Power monitor with SMS notification - free w/ source
Here''s the power monitor I built for my lab in B4A. Its fairly simple: if the device gets unplugged (power goes off), it waits for a moment and sends an SMS notification to the specified number. If the power comes back, it also sends a new SMS notification.
@juacocherp · 2021-02-23
Example of adding and calling B4X menu items
Example of adding and calling B4X menu items
@PhilipBrown · 2021-02-20
Android JSON tutorial
Android JSON tutorial
@Erel · 2021-02-07
B4ATutorialPush notifications
Android push notification (C2DM) framework and tutorial
Android push notification (C2DM) framework and tutorial
@Erel · 2021-02-05
B4ATutorialAnimation [+10 EFFECTS]
Custom transitions between activities [+10 effects]
Custom transitions between activities [+10 effects]
@Abdulizor · 2021-02-03
Check if Device Rooted
Check if Device Rooted
@HAH · 2021-01-31
Hint: solving compiler error Unknown member: initializenewinstance
Hint: solving compiler error Unknown member: initializenewinstance
@walt61 · 2021-01-25
Example how you can add Chart JS in your project
@Brian Michael · 2021-01-24
Control your Android device from your Windows PC
Control your Android device from your Windows PC
@Diceman · 2021-01-19
B4XTable - Photos Album
In this example the table is used to show the camera roll photos.
@Erel · 2021-01-11
Remote Database Connector (RDC) - Connect to any remote DB
Remote Database Connector (RDC) - Connect to any remote DB
@Erel · 2021-01-10
B4ATutorialB4Xpages [B4APAGES]
Mixer [B4APages]
The sole purpose of creating this app was to try to come to grips with B4XPages. The reason for posting is the hope that someone will play devils advocate and point out some of the many things I have done incorrectly.
@Roger Daley · 2021-01-04
Updating an embedded DB
A common task we face while enhancing our apps is the need to update the structure of a running DB. This is relatively easy if you know for sure that your users will all go from version 1 to version 2 and then to version 3. But what happens if an user goes from version 1 straight to version 3 of your DB? Missing the "conversion" operations provided in the first update will eventually lead to crashes or impose to carry those former updates over to the next one.
@udg · 2021-01-01
Integrating In App Purchase in B4A Platform
Integrating In App Purchase in B4A Platform
@Almora · 2020-12-07
Compilation time and auto-increment build version
This tutorial demonstrates how the custom build action feature can be used to add a file during compilation with the compilation time and an automatic version number that is incremented with every compilation.
@Erel · 2020-12-06
B4ATutorialFile xfer
Download list of images with HttpUtils2 and CustomListView
Download list of images with HttpUtils2 and CustomListView
@Erel · 2020-12-03
OpenCV and Tensorflow methods for chessboard and chessfigures detection/classification
Two apps show methods and their usage to recognize chess figures and their position based on a camera shot, one using only OpenCV image processing and utils (Chessboard OCV) and the second one using Tensorflow Lite (Chessboard AI) to classify the figures. A standard FEN string is then created for further processing by chess engines like Droidfish. Please refer to the description attached for more info.
@gezueb · 2020-12-02
Interest(ing) Calculator
Interest(ing) Caclulator App
@rathinagiri · 2020-11-27
Capture volume keys events while app is in the background
Capture volume keys events while app is in the background
@toby · 2020-11-25
Fun with panels for noobs
This little app displays simple panels siding in and out from all directions and a sliding search. I realise there are drawers and stuff, but once you have the concept of sliding panels it can lead to all sorts of ideas.
@Unobtainius · 2020-11-16
Using B4A to develop for a Wear OS 2 watch
Using B4A to develop for a Wear OS 2 watch
@agraham · 2020-11-09
B4ATutorialList- and scrollview
Expandable list based on CustomListView
This example uses a slightly modified version of CustomListView to create an expandable list. Each item in the list is made of two panels. One for the title with the arrow and the other is the expanded panel. Note that the expanded items height can be different for different items.
@Erel · 2020-11-08
B4XPages - Allow Orientation Change
B4XPages - Allow Orientation Change
@Jack Cole · 2020-11-03
Google: Here are 4 reasons your Android app will get booted from the Play Store
Google: Here are 4 reasons your Android app will get booted from the Play Store
@JohnC · 2020-10-28
Adaptive Icons
Starting from Android 8 apps should include an adaptive icon. Without it the icon will appear as a small icon inside the larger template
@Erel · 2020-10-25
Sending message to waiting queue of uninitialized activity [submitjob]
I do not know if this is generally valid but I''ve found a solution for this error. If you call a wait for a job in a sub (Number2Sub) which is resumable sub and is called with a wait for then the ball is lost completely. So the answer is do not call wait for in a wait for.
@hatzisn · 2020-10-23
intent for beginner - simple understanding way
intent for beginner - simple understanding way
@HAH · 2020-10-20
Compass degress user entry dialog
Compass degress user entry dialog
@Unobtainius · 2020-10-07
B4ATutorialList- and scrollview
My Audit - Intent Based Camera and Expandable list based on CustomListView
Have combined Expandable List Based on CustomListView and Intent Based Camera to create attached project. The plan is to use this for auditing purposes. Once I am done with this project it will create a PDF from the audit (thinking of using iText with some inline java code. Have already created a sample project with iText - see image at the end of this posting.
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-10-03
Simple BlueTooth printing
Simple BlueTooth printing
@Zlgo · 2020-10-01