Different examples with 2 layouts
Different examples with 2 layouts
@klaus · 2018-01-12
How to disable keyboard suggestions
There are numerous threads in the forum about this, but I didn''t have much luck with them. I wanted to disable the suggestions, but they always showed. I saw one suggestion setting the field to be for email, which disabled the suggestions - but that''s clearly just a dirty workaround. This is the relevant documentation: android:inputType
@Sandman · 2018-01-12
B4ATutorialList- and scrollview
Cards list with CustomListView
This example uses xCustomListView to implement a list of cards. As the items layout is created with the designer, it is simple to implement any layout you like. You can also combine different types of items in the same list.
@Erel · 2017-12-31
jarsigner error: java.security.SignatureException: private key algorithm is not compatible
Private sign keys created with B4A v7.80 or less together with Java 8u151+ will fail with the above error message. Note that it does not affect existing keys. It is related to a change in the default key size. It is fixed for the next update of B4A. As a workaround you can switch to Java 8u144: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-archive-javase8-2177648.html Or create the key from the command line
@Erel · 2017-12-27
Simple previous-next example
Simple previous-next example
@Almora · 2017-12-21
GUI SDK Manager for newer versions of Android tools
Edit: If you are using B4A v7.8+ then a newer version of B4A Sdk Manager is preinstalled. Follow these instructions instead: https://www.b4x.com/b4a.html#installation The GUI interface of Android SDK Manager has been removed in the latest version of Android SDK. It was replaced with a command line tool named sdkmanager.bat. Most developers, including new B4A developers, still use a version which does include the GUI interface, as the B4A download page points to an older version.You can continue to use the currently installed Android tools. A custom tool named B4A SDK Manager is provided as an alternative for developers who like to upgrade
@Erel · 2017-12-20
Select,Upload,Display,Delete image from Server
In this example (Select an image from gallery and display it, Resize the image, Save the image from Imageview to app''s folder, Upload the image to the server, Display the image from the server, Delete the image from the server and last choice Delete all images from the server.
@MohammadNew · 2017-12-19
Raindrop/Snow effect
Using a timer to make a raindrop or snow effect.
@hongbii khaw · 2017-12-12
Corso di B4A in Italiano
Corso di B4A in Italiano
@Massy · 2017-12-11
Colors Game (Simple game source)
The game is so simple, your objective is select correct or incorrect, the bar will have one random color and the text on center too.
@Douglas Farias · 2017-12-10
B4ATutorialList- and scrollview
Clv Simple Chat Example (adjustable text size)
Here is a very very simple example of how make a chat using clv. The text and name is ajustable automatic, you can receive any text and the code will ajust using the correct size. The example is on portuguese but is very very easy to understand, around 30 lines of code.
@Douglas Farias · 2017-12-09
Snaptchat Slide Panels + Camera
i made a snapchat panels example, on snapchat app you can slide the finger to any direction, right, left, up and down. i made the same on B4A, using no especial libs, just a panel with touch event and b4a animation using setlayoutanimated.
@Douglas Farias · 2017-12-09
Check the Network State and Wifi SSID Name with reflection
Check the Network State and Wifi SSID Name with reflection
@Asim A Baki · 2017-12-08
Glitching screen - B4A Library source code
Glitching screen - B4A Library source code
@NJDude · 2017-12-06
B4A Book Updated to Version 7.30
B4A Book Updated to Version 7.30
@PhilipBrown · 2017-12-02
Take a Screenshot with Inline Java Code
I have tested this on an Android 7.0 device only - take a screenshot of your activity. You need to enable the JavaObject library to make use of it.
@Johan Schoeman · 2017-12-02
Arduino / B4A
Arduino / B4A
@MarcoRome · 2017-11-30
Create wave form
You can generate waveform from peaks json file which is generated from mp3 file.In this source waveforms has drown with canvas.You can customize everything about waveforms display with this source.
@megzz · 2017-11-18
GPU overdraw
Every time your app draws a pixel on the screen, it takes time. Every time your app draws an opaque pixel to replace something that has already been drawn, it wastes time. Drawing a pixel more than once per screen refresh is called overdraw, and it’s a common problem affecting the performance of modern applications. To be efficient, every time your app refreshes the screen, it should strive to draw every changed pixel only once.
@Multiverse app · 2017-11-18
Firebase Realtimedatabase Create a room and messages inside
I''ve been working with Firebase''s realtimedatabase this week. There is no example yet of how to create rooms and send messages, but it is important for anyone who wants to make a chat in his App, for this reason I make an example of it.
@Alexander Stolte · 2017-11-17
CustomBottomSheet - B4A Library source code
A draggable panel which can contain any layout you design
@NJDude · 2017-11-15
Firebase Realtimedatabase get a chat or content preview (filtering)
Firebase Realtimedatabase get a chat or content preview (filtering)
@Alexander Stolte · 2017-11-14
Firebase Realtimedatabase user is typing feature
A nice feature is to display whether a user is typing or not.
@Alexander Stolte · 2017-11-13
WhatsApp Spy (educational purposes only)
WhatsApp Spy (educational purposes only)
@Star-Dust · 2017-11-13
CustomFloatingMenuButton - B4A Library source code
The attached code shows how to create a Floating Menu Button, you can show the button by clicking on a button or a swipe gesture (right edge of the screen).
@NJDude · 2017-11-06
Help file for beginner programmers on Android platform.
Help file for beginner programmers on Android platform.
@Lakhtin_V · 2017-10-27
Use a handheld Bluetooth scanner via SPP mode
Use a handheld Bluetooth scanner via SPP mode
@KMatle · 2017-10-21
B4A Creating a cross-platform dialog class with input validation
Creating a cross-platform dialog class with input validation
@Misterbates · 2017-10-19
B4ATutorialList- and scrollview
Scrollview: Adding labels and setting their height automatically depending on the text(size)
This is just a simple example (and yes, there are others doing similar). You can modify this example it by using other colors, gradients, adding other views and so on to have a simple but good looking GUI.
@KMatle · 2017-09-16
Firebase Invites/ DynamicLink/ DeepLink [relationship between]
Firebase Invites/ DynamicLink/ DeepLink [relationship between]
@fredo · 2017-09-15