B4ATutorialGoogle [ARTICLE]
Demystifying the new Play In-App Review [Article]
Demystifying the new Play In-App Review [Article]
@fredo · 2020-09-27
Audio Ringbuffer
if you want to build instant music in apps from single sounds, it is important that the samples are absolutely synchron and perfect in timing. So you should send one single stream to the system where all the sounds and instruments and effects are already placed. Here I demonstrate how to combine sounds to a stream in a ringbuffer. A timer steps through this ringbuffer and sends the current chunk to the AudioStreamer to feed it just in time in the very last moment.
@Midimaster · 2020-09-25
maybe not so simple way to clean up texts from wikipedia api
This little routine replaces useful html tags to bb tags, and gets rid of unwanted html tags in fetched wikipedia api texts.
@DIYMicha · 2020-09-21
TessBaseAPI ocr
TessBaseAPI ocr
@roberto64 · 2020-09-21
Integrating Firebase Services
Google has recently acquired a company named Firebase and is now offering many backend services under the Firebase umbrella. Most of them are free.
@Erel · 2020-09-14
B4ATutorialYouTube [B4A]
Generate/Extract Direct Youtube DL Link [B4A]
Generate/Extract Direct Youtube DL Link
@mcqueccu · 2020-09-04
Android Bluetooth / BluetoothAdmin Tutorial
Android Bluetooth / BluetoothAdmin Tutorial
@Erel · 2020-08-31
B4ATutorialDatabase [WORKS UNDER B4J - SEE NOTES]
B4A UCanAccess Demo [works under B4J - see notes]
This demo is a slight modification of @DonManfred''s B4XPages SQLiteLight2 demo. It demonstrates that UCanAccess can work under Android, given one uses the right version of UCanAccess and supporting libraries.
@OliverA · 2020-08-25
send data: from WebView to B4X / from B4X to WebView [addJavascriptInterface] [CallSub] [WebViewExtras]
send data: from WebView to B4X / from B4X to WebView [addJavascriptInterface] [CallSub] [WebViewExtras]
@a6000000 · 2020-08-22
B4ATutorialViews - additional [VIDEO]
How to build onboarding screen without any library [Video]
How to build onboarding screen without any library [Video]
@mcqueccu · 2020-08-20
42Nurses - WebView HTML Form
WebView HTML Form For Machine/Robot Control & Home Automation... Now Includes Voice Recognition
@clueless · 2020-08-16
B4A BLE Example with Write
I have created an app to read and write to BLE devices. This is an extension of BLE_Examples.
@ryansabin · 2020-08-12
This code queries currency quotes using the free https://exchangerate.host/ api.
@Lucas Siqueira · 2020-08-12
B4ATutorialList- and scrollview
@User242424 · 2020-08-08
B4XPages vs Activities, Bluetooth Example
B4XPages vs Activities, Bluetooth Example
@themr23 · 2020-08-04
About Box with OSL clickable links
An About Box with clickable links to Open Source code and licenses (just like we see in the apps on Play Store).
@JagiChan · 2020-07-31
Calculate and complete a route on Google Maps without an API key, using WebView and htlm + js
@Tayfur · 2020-07-08
Dhana Akarshana Pooja
Basically, this plays a preset list of music files, each for the specified no. of times.
@kps · 2020-07-07
Talking Clock
The clock uses Text To Speech to read the time. It is set as a service so it reads time hourly at the background. Leave the clock running in your office so at least once every hour you get to hear something that makes sense.
@moty22 · 2020-07-05
Running B4A Apps in Split Screen Mode
Running B4A Apps in Split Screen Mode
@agraham · 2020-07-03
Rev Counter Bluetooth OBD2
RPM meter connected to Bluetooth OBD plug with ELM327. To request RPM you send to the ELM327 "010C" and the reply is: 7E8 04 41 0C 0D 80 . 7E8 = reply to test, 04 = reply with 4 bytes, 41 = reply OK, 0C = PID (command) echo, 0D 80 = 2 bytes of data.
@moty22 · 2020-06-20
B4ATutorialGame [THE NEWBIES]
Match the flags - Extremely basic game tutorial for new B4X developers [The newbies]
Match the flags - Extremely basic game tutorial for new B4X developers [The newbies]
@Peter Simpson · 2020-06-11
B4ATutorialHome automation
This is a MQTT client used to monitor all 433mhz sensors/remote controls in my house.
@candide · 2020-06-11
Android Device Unique ID - Alternative to PhoneId
Android Device Unique ID - Alternative to PhoneId
@Erel · 2020-06-10
COVID-19 Info Example
Had made an application in B4A (my first in B4A) to display COVID-19 statistics.
@IndieDev · 2020-06-08
B4ATutorialFile xfer
FileTransfer - Send and receive files with AsyncStreams
FileTransfer - Send and receive files with AsyncStreams; Newer example based on B4XSerializator: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/72149
@Erel · 2020-06-07
real gallery project
I was planning to make an image selector library like the one used in WhatsApp and Telegram but i ran out of time so i''d like to share this project as it may be useful for someone. It is working and can be used for many proposes (tested on API-21 to API-28) , it may need a few little optimizations. It has all standard gallery features (albums, scrolling, pinch to zoom ...)
@KZero · 2020-06-03
B4ATutorialUI design
B4A UI . Dashboard and Notification
It''s not a full app, just dashboard and notifications.
@Sina_ebrahimi · 2020-05-24
Highland Titles Calculator [Source code]
For B4A members who are also Lords and Ladies of Glencoe a themed calculator based on BrownPaper calculator. Allows the user to enter their own Title/Name which is used as a voice greeting when the calculator is first opened.
@Roger Daley · 2020-05-21
RTL Layout Support
Android now offers several APIs that allow you to build user interfaces that gracefully transform layout orientation to support languages that use right-to-left (RTL) UIs and reading direction, such as Arabic and Hebrew.
@mshafiee110 · 2020-05-13