PopupMenu SubMenu
The class clsPopupMenu shows a Popup Menu which can owns sub menus. The options are stored in a map. In the exemple they are in json file in the assets folder.
@spsp · 2020-05-15
CustomListView class
A flexible list based on ScrollView
@Erel · 2020-04-26
Grid Class using a CLV VisibleRangeChanged long list images from url
The idea of this class is to be able to load in a 3 column Grid (customizable) a long list of url images, and to be able to customize all the labels panels etcâ¦
@scsjc · 2020-04-15
This is the TabStripViewPagerExtendet Class for the TabStripViewPager and my first Class which I publish. The standard library does not offer much customizability and thats the reason why I did this class. The class has many settings and thanks to Erel for sharing methods with the JavaObjects.
@Alexander Stolte · 2020-04-10
B4X Settings Class - Ready for B4i map from json bug
A settings class which makes it absolutely easy to save as many settings as you want in one text field in a SQLite database table. You initialize it with the field name, table name, folder of db and db file name or just with the field name, table name and an SQL and then everything is a piece of cake. Call its methods to Load settings, Save Settings, Set setting field, Get setting field, Set "Saved settings" message, Set "Settings Loaded" message. The class is ready for the B4i map from json "bug" which does not allow you to change values in a map derived from json in B4i.
@hatzisn · 2020-03-31
Add directory creation to the official ExternalStorage class
Addition to the ExternalStorage Class for creating a sub-directory
@ac9ts · 2019-12-23
Consent Code Class
Display privacy policy webpage and then user has to Accept or Deny
@Robert Valentino · 2019-11-23
Fingerprint Authentication
This class uses inline Java to access the fingerprint API introduced in Android 6.It will only work on Android 6+ devices.
@Erel · 2019-11-10
Msgbox with timeout 2
MsgBox with timeout (cancel) for Android.
@peacemaker · 2019-10-10
LockBox3 (Delphi) AES ECB/CBC encrypting / decrypting [B4A/B4J]
This class can be used decrypt data created with LockBox3 and encrypt data that will be properly handled by LockBox3. LockBox3 is an encryption/decryption library for Delphi.
@OliverA · 2019-08-26
JustImgSlider - simple horizontal image slider class
JustImgSlider - simple horizontal image slider class
@peacemaker · 2019-08-02
FirebaseAdmob Native Ad Class
This example uses a pre-built layout and uses the Unified Native Ad for the type of native ad.
@Jack Cole · 2019-07-07
Bluetooth ESC/POS Printer Class
Bluetooth ESC/POS Printer Class
@agraham · 2019-06-12
time switch class
time switch class
@MarkusR · 2019-05-21
Get value from complex structure [combination of map, list, array]
This is a module code to retrieve value from complex structure (combination of list, map, array and primitives types). Give the path with a dot (.) separator to get the value or the default value if not accessible.
@spsp · 2019-04-04
Simple example B4XDrawer sliding drawer class with materialicons and fontawesome icons
A small example of the class B4XDrawer with material icons and fontawesome icons
@A0_2_A7 · 2019-04-04
Toggle Class
Toggle Class
@rraswisak · 2019-01-05
SD: Spinner with CustomView
I''ve created a new class with CistomView to have the same features on the spinner object as ListView. A second line of text and the ability to add an image beside each item. Also there is the ability to put the screen in gray when you click on the spinner. And finally, the ability to represent each item with rounded edges. In the cases there is an image that will also be rounded.
@Star-Dust · 2019-01-03
Torch class
This is a simple B4A class to make easy the use of the built-in led of our beloved android devices. Tested on various devices up to android 8. The goal is to use the led as a Torch.
@DavideV · 2018-12-26
Draw HTML text [also some HTML parsing]
I am working on a game and I wanted dialog to be more than just plain text. Some games starting with the N64 and GBA era have had switches of text color and size. I figured the easiest way to control all that would be to use HTML. It also has the standard typewriter effect, and a scrolling effect when done. But more effects can be added later (ie: slow down/speed up the typewriter effect down for some parts)
@NeoTechni · 2018-12-03
MultiB4aBridge [B4J source code]
A (coarse) software to install an apk on multiple devices at a time connected via B4A-Bridge.
@LucaMs · 2018-11-23
In the forum one sees again and again that many beginners use the old StringFunctions Lib of margret. But you should not use this lib anymore. Therefore, I have made the effort to rewrite the Lib (B4A 8.50).
@Knoppi · 2018-10-10
The BeaconParser class parses the advertising data that is sent by BLE beacons. It supports iBeacons, Eddystone UID and Eddystone URL formats.
@Erel · 2018-09-20
Download manager
Download managerI try simplification InternetDownloadManager in my class. In my class,i use chaining method and other
@Pooya1 · 2018-09-16
Device information Class
Device information Class
@Pooya1 · 2018-09-04
FilePicker 2
I made my own FilePicker (see Attached). I wanted it to work like FileDialog (not sure how it completely works). I didn''t want the CallBacks so I used wait for. I wanted the program to be standalone so you didn''t need to include any other code so I embedded some of Don Manfred''s WildCardList program (gave him credit of course) so that the program was just a single basic Class Module.
@Robert Valentino · 2018-09-03
Clipboard Class
With it you can copy and past plain text in your android app.
@hatzisn · 2018-08-01
CustomListView class extension with ''pull to refresh'' functionality
@Erel · 2018-06-11
SD: MeteorView
I created a new class that animates the background of any view and makes a starry sky appear with falling meteors.
@Star-Dust · 2018-06-04
ExpandViews [Class]
A class / library to easily manage the expansion / collapsing of N B4XViews.
@LucaMs · 2018-05-20