Shadow Class
add shadow to any view.
@Derez · 2015-09-05
add shadow to any view.
This is simple class to grab in another format / quality youtube using the free service YTGrabber
With this simple class you can retrieve (read only) device properties stored on the device. The device properties are stored as a pair of Key/Value in string format and is very similar to windows registry. The number of properties is different from one device to another and some of these could be really useful and some not.
In this class you enter web service URL and method name and add all fields with type and value and send request to web service. Then web service return result in "return tag" and in end my class parse result of web service and return result without any extra tag of web service
Check if Email-Domain is valid.
With this class you can give a scrolling effect (chars by chars) to label''s text (and views based on labels: button, edittext).
bcMaterial - A Community Material wrapper - open source
Physical GamePad / Joystick Support [Class]
Vector [Class]
Class TallySheet
Two things that are missing in the core Seekbar - 1. Vertical Seekbar 2. Control of the colors. The Attached Vertical seekbar class has both. I added a horizontal seekbar class to be compatible with the vertical.
Get List of Files using WildCards
Puts an hidden sidebar on one of the four sides of the screen and reveals it when needed. Suited for a sliding menu. Can mimic a navigation drawer.
With this class, you can create floating windows, move them with the finger, dock them, stick them to an edge, maximize them, customize their action bar... You fill them as you fill a panel.
Allows to create custom action bars.
clsSQLiteBackups [CLASS]
Used to display a splash screen in your project, Fade, Slide or Just Remove, user selects.
I wanted to make one SlidingPanels that it could be used in multiple ways. Now that I have finished writing the code I put at your disposal. At the moment you can do these variants SlidingPanels: - Classic full screen mode. - Sliding panels with smaller screen. - Sliding panels with smaller screen and with zoom! - With or without friction.
It is possible to embed files directly in the compiled libraries by following these steps: 1. Add the attached class module, JarFileLoader, to your code (Project - Add Existing Module). 2. JarFileLoader can either load files from the Files folder or from the compiled jar. While you develop the library you should initialize it and set it to load files from the assets folder:
My first class module - Settings menu panel - Feedback please
A class that provides constants for most of the available input types, and methods to apply them.
A class combining a custom actionbar with the native navigation drawer
Extended KeyValueStore class with multiple values per key or per two keys.
a simple file search
Simple Socket Class
LGauges - Gauges generation [Library] [Open Source Code]
Simple web services framework
A list based on ScrollView with expandable items. Eases the creation and management of lists with checkboxes (but not only).
StartupWizard basically shows a startup guide, or help screen or settings screen, on the first launch of an app.
Convert Lat / Lon and UTM coordinates