Bitmap module
This module is good for working with Bitmaps. In this module,you can work with bitmap,colors,drawable,picture filter and other.
@Pooya1 · 2018-05-02
Analog Wheel Class
Unlike the Horizontal wheel (see WheelView class) , this wheel is analog - it can set or get any value in the range of the wheel, not just the labels. It can be designed in the designer as custom view, or added by code.
@Derez · 2018-04-28
Wheel class ver 2
Like the library, as a class.
@Derez · 2018-04-03
B4A Checkbox List Pop-up UI Class
A class to pop up a list selection with checkboxes (in a scrollview) from a key value map inside a activity. After ok click the map is updated.
@MarkusR · 2018-03-26
OpenWeatherMap class
OpenWeatherMap class
@JCO · 2018-03-25
A Unit Test solution(class CTestRunner)
I seem to now have a working Unit Test solution for B4A for anybody interested. The test code and test runner are included in the project to be tested, but can be excluded from compilation using a conditional directive - I use ''#if UNIT_TESTS'', with ''UNIT_TESTS'' defined when required in a Build Configuration (B4A menu option: Project | Build Configurations).
@jgmdavies · 2018-02-09
Custom Share Intent
Custom Share Intent
@Emme Developer · 2018-01-09
TIniFile - INI file handler class
This is a class for handling Configuration Settings (INI) file like in MS Windows. I follow Delphi''s names. Perhaps anyone comes from Delphi/Lazarus like me want to use TIniFile in B4A. It is a simple code, but it''s just enough for my current need. You may use, modify, or distribute anyway you want. If would be great if you inform me for any enhancement.
@Xenno · 2018-01-04
Class module - TimeDialogs (source)
Class module - TimeDialogs (source)
@T201016 · 2017-11-16
B4AClassComms & Network
The library listens to the current network traffic in your app and then categorizes the user''s internet connection quality with one of following values Poor, Moderate, Good and Excellent.
@Jamie8763 · 2017-10-30
HVSeekbar class - Customizable Horizontal and Vertical seekbars
This class generates horizontal and vertical seekbars, in which you can customize the shape and colors (pressed and not pressed) of the slider, the background color and the width and colors in the two parts of the bar.
@Ivan Aldaz · 2017-10-22
B4AClassFile handling
File Explorer class
Allows to browse your storage devices. Embeds a picture and text viewer.
@Informatix · 2017-09-17
Dropbox API V2
Dropbox API V2 All HTTP! All using httputils2
@DonManfred · 2017-08-20
SD: Question Time Class
Someone in the forum today asked for help He has a series of questions. Each question can have many answers. He wanted the questions to appear one after the other. For each question one could choose an answer and immediately afterwards go to the next. I chose to create a Class. The result is nice and I decided to publish the source. Of course you can change to customize the graphics and add new features. I''ve put a button that allows you to go back to the previous question
@Star-Dust · 2017-08-03
CamEx class with Face Tracking and more error handling
CamEx class with Face Tracking and more error handling
@NeoTechni · 2017-07-25
Strong Password Generator
Strong password Generator generates random password with your desired length, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and symbols.
@mcqueccu · 2017-07-18
mysql_php class - easy way to connect webservice (security https & gzcompress)
Easy code to get select from a database using a file on server (can use https)
@scsjc · 2017-07-10
Device Class Year
Device Year Class is an Android library that implements a simple algorithm that maps a device''s RAM, CPU cores, and clock speed to the year where those combination of specs were considered high end. This allows a developer to easily modify application behavior based on the capabilities of the phone''s hardware.
@Jamie8763 · 2017-05-30
DEDialogs class
For files and input dialogs.
@Derez · 2017-05-25
Input Slider Class
An input slider class that allows simple use of images to create interesting sliders.
@stevel05 · 2017-04-03
Wait class
ProgressDialog looks very small on my Tablet and I usually do not use it in loops because the DoEvents in the loop slows the execution. While working on the Treeview class I had an idea to show the progress but call the Doevents not every loop but after a group of cycles. This did speed up the execution and still the progress dialog was showing. I put this trick together with an animated Gif to get this new Wait Class.
@Derez · 2017-03-24
B4AClassFile handling
With this class you can: - get an ordered list of files from a directory without directories names; - get an ordered list of files from a directory filtered using classic pattern; - delete all files in a directory that match a classic pattern. (patterns like: "MyFile*.txt" or "*My*.*" or "Image.jp*" etc.).
@LucaMs · 2017-03-07
CRGoogVR-Library, Google Voice Recog w/ source
I''ve uploaded an example B4A app for Google Voice Recognition along with its source code and Eclipse Java source code for the CRGoogVR library I developed.
@canalrun · 2017-02-25
Log to txt file class
This is a simple logger class i use to help with debugging. It has the advantage of the entries being time stamped to see when they happen as well as creating a permanent record in a txt file. When debugging the entries are also written to the log window. The log file uses the day date as part of its file name so the files can be viewed for up to a month after their creation. Log files can become quite long but at the same time can be used to record what the app is doing and help with debugging difficult to find faults.
@SteveTerrell · 2017-02-20
Message class
Modal-like & non-modal MessageBox with controll of colors and size.
@Derez · 2017-02-15
SimpleBrowser [Customview]
Browser customview with designer properties, hidable top bar, automatic refresh, PDF management, external browser redirection, url string tracking, FontAwesome buttons. THIS IS NOT MEANT TO REPLACE A SOPHISTICATED BROWSER​
@FrenchDeveloper · 2017-02-12
HTMLElement & CSSElement Builder Classes
Well I wanted to create some HTML and CSS elements for something I am working on. Actually I''m trying to develop a webapp that will run inside a webview, just for fun. This should also execute commands and get and set data. WebViewExtras is coming handy for that. So instead of having to write many .Append statements, well I have a few now, I decided on some generators instead. Here we go..
@Mashiane · 2017-02-02
TreeView class v7
Display of data in a tree (like File Manager).
@Derez · 2017-01-02
Save the Date! with SimpleDateFormatter
Save the Date! with SimpleDateFormatter
@stanmiller · 2016-12-11
Grid Class, easy and fast grid
Grid Class, easy and fast grid. Images are via URL using the #AdditionalJar: picasso-2.5.2, can you read more about that in https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...onaljar-and-javaobject-picasso.40904/#content
@scsjc · 2016-11-20