Check if the application is running on a Chromebook
Check if the application is running on a Chromebook
@yo3ggx · 2023-01-16
In-App Review Library [untested Beta] - need someone to test library
In-App Review Library [untested Beta] - need someone to test library
@Pendrush · 2023-01-15
Intent Filters - Intercepting SMS messages in the background
Intent Filters - Intercepting SMS messages in the background
@Erel · 2023-01-13
Camera2Torch - Torch using B4A''s Camera2 library
Camera2Torch - Torch using B4A''s Camera2 library
@OliverA · 2023-01-12
Android home screen widgets tutorial - part I
Android home screen widgets tutorial - part I
@Erel · 2023-01-10
Page Indicator [XCustomListView]
Page Indicator [XCustomListView]
@Brian Michael · 2023-01-10
SD Floating Button StandOut
A flying button that always stands out even on other Apps On the Desktop.
@Star-Dust · 2023-01-10
This library allows you to monitor the user / device physical state (walking, running, still, etc.). The state detection is based on Android location services which use low power sensors to try to detect the current activity. Once you connect your app to these services you will receive notifications even when your app is in the background (similar to static intent filters). It requires Google Play Services to be installed. This library will not work with the latest version of Google Play Services.
@Erel · 2023-01-09
Android Bluetooth Arduino
B4A app to control inputs and outputs of Arduino connected to Bluetooth module HC-05
@moty22 · 2023-01-09
B4xLanguage - Localize your B4a+B4i applications
B4xLanguage - Localize your B4a+B4i applications
@Filippo · 2023-01-05
BLE 2 - Bluetooth Low Energy
BLE 2 - Bluetooth Low Energy
@Erel · 2023-01-04
Wrapper for AudioTrack Library allows sending audio from within an app.
@stevel05 · 2023-01-03
Very simple GPS Program
Very simple GPS Program
@Justcooldev · 2023-01-03
Alerter Library
This library aims to overcome the limitations of Toasts and Snackbars, while reducing the complexity of your layouts.
@Pendrush · 2022-12-31
Fighting with sending HTML-content to Outlook. A simple solution for that mess...
Fighting with sending HTML-content to Outlook. A simple solution for that mess...
@BlueVision · 2022-12-29
BLE nRF Connect pre-BLE2 problem solving
BLE nRF Connect pre-BLE2 problem solving
@emexes · 2022-12-27
Export B4XTable to Excel File [B4A]
Export B4XTable to Excel File [B4A]
@Brian Michael · 2022-12-25
Print or Save as PDF a Table from B4XTable
Print or Save as PDF a Table from B4XTable
@Brian Michael · 2022-12-25
SD DigestServer [httpServer+Digest Auth]
Source code included. I have extended the HttpServer Library functions by adding Digest authentication. This is a demonstration version, it allows normal http connections (such as httpserver) and activating the digest protocol on a specific folder will display (if you enter the correct credentials) a standard page. You can ask for the full version privately which allows you to send your http pages to requests for authenticated pages.
@Star-Dust · 2022-12-25
Dedicated Touch Screen for Octoprint supporting older devices
Reclaim those old Phones / Tablets that are sitting around that DO NOT have access to the Google store anymore. This in not a replacement for Octoprint but a way to add a touch screen to your printer using old hardware.
@JakeBullet70 · 2022-12-22
SD AutoComposeTextView [XUI]
SD AutoComposeTextView [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2022-12-21
Firebase phone number authentication
A wrap to integrate firebase auth phone number authentication.
@Enrico Fuoti · 2022-12-17
Get focused view
Get focused view
@ANC-Software · 2022-12-16
New online AI Regex Generator!
New online AI Regex Generator!
@JohnC · 2022-12-09
Convert Julian Serial date to calendar date string
Convert Julian Serial date to calendar date string
@WN van Surksum · 2022-12-08
B4A Welcomes SSE
Server Side Events
@drgottjr · 2022-12-04
DOTips - show an overlay for UI tips
DOTips is a free B4A class for showing "spotlight" tips for UI controls in your app. These are commonly used for tutorials, onboarding, or showing users what''s new. The tips are overlaid on your UI using a semi-transparent background, and can highlight a UI control, an arbitrary area, a picture, or just show text.
@Dave O · 2022-11-26
fsPreferences [ PreferenceMenu + PreferenceManager]
fsPreferences [ PreferenceMenu + PreferenceManager]
@Filippo · 2022-11-25
(Deprecated) Since API version 30 it is not possible to use file:/// to load files from the DirAsset, DirInternal and Resource folders. This library provides a solution.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2022-11-24
BiometricManager - Biometric Authentication
This class replaces FingerprintManager ( It works with all the device supported biometric authentication features.
@Erel · 2022-11-22