon with xCustomListView
@rraswisak · 2018-04-20
Print chinese word in BT Printer
Print chinese word in BT Printer
@diy.diskless · 2018-04-17
Create SQLite field with default date now in milliseconds
Create SQLite field with default date now in milliseconds
@fredo · 2018-04-16