Create User Interface from Variable Declarations
Create User Interface from Variable Declarations
@Tim Chapman · 2025-02-08
HTML PC>Android convertor
For my application I have a Help written in HTML. The entire simple code is written in an html editor on a PC, it contains three subfolders css, img and js. However, the code written in this way does not work in the WebView component. If a css style or images are to be loaded, the links to the relevant subfolders must be modified.
@Jerryk · 2025-02-05
B4A-Bridge source code
B4A-Bridge source code
@Erel · 2024-09-02
AppCompat with ToolBar - minimal example
The project attached uses the powerful AppCompat library to replace the built-in ActionBar with a more robust ToolBar.
@Erel · 2023-06-23
UriViewer : a viewer for Uniform Resource Identifier
UriViewer : a viewer for Uniform Resource Identifier
@Alain75 · 2023-05-26
B4A Sdk Manager source code
B4A Sdk Manager source code
@Erel · 2022-07-04
B4A Bridge (Reskinned UI)
B4A Bridge (Reskinned UI)
@aeric · 2022-04-25
BasicIDE Suite 4 - Now even further improved
BasicIDE Suite 4 - Now even further improved
@agraham · 2022-02-01
Tells you everything your device is capable of, along with some other potentially useful information.
@drgottjr · 2022-01-31
BasicIDE Suite 3 - Now further improved
Significant changes from BasicIDE Suite version 2
@agraham · 2021-10-09
BasicIDE Suite - on device development IDE
The BasicIDE Suite is a significant upgrade to both my previous BasicIDE and BalToBasicIDE projects. As a reminder these projects implement a programming IDE that runs independently of B4A on the device itself. Please read these original postings for a bit of background.
@agraham · 2021-05-08
BasicIDE Suite 2 - Now with on-device visual designer
This is an updated version of my programming IDE that runs independently of B4A on the device itself.
@agraham · 2021-05-06
FormsBuilder View
This is a tool to preview Preferences dialogs designed with Erel''s Tool FormsBuilder on a device.
@spsp · 2021-05-03
Snipped Manager Part 2
Snipped Manager Part 2
@Guenter Becker · 2021-03-02
Snipped Manager
Snippet Manager for B4A
@Guenter Becker · 2021-03-01
Anywhere Software animated gif
Anywhere Software animated gif
@LucaMs · 2020-12-27
R.java Generator for SLC
R.java Generator for SLC
@laomms · 2020-12-11
Hitex xHelper - Android package converter
Hitex xHelper is a free simple tool to automatically convert old support to new androidx packages. You can convert and save easily by drag your xml or java files into the text area and drop it.
@sadeq.hitex · 2020-10-26
B4AToolBasic [AND MORE]
BasicIDE Suite version 2 now has a syntax highlintg editor [and more]
BasicIDE Suite version 2 now has a syntax highlintg editor [and more]
@agraham · 2020-10-05
BasicIDE Suite version 2 now has an on-device visual designer
BasicIDE Suite version 2 now has an on-device visual designer
@agraham · 2020-09-22
BalToBasicIDE project template generator
(Obsolete) BalToBasicIDE B4J project is an extension to Erel''s BalConverter project that converts between the B4Adesigner layout files and JSON format. It has been extended to convert the Json layout file to a BasicIDE .b4s script file. The purpose of this utility is to create a template file for a BasicIDE project which can then be moved to the device for further development. The template file will contain the control layout and boilerplate event code which can then be enhanced to provide the final project. By using the B4A Designer to lay out the controls much laborious typing and experimentation on the device can be avoided.
@agraham · 2020-06-20
B4AToolCharSequence / CSBuilder
CSBuilder Generator
1) B4J CSBuilder Generator This tool enable you to create CSBuiler for your B4A applications 2) B4A CSBuilder Generator This tool enable you to preview what you do with B4J CSBuiler Generator
@spsp · 2020-05-19
B4A Sdk Manager updates
B4A Sdk Manager updates
@Erel · 2020-04-12
Native Library Generator
B4A Native Library Generator (C++ to B4A)
@wonder · 2018-11-13
B4A Sdk Manager v3.20 - Adds support for Google based AVDs
This update is for developers using B4A v7.80. It can be downloaded here: www.b4x.com/android/files/B4ASdkManager320.zip Unzip it and copy the jar to the installation folder (under Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\Basic4android). With this update it is possible to create (fast) AVDs based on Google API system images. The main benefit is that it allows creating AVDs running Android 8.
@Erel · 2018-01-01
Free Code Snippets Manager
I found in the forum "Android Code Snippets" many programming tricks. As I program for Windows and I like to have access to my local tips, I realized an application (French/English) which includes these code snippets.
@Grinaute · 2017-12-21
Profiling your B4J/B4A apps ''live'' [ABMonitor]
Using a very simple API, you can track how long the code execution time is, the times hit, average time, memory usage etc for nearly everything you want.
@alwaysbusy · 2017-06-26
Online B4A Libraries browser
To my own orientation, and to show my clients the power of developing with b4x, I collected here all (for me) important b4a libraries for easy exploring the documentations, tutorials and downloads. I want to share this here and I hope, for some of you it is also usefull. In future I would like to add a comparision with b4i libraries. Please tell me, if I forgot your favorite libraries or if there is something wrong.
@skrjabin · 2017-05-30
AppStoreInfo - Check Version and more from PlayStore Google
AppStoreInfo - Check Version and more from PlayStore Google. This is a simple & easy code to know basic information from PlayStore google with a PackageName. Using a WEBSERVICE FROM http://carreto.pt/tools/android-store-version/?package=
@scsjc · 2017-04-17
Alternative to B4A Bridge - USB Cable Connection
Alternative to B4A Bridge: USB Cable Connection
@wonder · 2016-09-20