Android Native Contacts Phone Number Picker
This is an example of choosing a phone number from native android contacts picker.
@HAH · 2019-01-04
Simple Photogallery using a Scollview
A simple example that shows how you can use a scrollview and create a photo gallery.
@ilan · 2018-12-29
Easy Sample Translator inside a Code
Easy Sample Translator inside a Code
@scsjc · 2018-12-28
Fill or Fit image to ImageView
Set the scale mode of an ImageView like CSS background-size property.
@Brandsum · 2018-12-26
Immersive Mode with Notch area support
Immersive Mode with Notch area support
@Brandsum · 2018-12-20
Native Ads Unified with MediaView
Native Ads Unified with MediaView
@asales · 2018-12-12
Creating a sticky service - long running background tasks
Creating a sticky service - long running background tasks
@Erel · 2018-12-09
B4A eBook en Espanol
B4A eBook en Espanol
@PhilipBrown · 2018-12-04
B4ATutorialIcons / fonts
Setting custom font for whole application without any library
How to add a custom font for the whole application without any library or extra code.
@Brandsum · 2018-12-02
SQLiteLight four simple SQLite projects
SQLiteLight four simple SQLite projects
@klaus · 2018-11-29
Dialogs library 2017 - Custom dialogs and async methods
Dialogs library 2017 - Custom dialogs and async methods
@Erel · 2018-11-26
How to fix the multiple native libraries problem
Error: It might happen that, when combining multiple native (JNI) libraries, your Android app will crash with an UnsatisfiedLinkError. Why does this happen? Well long-story-short, your libraries differ from each other in terms of ABIs (target CPU architecture). For a detailed explanation, please follow the link below (also attached in PDF format). https://www.neotechsoftware.com/blog/native-libraries-part-i-common-pitfalls
@wonder · 2018-11-10
Solution for: Google Sign In Error 12500 x Internal Testing
If anyone is using the Google Play''s Internal Testing feature to make your app available for selected users, be aware that Google changes the app and therefore the APK signature - so Firebase-based services that require SHA-1 signature will NOT work properly.
@Marcus Araujo · 2018-11-07
Android Wear Install App via Bluetooth
Many people have problems to install there wear app to his watches. I list the steps that are needed so that you can quickly look up when you need it.
@Alexander Stolte · 2018-11-05
fuel gauge
fuel gauge
@WhoIsShmoove · 2018-10-27
Gnss Status Updates
Starting from Android 7 we can extract more information about the satellite navigation status. GPS is the first satellites system (the American system). There are several more systems now available. Android supports all kinds of systems: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/GnssStatus The attached project is based on the GPS example. It uses inline Java to add a listener to the GnssStatus callback.
@Erel · 2018-10-26
IDE Tip: Alt + N = Recent subs menu
Not sure how many developers are familiar with the list of recent subs. You can open it with Alt + N. It is very useful when you are skipping back and forth between several locations. Note that Alt + Left / Right goes to the previous or next location.
@Erel · 2018-10-22
B4ATutorialImages [WATER MARK]
Add text to image and save it [water mark]
Example of how add a text into a bitmap and later save it as image file.
@Douglas Farias · 2018-10-19
Image upload with PHP and PostMultipart
A simple image upload example with postmulipart and PHP
@Douglas Farias · 2018-10-18
B4ATutorialMenu [JFEINSTEIN10]
Left menu layout examples [jfeinstein10]
A simple layout example of SlidingMenu
@Douglas Farias · 2018-10-18
Tabela Fipe Api [Brasil Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles prices]
A simple example of how to consume a api with http
@Douglas Farias · 2018-10-18
Fidget Spinner example
Fidget Spinner example
@Douglas Farias · 2018-10-17
Fidget Spinner HTML example [with assets files]
A simple Fidget Spinner example on B4A
@Douglas Farias · 2018-10-17
Hide Packagename and UserAgent on Webview
Example of how hide the packagename and a user agent on a webview.
@Douglas Farias · 2018-10-17
Register/Login example using TCP [Server and Client]
Example of login and register using tcp and mysql db
@Douglas Farias · 2018-10-17
B4ATutorialFirebase [CURL]
Send Firebase notification via PHP [CURL]
Example of how send a firebase notification via php
@Douglas Farias · 2018-10-17
B4ATutorialhtml [BRAZILIAN]
Simple Currency Api [Brazilian]
Example of how to get values from a website, on this example we get the bitcoin and dolar value converted to REAL (R$) works only with REAL of brazil.
@Douglas Farias · 2018-10-17
B4ATutorialGame [INCOMPLETE]
Simple punch the president game [Incomplete]
Simple punch the president game [Incomplete]
@Douglas Farias · 2018-10-17
Bomb Countdown Example
A simple Bomb Countdown with timer, sound and vibration
@Douglas Farias · 2018-10-15
Version safe APK installation
As explained in this tutorial all store apps will soon be forced to target the latest SDK.This means that we can no longer rely on the OS backwards compatibility features and need to handle the behavior changes ourselves.Installing an external APK is a good example as it requires dealing with several changes
@Erel · 2018-10-12