PreferenceActivity tutorial
PreferenceActivity tutorial
@Erel · 2020-05-10
Getting file info using uri from content chooser or from received shared file - example
Example of getting file property information from uri provided by content chooser or received file shared to the app. Curtesy of Erelâs example: Received Share. Shows File name, Mime Type, date modified, file size and a list of all columns from that particular content provider. updated code to show information from Gallery content.
@Nokia · 2020-05-04
Part 1 Basics - Creating long lists using xCustomListView with Lazy Loading - Newer developers
Part 1 Basics - Creating long lists using xCustomListView with Lazy Loading - Newer developers
@Peter Simpson · 2020-05-01
Creating long lists of data using xCLV [xCustomListView] with Lazy Loading - New B4Xers
Creating long lists of data using xCLV [xCustomListView] with Lazy Loading - New B4Xers
@Peter Simpson · 2020-04-28
Orientation and accelerometer
Orientation and accelerometer. The attached program displays the values of the different sensors: It creates a PhoneSensors object for each type of sensor. As you can see in the attached code, two Maps are used to hold the phone sensors and the other required data. This way there is no need to write any duplicate code.
@Erel · 2020-04-28
Generate QR-Code w. RSA Public Key and scan/load it
Here''s an example how to generate a QR code containing a RSA Public Key (can be any data you need) in B4J and scan/load the key in B4A (based on the B4x QR code examples from Erel).
@KMatle · 2020-04-27
ListView tutorial
ListView tutorial
@Erel · 2020-04-27
Experimental Powered air purifying respirator
Although very similar to a BiPAP device, This device could only be considered as very low-cost Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) with filter adapter and mask.
@freedom2000 · 2020-04-22
CustomListView with floating titles [XUI]
CustomListView with floating titles [XUI]
@Erel · 2020-04-21
Reset the manifest editor code to the default code [Tip]
Use case: you downloaded an old example and you want to reset the manifest editor code so it will have the correct targetSdkVersion and theme. Open the manifest editor, delete all text and save it. Open the manifest editor code again and the default text will appear.
@Erel · 2020-04-21
Create an Android virtual machine or laptop
Create an Android virtual machine or laptop
@hatzisn · 2020-04-20
Using Camera2 with Zxing for live scan of 1D and 2D barcodes
Using Camera2 with Zxing for live scan of 1D and 2D barcodes
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-04-19
Using CustomBuildAction to deploy to multiple devices at once
Using CustomBuildAction to deploy to multiple devices at once
@Erel · 2020-04-19
Protect your application against copy and changes
Protect your application against copy and changes
@Informatix · 2020-04-14
Retrieving 2 JSON data feeds from an online server - Shared module with B4i
Here is a simple to follow B4i tutorial on how to retrieve JSON data from an online server, in this case I''m using a well known Coronavirus COVID-19 data feed. The project layout file can easily be copied and pasted into a B4A layout file, you can also place the code module into a shared folder as B4i and B4A both use the exact same shared code module.
@Peter Simpson · 2020-04-14
Retrieving 2 JSON data feeds from an online server - Wear OS watch face
Retrieving 2 JSON data feeds from an online server - Wear OS watch face
@Peter Simpson · 2020-04-14
Working with Calendars using ContentResolver
I´m playing around with the Calendars on my Device and want to Query them. I found out how it works using ContentResolver querying the ContentProvider available in Android.
@DonManfred · 2020-04-11
QR Code - Store image/bitmap in a QR Code
QR Code - Store image/bitmap in a QR Code
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-04-10
Searching the internet I found a service that allows you to convert any google sheet into a json api, it has a free version that allows you to consult and add data, connecting to the api is quite simple, as some of us have thought of using google sheet integrated to our developments by I want to show how this tool works.
@fernando1987 · 2020-04-02
Change Icon and Assets Files based on the Build Configuration
Change Icon and Assets Files based on the Build Configuration
@Erel · 2020-03-30
Free Mini Course Android Development Environment Preparation [B4A]
Free Mini Course Android Development Environment Preparation [B4A]
@arenaluigi · 2020-03-30
MQTT client on service working a few seconds by minute to preserve battery
At start i wanted to monitor 2 SOS buttons for seniors. My first idea was to use a rfbridge sonoff programmed with tasmota and a MQTT on mobile, but a MQTT client working full time in a mobile take more than 30% of battery : it is not usable. Second idea was to use a gateway between rfbridge and my mobile
@candide · 2020-03-24
Android In-App Billing v3 Tutorial
Android In-App Billing v3 Tutorial
@Erel · 2020-03-22
API for live information about COVID-19
@Almora · 2020-03-22
Tutorial of connecting Android to MS SQL Server using jRDC2
Tutorial of connecting Android to MS SQL Server using jRDC2
@Bladimir Silva Toro · 2020-03-11
How to create more Instances of the same AVD Emulator
How to create more Instances of the same AVD Emulator
@Sagenut · 2020-03-03
Tutorial Android and Raspberry Debian in BT
In this example we have Raspberry Pi Rasbian and Android App ( communicate via BlueTooth ).
@MarcoRome · 2020-03-01
Audios for WhatsApp (CLV with 2 columns)
Audios for WhatsApp (CLV with 2 columns)
@Douglas Farias · 2020-02-25
Run B4A in Ubuntu 19.04
Run B4A in Ubuntu 19.04
@Songwut K. · 2020-02-22
@Songwut K. · 2020-02-21