Automatic backup of source files
Here'' s a batch file that will back up all your source files and zip it with 7zip with the datetime stamp. Only external prerequisite is 7zip which is free. It will serve as a simple automatic version control and backup to cloud if your source files are on Dropbox/ Gdrive / Skydrive.
@sunish · 2016-08-31
Make icon
Make icon for android app and iOS app. You choose png file and software resize it to android''s and iOS''s icon
@Bel · 2016-04-07
Generate an ASCII ART image from a bitmap
@Johan Schoeman · 2016-01-09
A tool to help code and maintain multilingual B4A and B4J applications with ease.
@cimperia · 2015-12-13
An xslt stylesheet to document BA Classes
An xslt stylesheet to document BA Classes
@cimperia · 2015-12-02
JHS GIF Loaders
A "short cut" that will enable you to create Progress Indicators for your projects. It makes use of GIF files to simulate the progress indicators.
@Johan Schoeman · 2015-07-08
Library permissions
Library permissions
@HotShoe · 2015-04-26
R Class Generator [Library Development Tool]
R Class Generator [Library Development Tool]
@thedesolatesoul · 2015-02-16
Generic Code Snippet Manager
Generic Code Snippet Manager
@Vader · 2015-02-13
Icon Reorganizer
Not a library but a handy tool to reorganize the directory structure of Action Icons for simpler adding to your projects.
@Corwin42 · 2015-01-05
150MB - Game Assets for FREE !! + FREE Sound/Graphic Soft
I made a little collection of about 150MB Game Assets for FREE. The package includes lots of PNG''s, AI files, ... The use of those files are on your own risk, some packages requires to put the creator name to the finished product so please read the license of those packages. i will also put some FREE software that are a MUST for every game maker incl. FREE sound/background music sites ... SO HAVE FUN WITH GAME MAKING :)
@ilan · 2014-06-23
B4A Library & Module Reference Generator
B4A library and module reference generator enables you to generate library or module reference documents from B4A library XML files and project module files. Generate nicely formatted reference documents in either BBCode or HTML formats.
@warwound · 2014-02-01
A device-based Basic language IDE implemented using Basic4android and a specially modified BasicLib library.
@Agraham · 2014-01-10
Measure Keyboard
For full screen apps that the IME won''t respond to, this is an activity that''s run behind a blank screen that measures and stores the keyboard heights.
@stevel05 · 2013-12-24
Layout Documentation Suite
Layout Documentation Suite
@stevel05 · 2013-12-15
Fiaful has posted a nice Library called ImageStock some days before. It´s a really nice Lib and then i wanted to Create my own ImageStock to use with this lib but i dont find a suiteable Program to do that. So i desided to write it by my own! ;-)
@DonManfred · 2013-10-03
B4ABridgePlus Utility Program
Same as B4ABridge, but with a File manager included.
@Agraham · 2011-12-16
Regex Tester
Online tester for B4x regular expressions:
@Erel · 2000-01-01