Google Maps with FusedLocationProvider
Google Maps uses the GPS as its location provider. It will not show the current location if GPS is disabled. It is possible to switch to a custom location provider.
@Erel · 2017-09-13
Expand the Eddittext row for row like WhatsApp
Expand the Eddittext row for row like WhatsApp
@Alexander Stolte · 2017-09-12
Horizontal ScrollPage
I want to share this simple example of an HorizontalScrollView that works like ViewPager. Main difference between this and ViewPager is that HorizzontalScrollview has an only inner panel: this means that you can put inside it views that are larger then page width.
@Emme Developer · 2017-09-07
Third party tool for screen recording
I''m mostly using B4A-Bridge to connect the IDE to the Android devices. The built-in video recording feature doesn''t work with B4A-Bridge. I found a good alternative: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free This app, which requires Android 5+, makes it simple to record the screen. You can then use Tools - B4A Bridge - File Explorer to copy the files to the PC. The video files will be under: AzRecorderFree. Combine it with LICEcap (https://www.cockos.com/licecap/) and you can convert it to an animated gif.
@Erel · 2017-09-06
Create a wrapper library with Android Studio
This tutorial tries to show how to create a wrapper library with Android Studio.
@corwin42 · 2017-09-05
DJI app java object to start video recording
This starts recording video with your dji app
@shb777 · 2017-08-31
Android multitouch tutorial
Android multitouch tutorial
@Erel · 2017-08-29
Using a PlayStation 3 controller with your Android Device
Using a PlayStation 3 controller with your Android Device
@wonder · 2017-08-29
Adding Tripod Mode to your DJI Mobile app
Tripod mode for DJI drones, limits the speed of your drone to around 2 mph. So you''re less likely to hit something, when your in confined spaces, or around people. This shows you how to add this to your app. Right now, only the Mavic Pro has Tripod Mode.
@shb777 · 2017-08-24
Firebase Database working example
Firebase Database working example
@pedrocam · 2017-08-22
B4ATutorialDatabase [B4A]
MsMariaDb with Resumable Subs [B4A]
MsMariaDb with Resumable Subs [B4A]
@walt61 · 2017-08-18
SQL Fiddle
There is a very useful online tool called SQL Fiddle that allows you to build test tables, populate them with data & run queries on them. This is great if you are trying to figure out how you should set up a database or if you are having trouble trying to figure out a complex query as it allows you to quickly run tests without having to build & deploy an app to a device or simulator.
@Computersmith64 · 2017-08-17
B4A 7 Book in Russian
B4A 7 Book in Russian
@PhilipBrown · 2017-08-16
B4A_CartoonCamera : Real Time Image Processing using Renderscript Intrinsics
This demo app shows how to use RenderScript ScriptIntrinsics in real time image processing. As an example the camera preview is converted into a cartoon like image. The processed image can be saved by touching the screen.
@Matti81 · 2017-08-15
LoadBitmap / LoadBitmapResize / LoadBitmapSample
This tutorial explains the differences between the three methods. The bottom line is that the best option is to use LoadBitmapResize and set the container gravity, if possible, to Gravity.CENTER.
@Erel · 2017-08-11
B4ATutorialFile xfer
Upload image to server, PostMultipart and PHP
A small example like loading an image with PostMultipart and PHP, I have been useful, you can adapt it needs.
@rscheel · 2017-08-11
B4ATutorialList- and scrollview
Get all views or values of a CustomListView item
Get all views or values of a CustomListView item
@LucaMs · 2017-07-21
Android Kiosk mode tutorial
A better kiosk implementation is available: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/device-owner-tasklock-kiosk-apps-2017.81765/#post-518018
@Erel · 2017-07-18
Device Owner / TaskLock / Kiosk apps 2017
Starting from Android 5 (API 21) there is better support for kiosk applications. Kiosk applications = applications that the user cannot exit from.
@Erel · 2017-07-18
Custom Context Menu for Text Selection
This example uses inline Java with JavaObject to allow creating custom context menus when the user selects text.
@Erel · 2017-07-13
B4ATutorialList- and scrollview
ScrollView example with a Panel higher than the screen
ScrollView example with a Panel higher than the screen
@klaus · 2017-07-11
B4ATutorialComms & Network
TCP/IP Server Client ServerSocket AsyncStreams
TCP/IP Server Client ServerSocket AsyncStreams
@rtek1000 · 2017-07-07
Bouncing ball in a 3D box.
Bouncing ball in a 3D box with collision detection
@JordiCP · 2017-07-05
Receiving shared images from other apps
This example shows how to create an app that can act as a sharing target. It will be listed in the list of apps that show when the user shares an image.
@Erel · 2017-06-26
B4A Book Updated to Version 7.01
B4A Book Updated to Version 7.01
@PhilipBrown · 2017-06-21
B4ATutorialList- and scrollview
ULV - combining drag/drop and swipe to delete with a hierarchical data structure
The attached example presents the user with a two-level hierarchical view of data and uses ULV to implement the following: •Showing the hierarchy using indentation of sub-items •Drag/Drop reordering of items in the hierarchy •Swipe left/right to delete items
@Misterbates · 2017-06-17
OpenCV real time car detection example (by @moster67)
This is a full working example of real time ObjectDetection (in this case, cars) using cascadeClassifiers, getting the input from a recorded video file, making use of Videocapture. The example was written by @moster67 who kindly gave me permission to publish it here. I have only tuned a couple of things ( :D ) , but the example is very good for learning as it makes use of several OpenCV classes. This project can be used as a starting point for any other type of object detection: as in real-world applications, many things can be tuned: cascade classifier files, image conditioning, applying logic, .... It is an excellent example to start experimenting. Also the code is both compact and commented.
@JordiCP · 2017-06-13
OpenCVforB4A: basic image manipulation: OCVMats,OCVCore and OCVImgProc
Perhaps OCVMats (''Mat''s in the OpenCV syntax, please note that all classes in the B4A library add a ''OCV'' prefix to the class names) are the most important building blocks: •Basically, OCVMats are managed arrays, which can hold different type of data. They can be used to hold the pixels of a bitmap, a set of points, whatever. •Then, there are a lot of highly optimized methods, which belong to the same OCVMat class, or the OCVCore (Core functionality) and OCVImgProc (image processing) modules, which perform all the manipulations that one may need. •These and other strongly optimized "base manipulations" are then used by higher level algorithms to extract features from the image, which can be converted into useful information, and so many things...
@JordiCP · 2017-06-12
Simple Image viewer & pager
This example shows the images contained in a certain directory, with pinch zoom and smooth scroll -when image is zoomed- capabilities (provided by JSTouchImageView library, from @salvadorjhai). Also you can pass from one image to the next or the previous, with an horizontal touch movement (provided by Gestures library, from @agraham). One of the major advantages, appart from its simplicity, is the low comsumption of memory, as only one image is loaded at a time.
@Ivan Aldaz · 2017-06-11
Foreground Service with Notification Builder
The example shows how to implement a long-running service (Service.StartForeground) with three different ways to show a notification used for controlling the app: 1) Using the Notification object and catching the user press on the notification (based on Erel''s download example) 2) Using the NotificationBuilder library (see above for link to the library) and catching the user press on the notification 3) Using the NotificationBuilder library with additional actions to implement the controls
@Misterbates · 2017-06-07