SMS and CALL_LOG permissions are no longer available
Google has changed their policy regarding the following permissions: READ_SMS, SEND_SMS, WRITE_SMS, RECEIVE_SMS READ_CALL_LOG, WRITE_CALL_LOG, PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS Only the default phone or messaging apps can use these permissions: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/9047303?hl=en This is relevant for Google Play apps.
@Erel · 2018-10-10
LockBox3 (Delphi) AES encryption exchange with B4A/B4J
This is just a write up of my findings regarding the exchange of encrypted data between B4A/B4J and LockBox3 (Delphi). This write up focuses just on LockBox3''s implementation of AES (128, 192, and 256 bit) cipher and the block modes ECB and CBC. On the Delphi side, before proceeding to exchange string data with the outside world, the programmer needs to ensure that all string encoding is done via UTF8.
@OliverA · 2018-10-05
New B4A book: Android App Development for Electronics Designers
New B4A book: Android App Development for Electronics Designers
@Erel · 2018-10-04
Sharing files from your app with File Provider
This tutorial explains the steps required to implement a file picker that other applications can use to select files or resources.
@Erel · 2018-10-03
Filter the Contents of a ListView By Sql code
Filter the Contents of a ListView By Sql code
@Lowegaterecords · 2018-09-28
How to Install Android 8 on Virtualbox
How to Install Android 8 on Virtualbox
@Diceman · 2018-09-28
B4ATutorialList- and scrollview
Basic difference between a Standard ListView and Amir_RecyclerView
Basic difference between a Standard ListView and Amir_RecyclerView
@fredo · 2018-09-24
B4ATutorialList- and scrollview
Change DataSet in Amir_RecyclerView
During the basic training in Amir_RecyclerView (ARV), a small test project was created, which may help RV newcomers to familiarize themselves with RecyclerViews. Topic: "React to clickevents, change data and update the list"
@fredo · 2018-09-24
Connect Android to MySQL Database Tutorial
Connect Android to MySQL Database Tutorial
@Erel · 2018-09-20
Starter Service - Consistent & Single Entry Point
Starter Service - Consistent & Single Entry Point
@Erel · 2018-09-20
FitBit Authentification and use of the FitBit HTTP SDK
FitBit Authentification and use of the FitBit HTTP SDK
@DonManfred · 2018-09-19
FCM message workflow explained by Google
There are 3 types of messages you can send combined with your app''s state (fore- or background). Android FCM services behave different depending on the message type.
@KMatle · 2018-09-18
Solving Font asset not found from library
Solving Font asset not found from library
@Marcus Araujo · 2018-09-18
Collection of tutorials in PDF format
Collection of tutorials in PDF format
@Erel · 2018-09-12
For beginners: How to communicate with a server using httputils2 (Part 1: php)
For beginners: How to communicate with a server using httputils2 (Part 1: php)
@KMatle · 2018-09-04
Base app for new user to rapid build app
B4A is very good app to build Android app. I want to use it built app same as Android Studio, so i make a "BASE" app to make more apps from it Since 8/2018, you must set target SDK is 26, so many changes to your old app to make it! This base app has "Drawer","Search","Multi Layout", "AdMOD ads", Runtime Permission Dialog,.... very EASY to USE and READ
@tuhatinhvn · 2018-08-29
Signature Capturing with jSignature and WebViewExtras
After several test, now I can use the jSignature javascript plugin I was using in my web, in my B4A app, in order to update my database from b4a the same way I''m doing in my web.
@josejad · 2018-08-23
digital dashboard
digital dashboard
@WhoIsShmoove · 2018-08-18
A trick for a badly closed application from a KILL TASK
The problem appears when someone KILL TASK APP, then your application has not just closed, and sometimes some variables, or service processes prevent the application from running correctly, being useless "even until the next restart of the phone". The easiest solution I''ve found and I think it can help someone in a situation like this is add these lines to starter service.
@scsjc · 2018-08-16
RC4 encryption to transfer data between Android and PC
On one of my projects, I had to transfer sensitive data from Android to PC but - with RC4 encription. I wrote a little code that I want to share with you... Maybe Android supports RC4 encryption in some of its libs, I''m not sure, but this code may be usefull for someone.
@cenyu · 2018-08-15
Read Key/Token from the B4A Manifest
I was busy with a project and wanted to allow users to enter their own Key/Token via the B4A manifest file and then have access to the key/token via B4A code. I did a quick search and could not find something immediately and then did the below/attached via inline Java code that I found somewhere on the web.
@Johan Schoeman · 2018-08-11
How I manage multi language in my Android App
This functionnality is base on a SQL server database where all translations are stored (and used for Windows App clients side). I use a WebService to retrieve the full list of them in Android App. The most important thing in my solution is to use "live" translations. I mean as translations are available and shared in an SQL server database, you are sure to be up to date with. By the way, if you don''t want to use an SQL Server database, you can, for sure, adapt it !
@Yayou49 · 2018-07-26
Supporting multiple screens - tips and best practices
Supporting multiple screens - tips and best practices. There are several features in B4A that help you target Android phones and tablets with different screen sizes and resolutions. The purpose of this page is to collect tips and best practices that will help you create flexible layouts.
@Erel · 2018-07-26
Trial Period using FTP
Here is a method using FTP to create a trial period for your app. Since there is no local file with trial information, the user cannot defeat it by manipulating stored data. Also, FTP calls are very simple and no database required.
@gregchao · 2018-07-23
Designer anchors - Video example
Designer anchors - Video example
@Erel · 2018-07-05
B4A Book Updated to Version 8.30
B4A Book Updated to Version 8.30
@PhilipBrown · 2018-06-19
Shared Code Modules
Edit: shared modules are still supported however more powerful options are available in newer versions of B4X: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/shared-code-modules.40747/#content
@Erel · 2018-06-19
Automatic Foreground Mode
Starting from Android 8.0, services cannot be simply started while the app is in the background or not running at all. Background means that there isn''t any visible activity or any service in foreground state (Service.StartForeground). Common cases where we expect services to start even if the app is not in the foreground: - Push notifications - Services scheduled with StartServiceAt or StartServiceAtExact - Services set to start after boot with #StartAtBoot attribute - Home screen widgets The only way for services to start when the app is not in the foreground is with a new API that ensures that the service will start and immediately switch to foreground mode. This is now handled automatically in the B4A framework. When needed services automatically start in foreground mode. Needed = Running on Android 8+ and the app is considered in the background when the service is started.
@Erel · 2018-06-12
B4A connected to Memu
B4A connected to Memu (Android emulator)
@Iwan Dermawan · 2018-06-07
For beginners: How to communicate with a server using httputils2 (Part 2: MySql)
For beginners: How to communicate with a server using httputils2 (Part 2: MySql)
@KMatle · 2018-06-04