B4ASnippetApp startup
Splashscreen Manifest AppCompat
Splashscreen Manifest AppCompat
@Mike1970 · 2022-10-02
Draw arc with rounded line cap
Draw arc with rounded line cap
@kimstudio · 2022-09-21
B4ASnippetApp protection
Application Lock Impenetrable by crackers
Application Lock Impenetrable by crackers
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2022-09-19
Wangpos Printer SDK not using bluetooth
Wangpos Printer SDK not using bluetooth
@jbaillie2461 · 2022-09-19
Sun, Earth and moon revolution orbit
Code that rotates an object in circle in pure way WITHOUT USING ANY 3RD PARTY LIB OR FUNCTION
@AbdurRahman · 2022-09-10
B4ASnippetDialogs [B4A][SOURCE]
DialogAdvanced [B4A] [SOURCE]
An example of an extended dialogue for possible use by all
@T201016 · 2022-08-25
Detect Language of String from Unicode Characters
Detect Language of String from Unicode Characters
@HZZ · 2022-08-21
B4ASnippetIcons / fonts [OR FONT ICONS]
high-contrast text system setting - work-around for colored text [or font icons]
Android 5+ has an accessibility system setting called "high-contrast fonts", which lets the user force text (or icons rendered using fonts like Material or FontAwesome) to be outlined black or white (instead of the color you set). If you use colored text (or text-based icons) to indicate important things, this can play havoc with your UI.
@Dave O · 2022-07-31
Get the path to media files returned from ContentChooser
Get the path to media files returned from ContentChooser
@Erel · 2022-07-24
simple way to hide/show a TabStrip tab
simple way to hide/show a TabStrip tab
@toby · 2022-07-11
Loading indicator
@PuzzleTak · 2022-07-07
Convert data map to list
Converts a map''s keys or values to a list
@toby · 2022-07-01
B4ASnippetFile handling
Delete specific files according to their type from a specific folder simple short code
Delete specific files according to their type from a specific folder simple short code
@alfaiz678 · 2022-06-20
FirebaseRealtimeDatabase create Listener
Create a listener to receive data from FirebaseRealtimeDatabase every time it changes.
@musaso · 2022-06-17
B4ASnippetFile handling
epub to txt file converter
epub to txt file converter
@endbyte · 2022-06-14
Convert map to array
Convert map to array
@toby · 2022-06-12
Upload files with WebView
Code requires Android 5+ 1. Set a custom WebViewChromeClient. It is implemented with inline Java code. 2. The ShowFile_Chooser event is raised when the user clicks on a "browse" button. 3. You need to get the file URI with FileProvider and call SendResult.
@Erel · 2022-06-09
BCP-47 Codes for all languages supported by Google''s ML Kit
BCP-47 Codes for all languages supported by Google''s ML Kit
@Michael2150 · 2022-06-08
Check language direction based on dailing code
Check language direction based on dailing code
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2022-06-06
Notifications permission with targetSdkVersion = 33
Notifications permission with targetSdkVersion = 33
@Erel · 2022-06-06
CameraExClass save picture without rotation
Anyone use CameraExClass.SavePictureToFile function, the image will be saved rotated horizontally. I changed this function to save picture as it without rotation.
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2022-06-02
Weight Watcher
It starts off with a simple config screen where the user enters standard stuff, name, age, height, starting weight, and target weight, all measurements are in imperial but should be easier enough to convert to metric. You are then taken to the Main overview screen which shows starting, target, and last weight. it works out the person''s BMI, and informs them whether they''re obese, overweight, healthy, etc. A chart is provided showing the entries from the Daily Weigh In''s screen.
@Colin Evans · 2022-05-30
Parameterized SQL Update Example
Parameterized SQL Update Example
@73Challenger · 2022-05-29
Label fade in-out text change
Label fade in-out text change
@lucasheer · 2022-05-22
B4A YouTube Downloader
B4A YouTube Downloader
@Abdull Cadre · 2022-05-09
Calendar with Database
Calendar with Database
@Colin Evans · 2022-05-06
URI decoding
A function that allows URI characters to be decoded into their equivalents, e.g. "SAMSUNG %C2%A9" -> "SAMSUNG ©"
@T201016 · 2022-05-02
B4ASnippetFile handling
File URI and URL
B4A Subs to get URI and URL of files
@max123 · 2022-05-01
B4ASnippetFile handling
Share my app
Share your app package in apk format and send it to another device by Bluetooth or something
@alfaiz678 · 2022-04-26
Block Phone Screen from turned off
This solution gives the user the possibility tu override the phone screen off timeout. The settings values will not affected (Button btAn). After override the button color turns yellow. After doing his actions while the screen is on the user is able to reset back to the standard settings screen timeout (Button btClose) the button color turns back to blue.
@Guenter Becker · 2022-04-21