CAM2FTP create time elapsed videos
This app save each image into a server via FTP and if you want download all images to merge into a video
@Luis Marcom · 2019-07-06
AndroidX SDK
Android Support Library was implemented and maintained in the last 8 years by Google. It includes a wide range of features and it hides many of the differences between the various Android versions. Android Support Library was replaced by AndroidX SDK. It is no longer maintained and new versions of Firebase SDK depend on AndroidX. This is a good time to switch to AndroidX.
@Erel · 2019-07-02
Android InApp Purchase Tutorial
In this tutorial i will show you how to add an in app product to your android app.
@ilan · 2019-06-11
Compiling through Google Drive Filestream
Compiling through Google Drive Filestream
@bluedude · 2019-06-05
Eyes follow example code
A simple example of how to make eyes folow the touch on a panel.
@Douglas Farias · 2019-05-26
TabHost tutorial
TabHost tutorial
@Erel · 2019-05-10
Youtube playlist with xml2map
Youtube playlist with xml2map
@Almora · 2019-05-06
User''s Guide
User''s Guide
@klaus · 2019-05-04
CustomListView with animated header
This is a slightly modified version of CustomListView. It adds a header. The header becomes shorter when the user scrolls down.An event is raised, which allows you to adjust the header''s layout based on the current height.
@Erel · 2019-04-30
Add shortcuts to your Android application
Add shortcuts to your Android application
@Erel · 2019-04-26
Catch Webview Item''s Longclick without late Javascript injection
Sample project to intercept clicks and longclicks on images or text portions in a webview.
@fredo · 2019-04-17
Add OCR features to your Android application [Example]
Add OCR features to your Android application [Example]
@Erel · 2019-04-14
MySQL data to webview using PHP
The purpose of this is to demo how one can add, update, read and display mysql database records into a webview.
@Mashiane · 2019-04-08
AMD Ryzen processor & Android emulator AVD
AMD Ryzen processor & Android emulator AVD
@peacemaker · 2019-04-07
ABWearOS Library 1.0 Tutorial
This library should implement the new datalayer Google Api to send and sync data on Wear and uses the latest Google Play services (SDK 28)
@alwaysbusy · 2019-04-05
ExternalStorage Class - Additional Use Case
The ExternalStorage Class is billed as accessing external SD Cards and USB sticks. I have found it is also useful for relocating data sets without having to recompile an application. This is because of two things. 1) StorageClass works on internal as well as external memory. 2) Access to files via StorageClass is relative to the folder chosen by the user when an application is first run.
@agraham · 2019-04-05
targetSdkVersion 28 [Android 9.0]
targetSdkVersion 28 [Android 9.0]
@Erel · 2019-04-04
Check Trial Period using Dropbox
A solution to solve the control of the trial period of an app using the Dropbox
@Gunnar Daehling · 2019-04-03
Fan Menu
After all the work I went through to make the simple pie graph, I noticed I had 90% of the code to make a "Fan Menu" type library
@Jeffrey Cameron · 2019-03-27
Running B4A and B4J under Linux with wine - fully functional
Running B4A and B4J under Linux with wine - fully functional
@Mihai Rainer Jr. · 2019-03-26
Using a custom view written with Kotlin [Advanced]
Using Kotlin libraries is similar to using Java libraries.
@Erel · 2019-03-25
JRC2 - Home banking coordinates card [open]
Can be used as a two-factor authentication or a secondary login
@ocalle · 2019-03-19
Auto restart an Android Application after a Crash
Auto restart an Android Application after a Crash
@OliverA · 2019-03-18
Background Services in Android 8+ - Observations !
Background Services in Android 8+ - Observations !
@Jmu5667 · 2019-03-08
Enhance your layouts with the Layout bounds developer option [Tool]
The creation of layouts is very easy with the B4A Designer. With more complex forms, however, it can happen that the result looks a bit weird. Usually the heights or distances between the labels are different, but this is not immediately noticeable during development. To avoid slowing down productivity with time-consuming adjustment and control, Android has a helpful tool in the developer options: "Show layout bounds".
@fredo · 2019-02-25
B4A Book English Edition Updated to Version 8.80
B4A Book English Edition Updated to Version 8.80
@PhilipBrown · 2019-02-08
Prevent accidental clicks
I had issues when i did an animation like clicking on a button and shrink it that if you click twice on it it will perform 2 times or more the animation you want to do or if you start a task that can take some milliseconds like scrolling a panel from outside the screen to a specific position you really want to prevent the user to click on anything before you finished your task. this could lead to bugs in your app.
@ilan · 2019-02-01
Changing the theme at runtime
Changing the theme at runtime
@Erel · 2019-01-25
Onkyo TX-NR676 Receiver controlled over IP Address
I want to control my Onkyo TX-NR676 Receiver from my Music Program (Turn On, Set Volume, Set Listening mode, etc) so I created this little test program to figure out what I needed to do.
@Robert Valentino · 2019-01-19
Creating custom Text Selection actions with ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT
Android 6.0 Marshmallow introduced a new floating text selection toolbar, which brings the standard text selection actions, like cut, copy, and pastes, closer to the text youâve selected. Even better though is the new ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT which makes it possible for any app to add custom actions to that text selection toolbar.
@Multiverse app · 2019-01-15