IDE Theme: Night Owl
Even though I don''t know enough to help people with B4A code, I thought that I would give back what I can and share an IDE theme with you. I ported one of my favourite VS Code themes, Night Owl to B4x and it''s attached to this post. It''s a quick-and-dirty initial conversion, and still does need a few tweaks and refinements, but most of the elements are the right colour. It''s good enough to start using, so I thought that I would upload it here - hope that it''s useful to someone.
@Cyan · 2020-02-18
A simple XUI app transfer from B4A to B4J in under 11 minutes
Here is a quick video to show how simple it can be to transfer your B4A projects to B4J when using XUI
@Peter Simpson · 2020-02-14
USB Cable Connection fo Xiaomi Cell phone
For anyone who has problems connecting b4a to Xiaomi mobile phones, I make the link available where I found the Google usb driver to connect xiaomi mobile phones to b4a via usb. Download the adb-setup-1.4.3.exe file, run it, the drivers will be installed (Press ''Y''+ Enter, ''Y'' +Enter, ''Y'' + Enter).
@giacomo-italy · 2020-02-13
B4ATutorialImages [COVER][CONTAIN]
ImageView Fill [cover] & Fit-Inside [contain] (B4A)
ImageView Fill [cover] & Fit-Inside [contain]
@Brandsum · 2020-02-12
Check your app presence on Google Play
Your app has been removed on Google Play. Sample code for those who have previously installed the application not to use it again.
@Almora · 2020-02-04
Installing Basic4android and Android SDK
Installing Basic4android and Android SDK
@Erel · 2020-01-30
How to use NoxPlayer with B4A
It''s recomended to use a real device or the Android SDK included emulator. But if you for some reason want to use NoxPlayer as emulator it is easy!
@knutf · 2020-01-11
How open camera and choose imagen file from gallery of device
In this example i can take a photo or choose an image from gallery and put it in ImageView
@mrjaw · 2020-01-09
B4ATutorialHome automation
Hugo - ESP8266 4-button WiFi remote
Hugo - ESP8266 4-button WiFi remote
@walt61 · 2019-12-24
PanicPuck - A low-cost, subscription-free panic button
I had looked into panic buttons (small portable devices that send an SOS by SMS, for instance for elderly people who took a fall and need help) and they either seem to be rubbish, or come with a monthly or annual subscription service and thought: that should and could be done differently (and cheaper).
@walt61 · 2019-12-07
double joystick in b4a with bluetooth output
A double joystick to control things trough bluetooth
@Xakko Gris · 2019-12-01
How to connect to SQL Server using jtds-1.3.1.jar
How to connect to SQL Server using jtds-1.3.1.jar
@MrKim · 2019-11-17
Upgrading a Google Maps app to targetSDK 28
Upgrading a Google Maps app to targetSDK 28
@junglejet · 2019-11-09
2D Car game Example
2D Car game Example
@Douglas Farias · 2019-10-31
POU Game example
POU Game example
@Douglas Farias · 2019-10-31
B4ATutorialIRC / IM
Responsive Chat Example
I made this example for a chatbot app here on brasil and now i want to share it here.
@Douglas Farias · 2019-10-31
Using an external jar library
Using an external jar library
@menneaduplo · 2019-10-14
Decimal Number to Greek Words - Olografos
Decimal Number to Greek Words - Olografos
@makis_best · 2019-10-07
Beginner''s Demo of B4XComboBox
I''ve seen several questions about the B4X Combobox, so I thought I''d have a go at writing a small demo for using this with lists and also with database. This was done to make sure I knew what I was doing with it, more than anything! This demo shows how to fill a combobox from a List containing user types. It also shows how to change the contents of a combobox as the result of a selection from another comboxbox - the classic Master-Slave or Key-Foreign Key problem which we often have to solve.
@JMB · 2019-09-24
ContentChooser Example
Here is a ContentChooser Example project to choose a image at phone for use in a activity with image view. it works with B4A 9.x and Android 8.1
@MarkusR · 2019-08-26
B4ATutorialComms & Network
Subnet Scanner
Here is a simple subnet scanner. It scans the current class C subnet for a particular port number and tries to open a connection. It logs all the IPs that are found to have that port open in a listview.
@Didier9 · 2019-08-25
Google Maps Tutorial
This tutorial explains how to integrate Google Maps service in your app.
@Erel · 2019-08-21
WhatsApp Layout Example [Tabstrip + CLV]
WhatsApp Layout Example [Tabstrip + CLV]
@Douglas Farias · 2019-08-15
B4ATutorialAudio/Video [BEEP EXAMPLE]
Happy birthday to you [Beep example]
Happy birthday to you [Beep example]
@Douglas Farias · 2019-08-14
B4ATutorialDrawing [IT''S REALLY WINDY]
Ventilator Example [it''s really windy]
Example of a ventilator in B4A.
@Douglas Farias · 2019-08-14
Slow Motion video recording using CamEX2
Here is the example of SlowMo video capture using Camera2 API and CamEX2 class. This is the code for recording slow-motion video which you can find at the bottom of CamEX2 Class of attached example
@Brandsum · 2019-08-08
B4ATutorialGame [RPG GAME]
Simple views colision example [RPG Game]
A simple collision example, where our player (black square) can collide with any other view that has the tag = 1
@Douglas Farias · 2019-07-31
B4ATutorialCharSequence / CSBuilder
CharSequence / CSBuilder Tutorial
B4A v6.80 (which was not yet released) adds several new features related to the ability to format rich strings.
@Erel · 2019-07-25
Facebook login no event raised fix
If your facebook and firebase configurations are all ok but the auth event is not raising or if you are getting "An account already exists with the same email address but different sign-in credentials. Sign in using a provider associated with this email address." error message then this tutorial is for you.
@Brandsum · 2019-07-24
Introduction to the libGDX library
Introduction to the libGDX library
@Informatix · 2019-07-18