NB6 - Notifications Builder class (2018)
This is an internal library now. For a long time there were two ways for B4A developers to show notifications: - Simple notifications with the built-in Notification object. - More complex notifications with barx''s NotificationBuilder library. Thank you barx for all your work!!! The notifications features changed a lot as Android evolved. Android 8 (with targetSdkVersion 26+) adds another complexity with the introduction of notification channels. The built-in Notification object was rewritten in B4A v8 to work properly with all versions. This is a good option if you are interested in simple notifications.
@Erel · 2025-03-12
TableView class
The Table class allows you to show tables of any sizes. The views (labels) are reused to avoid creating many views.
@Erel · 2024-07-14
ContactsUtils v2.00 : redesigned, recoded and enhanced new version
ContactsUtils v2.00 : redesigned, recoded and enhanced new version
@Alain75 · 2023-06-04
B4XEval class [modified by RB Smissaert]
B4XEval class with error handling
@RB Smissaert · 2023-06-01
Add In App Purchases on the fly to your B4A and B4i projects [CHARGEABLE] [Class]
[Class] Add In App Purchases on the fly to your B4A and B4i projects [CHARGEABLE]
@hatzisn · 2023-05-04
CLVDragger Class with Remove Item for xCustomListView
CLVDragger Class with Remove Item for xCustomListView
@GeoT · 2023-02-26
Camera2Torch - Torch using B4A''s Camera2 library
Camera2Torch - Torch using B4A''s Camera2 library
@OliverA · 2023-01-12
This library allows you to monitor the user / device physical state (walking, running, still, etc.). The state detection is based on Android location services which use low power sensors to try to detect the current activity. Once you connect your app to these services you will receive notifications even when your app is in the background (similar to static intent filters). It requires Google Play Services to be installed. This library will not work with the latest version of Google Play Services.
@Erel · 2023-01-09
DOTips - show an overlay for UI tips
DOTips is a free B4A class for showing "spotlight" tips for UI controls in your app. These are commonly used for tutorials, onboarding, or showing users what''s new. The tips are overlaid on your UI using a semi-transparent background, and can highlight a UI control, an arbitrary area, a picture, or just show text.
@Dave O · 2022-11-26
Audio Visualizer
Wrapper for the android audio visualizer library.
@stevel05 · 2022-09-09
Bluetooth TSPL Printer Class
In the past few weeks, I have been testing a self-adhesive label printer. I have found a lot of information on the Internet, only ESC / POS related information. There is no such TSPL print source code. Later, I asked the printing supplier to go to the tspl instruction file. After constant experiments, I sorted out the following code, hoping to provide reference for friends in need!
@cxbs · 2022-08-23
Class wmCalendar - Android calendar manipulation based on DonManfred''s explorations [B4A] [Class] [Calendar]
Class wmCalendar - Android calendar manipulation based on DonManfred''s explorations [B4A] [Class] [Calendar]
@walt61 · 2022-04-19
Play Games Services - Example and Class
Last year, I commissioned Biswajit to write a library for the new Google Play Games Services library. To manage the complexity of the code, I wrote a class called GamePlayLeaderboardsAndAchievements. I put together an example app that demonstrates the functionality of the library and class.
@Jack Cole · 2022-04-02
CameraEx class extends the camera functionality
@Erel · 2021-12-29
NB6 class - additional functions
NB6 class - additional functions
@wes58 · 2021-12-08
ClsWheel Input wheels [Class]
ClsWheel Input wheels [Class]
@klaus · 2021-11-04
wmContactsUtils - enhanced ContactsUtils [B4A] [Class] [Contacts]
wmContactsUtils - enhanced ContactsUtils [B4A] [Class] [Contacts]
@walt61 · 2021-10-12
SearchView class
More powerful alternative to AutoCompleteEditText
@Erel · 2021-09-30
Professional picture downloader
Professional picture downloader
@darabon · 2021-09-02
FileProvider - share files [class]
After investigating several issues with the current FileProvider code that you can find in the forum, I decided to make some improvements and implement it in a class. Starting from Android 7 (API 24) you cannot directly share file uris with other applications. You need to use FileProvider. The FileProvider class should work on all Android versions (4+).
@Erel · 2021-08-16
SearchView that can handle many items
@Erel · 2021-08-12
Class media
An easy way to take/record/choose photo/video/audio
@spsp · 2021-06-10
SD: DateDialog (Calendar Picker)
SD: DateDialog (Calendar Picker)
@Star-Dust · 2021-04-02
sqlclass Fast Sql string generation from simple class to Mysql,Sqlite
sqlclass Fast Sql string generation from simple class to Mysql,Sqlite
@Fabio vega · 2021-02-24
CharSequence / TagCSBuilder
TagCSBuilder is a class built on top of CSBuilder. With TagCSbuilder the formatting information is not provided by method calls but by tags included in the string.
@Quandalle · 2021-01-27
B4ADrawer - sliding drawer [class]
A class that implements a sliding menu. Unlike the nice jfeinstein SlidingMenu library the drawer covers the activity instead of pushing it. It is similar to the various design support navigation drawer libraries.
@Erel · 2020-12-08
ExternalStorage - Access SD cards and USB sticks
ExternalStorage - Access SD cards and USB sticks
@Erel · 2020-11-11
Automated synchronous FTP-client
Automated synchronous FTP-client based on standard FTP-object. Functions: - Periodical auto-synchronization of files from a chosen root folder on a FTP server: ZIP-like files (.zip, .apk, .xlsx...) integrity is checked and if corrupted - the ZIP-file is re-downloaded. - Manual upload, download and deletion of a file: make files queue - Errors handling, event-driven log: check and control each file and its status
@peacemaker · 2020-09-08
CoolFrame is not panel like which can hold other view child, it just a view with some properties you can setup such as color and border.
@rraswisak · 2020-08-21
KeyValueStore 2
KeyValueStore is a persistent key/value based data store. It is similar to the useful Map collection, however unlike Map which stores the data in memory, KVS stores the data in a database. This means that you don''t need to worry about losing data or saving the state when the program ends.
@Erel · 2020-07-16