Elevation Color
This extends Erels XUI shadow function to use the color parameter also in B4A, by using setOutlineAmbientShadowColor and etOutlineSpotShadowColor. Works since API 28.
@Blueforcer · 2022-03-24
B4ASnippetGPS/location/maps [OSM VIEWER]
Addition to B4XMap [OSM viewer]
Using this very nice OSM map viewer https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4xmap-open-street-map-viewer.138028/ I didn''t like the blue diagonals that will show for the area outside the map, so added some code that will prevent that and also avoids trips to the map DB, looking for tiles that are not there.
@RB Smissaert · 2022-03-14
XSpeechRecognizer Android 11+ [Fix isRecognitionAvailable always false]
XSpeechRecognizer Android 11+ [Fix isRecognitionAvailable always false]
@Mike1970 · 2022-02-18
Increase B4XSearchTemplate without losing title bar [.bas changes] [Solution]
Increase B4XSearchTemplate without losing title bar [.bas changes] [Solution]
@AnandGupta · 2022-02-11
Valentine''s day is approaching
Valentine''s day is approaching
@William Lancee · 2022-01-28
WhatsApp Cleaner
Last year I posted on Google Play an app that cleared WhatsApp from duplicate files (images, videos, audio, documents) or let you preview and delete files that were no longer interested. It also allowed to move the files to dropbox, so as to free the device memory. Google Play asked me to move the word WhatsApp at the end of the title because this could create confusion with the original App and then I could post it, after a while I removed the app and admonished me saying I did not have to use the word WhataApp. o_Oo_Oo_Oo_O I could have changed package name and app name and redacted it with a new icon .... but I did not care ... and did not produce much revenue. :(:(:(:( But for me I find it useful:p:p:p so I would like to share the app with its source code.
@Star-Dust · 2022-01-05
How to increase your Consent Rate for your GDPR CMP in Google funding Choices
How to increase your Consent Rate for your GDPR CMP in Google funding Choices
@Hadi57 · 2021-12-22
Advertising id
Get the Google Advertising id
@Erel · 2021-12-15
Contextual Menu in CLV item justified Label to select text
Select the text of a LABEL in the CLV items and later color those portions of text
@endbyte · 2021-12-02
Keep your codes
Store notes encrypted with a password or PIN
@yeroen · 2021-12-02
WhatsApp Automation
1- Auto Reply You can set up the options that the user can pick from and once the user picks an option you can set up the reply to that option 2- Saving every what''s app notification to SQLite Database and you can access it from Notification Activity (within the app) 3- The App works on accessibility service, meaning you don''t have to do anything, it will automatically do the job (Inspired by the Teamviewer alternative) 4- Enable/Disable the service when ever your would like. 5-You can send files (PDF or Images) or Texts as an auto reply
@sfsameer · 2021-11-21
B4ASnippetMaths [GOAL SEEK]
Find a missing value using Approximation & Guesswork [Goal Seek]
Find a missing value using Approximation & Guesswork [Goal Seek]
@Col · 2021-11-18
Conversion from CUrl to B4A
It is quite convenient to upload images to public cloud server and share the image link to other people rather than share the real image files directly! The following code snippets showed how to upload and search images by CUrl command (provided by: https://apidocs.imgur.com/) and by B4A syntax.
@Wong Ka Chun · 2021-11-17
TBirdSync: Thunderbird contacts/calendar/tasks mirroring from PC to Android (sources included)
TBirdSync: Thunderbird contacts/calendar/tasks mirroring from PC to Android (sources included)
@walt61 · 2021-11-13
B4ASnippetGPS/location/maps [B4A][GOOGLEMAP]
Get click data on polylines, polygons, and circles. [B4A] [GoogleMap]
Get click data on polylines, polygons, and circles. [B4A] [GoogleMap]
@TILogistic · 2021-10-28
WhatsApp call
Start a WhatsApp call from your app
@Pendrush · 2021-10-16
B4ASnippetB4A [SOLVED]
Launching a TextEditor with a parameter on startup [SOLVED]
Launching a TextEditor with a parameter on startup [SOLVED]
@T201016 · 2021-10-15
B4ASnippetB4A [IDE]
Where is the compilation mode stored? [IDE]
Where is the compilation mode stored? [IDE]
@Erel · 2021-10-11
A Simple Way to Diplay Gif Images
A Simple Way to Diplay Gif Images (in a WebView)
@kattah · 2021-09-01
Start AndroidStudio Emulator from B4A
Since the B4A integrated AVD Manager doesnt work for me , im using the Emulator of the Android Studio. To avoid opening the AS IDE everytime, im using the B4A Comment links to start the emulator directly.
@Blueforcer · 2021-08-26
B4ASnippetComms & Network
Internet / Website wait for connection and keep trying X times
Internet / Website wait for connection and keep trying X times
@scottie · 2021-08-24
Setting a spinner''s background without losing the down arrow
I wanted to change the background color of a spinner, but doing this normally loses the down arrow at the right end of the control. Here''s a simple sub to fix that.
@Dave O · 2021-08-14
BLE2 Library additional functions
An additional function that uses the BTtransport parameter and one that allows you to connect to a *paired* device with a MAC Address.
@wes58 · 2021-08-10
Multi selection list with B4XPreferencesDialog
Multi selection list with B4XPreferencesDialog
@skrjabin · 2021-08-09
ImageView / Bitmap rotating
ImageView / Bitmap rotating
@Robert Valentino · 2021-08-03
Get data from pfx certificate
Access data from pfx file : pfx(File.DirAssets ,"xxxxx.pfx","password")
@nesam · 2021-07-30
Menu Web BubbleMenu and BottomMenu
Menu Web BubbleMenu and BottomMenu
@TILogistic · 2021-07-30
screen orientation - constant values
screen orientation - constant values
@Dave O · 2021-07-11
DBRequestManager - make recordset more useable.
I added this to the DBRequestManager module. Converts the data into a list of maps which I find more manageable. It seems to be EXTREMELY fast. Make sure there is at least one row before using it.
@MrKim · 2021-07-10
Localizator + PreferencesDialog
Localizator + PreferencesDialog
@arf programas · 2021-07-09