ContactsUtils class
Provides read / write access to the stored contacts
@Erel · 2016-08-26
I took all the google play services status codes and messages and put them in a code class.
@Robert Valentino · 2016-08-22
B4AClassList- and scrollview
Fixed CustomListView Separator Color
The CustomListView has a problem when the number of items displayed does not fill its entire height. The separator color will fill the bottom of the CustomListView which makes it look horrible. Take a look at the "Before" image to see what I mean. The red separator color fills the bottom of the CustomListView where there are only 2 or 3 items in it. I have solved the problem by shrinking the CustomListView height whenever there are not enough items in it to fill its entire height. Take a look at the "After" image and you will see the background (gradient background panel) will show through and the ugly red separator color is gone from the bottom! Of course when more items are added to the CustomListView it will gradually expand back to its original height. I have kept the code module name the same because it can replace the existing CustomListView without any code changes.
@Widget · 2016-08-02
B4AClassPicker [B4A]
clsSlideBar for B4A-B4i [B4A]
This class implements a "SlideBar" which is a cross between a B4A SeekBar and a B4i Slider. It presents the same interface on B4A and B4i, and in fact the class code is the same on B4A and B4i. i.e., you can select all of the class code in B4i and cut and paste it into a B4A class module (and vice versa). It is implemented as a Custom View so can be set up either in the Designer or programmatically. Examples of both are included in the attached sample project.
@Hugh Thomas · 2016-07-24
ActivityManager(which you can finish all activity in anywhere)
@IceFairy333 · 2016-07-08
AKBubble - A class to create Bubbles and Tooltips
This class lets you click an object and display a bubble with a text. I have written it for an app, which shows group photographs. I wanted to be able to click on a person and have his or her name displayed.
@DrAlex · 2016-07-06
Wifi class with code
In the forum are some Wifi libraries. But I found not one, that was perfect for me. One lib I used, caused trouble in Google Play Store: Your device is not compatible. In the Wifi lib was the android permission MODIFY_PHONE_STATE. My tablet has no phone module. So I decided to write a class with my desired functions.
@welu1805 · 2016-04-08
Similar to native Android ZXing app - with full correct torch control
@Johan Schoeman · 2016-03-22
Set screen settings (16 orientations and full/non-full screen)
@JackKirk · 2016-03-17
Marshmallow Permissions
Since there is currently no native support for the new permission system in Android 6.0 Marshmallow I wrote a little class for it.
@Penguin · 2016-03-14
Emotion test program. Adapted and modified from ''Rodney robot'', Copyright (C) 2003 Bob Mottram, Visual Basic 6 - free software
@BeneBarros · 2016-03-10
The numpad custom view is made of an EditText, or more accurately a FloatLabeledEditText. When the user clicks on the text field, the numpad appears instead of the standard keyboard. The advantage of the numpad is that it appears near the text field and that you can further customize it as needed.
@Erel · 2016-03-02
BLE - Heart Rate Monitor
HeartRateMonitor class searches for peripherals with the heart rate service (0x180D). Once a peripheral device is found and connected then a notification is set for the heart rate measurement characteristic (0x2A37). The DataAvailable event is raised whenever the heart rate changes. The heart rate is parsed from the raw data and printed to the logs.
@Erel · 2016-02-29
"web style" date picker
@Erel · 2016-02-18
KeyValueStore class
Key / value data store
@Erel · 2016-02-17
MultiTimer Class
If you need a timer that ticks by two or three different intervals, one after the other, here it is, with DblTimer and TriTimer classes.
@Derez · 2016-01-29
jFugue Midi Programming
I have re-created some of the example code that appears on the jfugue web site: http://www.jfugue.org/examples.html so you can see how easy it is to access this jar using JavaObject. So rather than me deciding what to wrap, you can access most of the functions directly.
@stevel05 · 2016-01-24
An example of accessing the javaFlacEncoder with Javaobject
@stevel05 · 2015-12-31
Customized toastmessageshow that when i show it,it scroll from up top bottom; time and colours can be specified
@Blue.Sky · 2015-12-30
Put simply this library provides easy access to 255 named colors broken into color groups for easier navigation.
@Gary Milne · 2015-12-30
B4AClassIcons / fonts
This is a supporting Class that allows easy (and much more readable) access to Icon characters within the Unicode, FontAwesome and Ligature fonts.
@Gary Milne · 2015-12-30
Send tweets
@somed3v3loper · 2015-12-23
B4AClassComms & Network
Yahoo Currency Converter
Yahoo Currency Converter
@Tayfur · 2015-12-23
CallSub with explicit delay
@Erel · 2015-11-30
A ListView that allows the user to jump to a specific item based on the index.
@Erel · 2015-11-12
Check SDK levels at runtime
Class that links the different Android versions with their SDK. It’ll allow you to check the running Android API version and take decisions based on it, especially in situation where your application can take advantage of Android functionality tied up to a specific version or greater.
@cimperia · 2015-10-24
Circular Progress Indicator
With nothing more than 3 lines of code, you''ll be able to display a customizable circular progress indicator.
@wonder · 2015-10-19
PhotoView class
PhotoView class
@icefairy333 · 2015-10-12
B4AClassViews - additional
Flat Messagebox
Msgbox that looks like an InputDialog
@Blue.Sky · 2015-10-02
A helper to load standard Android layout files and access the views in them to set some properties
@Corwin42 · 2015-09-29