Send and receive objects instead of bytes
@Erel · 2013-06-26
B4AClassLock/unlock [CLASS]
Simple Unlock Pattern [Class]
Simple Unlock Pattern [Class]
@drachmad · 2013-06-24
Alter menu at runtime. I had a problem the other day when I needed to alter the text on my Activity menu based on the state of the application (it was for a screen lock so I need to say "Lock Screen" or "Unlock Screen" based on the state). I couldn''t find an easy way to do this but I did come across some code in the thread below that resets the menu using reflection; http://www.basic4ppc.com/forum/basi...cript-device-basic-programming.html#post99468 So I''ve extended this to a class that allows you to make changes to the menu at runtime. Currently it only supports basic menu items (not bitmaps). You can; 1) Add menu items to the bottom of the menu 2) Add menu items at a specific index 3) Remove menu items 4) Update the text of menu items
@tchart · 2013-06-18
B4AClassTranslation/localisation [CLASS]
Translation [Class]
Translation [Class]
@RiverRaid · 2013-06-10
HotSpots Class and CustomView
Align hotspots using an image and Layout
@stevel05 · 2013-06-09
B4AClassKeyboard [CLASS]
xIME (Extended IME) [Class]
xIME (Extended IME) [Class]
@JesseW · 2013-06-07
DBMySQL connect via MySQL Tunnel
A set of classes to implement a pair of connection / dataset objects to connect to remote MySQL database
@aalekizoglou · 2013-05-31
B4AClassOther [CLASS]
Double Tap to Exit [Class]
Double Tap to Exit [Class]
@Penguin · 2013-05-21
Tick Tock Test Timers Class
Tick Tock Test Timers Class
@IanMc · 2013-05-21
Database table access skeleton class
Database table access skeleton class
@nicholas.jj.taylor · 2013-05-20
Reflection and CustomView example - CustomView implementation of the RatingBar Class mainly using reflection.
@stevel05 · 2013-05-16
B4AClassPane(l) [CLASS]
TabPanel [Class]
TabPanel [Class]
@NFOBoy · 2013-04-25
EditText Field Order
A class that makes it easy to set the tab order for EditTexts on an activity and/or panel(s).
@stevel05 · 2013-04-04
B4AClassPane(l) [CLASS]
Expandable Panels [Class]
Expandable Panels [Class]
@thedesolatesoul · 2013-03-16
Tiny FTP Server
The tiny FTP server is limited in that you cannot change your working directory and I have not implemented all the FTP commands
@canalrun · 2013-03-16
When a message (set of bytes) is sent over a network channel, of any type, there is no guarantee that the whole message will arrive as a single set of bytes. The message might be split or merged together with other messages. One way to overcome this issue is to initialize AsyncStreams in "prefix" mode. In this mode a 4 bytes header is added to each message with the message length. This allows AsyncStreams to internally build the messages correctly. However you can only use prefix mode if both sides of the connection adhere to this protocol. If for example you connect to a Bluetooth GPS then you cannot use prefix mode. AsyncStreamsText can help you if: 1. The data sent is text and not binary data. 2. Each message ends with an end of line character (both Unix and Windows formats will work). AsyncStreamsText works by handling the NewData event and looking for the end of line characters.
@Erel · 2013-03-05
Class - Google Map Ruler
Class - Google Map Ruler
@ErickAsas · 2013-03-01
B4AClassCompass [CLASS]
Compass [CLASS]
Compass [CLASS]
@tremara1 · 2013-02-25
Baloon class
Displays two labels on a panel in a shape of text baloon.
@Derez · 2013-02-23
B4AClassProgress/Gauge/Loading [CLASS]
A simple gauge/meter [Class]
A simple gauge/meter [Class]
@tremara1 · 2013-02-22
B4AClassList- and scrollview [CLASS]
Drawer with ScrollView [Class]
Drawer with ScrollView [Class]
@Cableguy · 2013-02-03
B4AClassViews - additional
Croutons Class
Croutons is a UI component to show short messages within the Activity context (as opposed to toasts)
@thedesolatesoul · 2012-12-31
B4AClassSeekBar [CLASS]
ICS Like Horizontal and Vertical Seekbars [Class]
ICS Like Horizontal and Vertical Seekbars [Class]
@mabool · 2012-11-30
Animated Sliding Menu
This class will allow you to create animated sliding menus.
@NJDude · 2012-11-27
B4AClassList- and scrollview
ScrollPanel class
Displays a small panel next to the vertical scrollbar in a scrollview, which you can use to display information and quickly scroll.
@Informatix · 2012-11-12
B4AClassMenu [CLASS]
Custom Animated Menu [Class]
Custom Animated Menu [Class]
@mabool · 2012-11-08
B4AClassDialogs [CLASS]
Custom MsgBox [Class]
Custom MsgBox [Class]
@NJDude · 2012-11-06
DataBase Class
Used to create databases for B4A, with commands more like DBase.
@margret · 2012-10-23
B4AClassImages [CLASS]
Steganography on PNG Image [Class]
Steganography on PNG Image [Class]
@Takeru17 · 2012-10-08
Custom Calendar Class
Custom Calendar Class
@Takeru17 · 2012-10-05