StatusBar, NagivationBar and Background color all the same!
StatusBar, NagivationBar and Background color all the same!
@Cableguy · 2023-11-01
Debugging with Firebase / Android GPU Inspector
Debugging with Firebase / Android GPU Inspector
@designer2k2 · 2023-10-30
GoogleDrive via REST API V3 - Small Testproject
A small project to get a grip on Google Drive
@fredo · 2023-10-30
SD EscPos Printer [Lan,USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE]
This library allows you to print with thermal printers compatible with the ESC POS language in 4 different communication channels (USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE, LAN)
@Star-Dust · 2023-10-30
WebViewExtras exposes more of the native Android WebView methods to your B4A application.
@warwound · 2023-10-16
Http Interceptor
Http Interceptor
@drgottjr · 2023-10-12
MQTT Brokers list
MQTT Brokers list
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2023-10-11
Expandable CLV with sub-items [similar to a tree] [B4J] [B4A]
Expandable CLV with sub-items [similar to a tree] [B4J] [B4A]
@walt61 · 2023-10-08
FirebaseAdmin Library
FirebaseAdmin Library
@Claude Obiri Amadu · 2023-10-08
FusedLocationProviderGMS [Latest]
This is a new FusedLocationProviderGMS library that is based on the latest version of Google Mobile Services (GMS)
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-10-07
PDFab - a default PDF viewer app based on DonManfred''s PDFium wrap
PDFab - a default PDF viewer app based on DonManfred''s PDFium wrap
@walt61 · 2023-10-06
Blue Stacks connection to B4X IDE.
Blue Stacks connection to B4X IDE.
@73Challenger · 2023-09-28
SpeechToText - Continuous Offline Voice Recognition
This is a wrapper of Acephei VOSK , With this, you can add continuous offline speech recognition feature to your application.
@Biswajit · 2023-09-27
cloudKVS - adding list of changes to NewData event
cloudKVS - adding list of changes to NewData event
@Dave O · 2023-09-19
IconKitchen - Generate App Icons
IconKitchen - Generate App Icons
@Mashiane · 2023-09-19
Unescape Unicode sequences for Spanish language
Unescape Unicode sequences for Spanish language
@GeoT · 2023-09-15
Tic-Tac-Toe. Extremely basic XUI cross platform WiFi game example B4A vs B4i - Newer developers
Tic-Tac-Toe. Extremely basic XUI cross platform WiFi game example B4A vs B4i - Newer developers
@Peter Simpson · 2023-09-14
Another Torch [>= M]
A simple android application that can turn on/off the flashlight or torchlight by clicking a button
@Johan Schoeman · 2023-09-10
Import a CSV Text File Into a Newly Created SQLite Table
Import a CSV Text File Into a Newly Created SQLite Table
@Mahares · 2023-09-06
Draw on top of other apps permission
Starting from Android 6 a special permission is required if you want to use the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission. This permission is not related to the runtime permissions. You can put this code in a class to check whether your app has permission and open the settings page if needed
@Erel · 2023-09-05
PuzzleTak_AudioPlayer and Visualizer
Music playback library, which comes with the ability to display a Visualizer.
@PuzzleTak · 2023-08-25
I gathered in a Codefile a lot of the code about TTS that goes around in the Forum and I added to it some code and changed it a bit to fit my needs. I created this Codefile with a bunch of Subs and Functions that would be useful (I believe) to all of you. So here is it...
@hatzisn · 2023-08-23
Raise left hand - tracking with Smartwatch [WearOS]
Raise left hand - tracking with Smartwatch [WearOS]
@Watchkido1 · 2023-08-18
SD XUI_View3D (Demo) [BAX] [XUI]
I created a library to display polygons in 3D. It is also possible to use it to create 3D XUI views.
@Star-Dust · 2023-08-18
Bare Bone Text To Speech [TTS] with Speech Synthesis Markup Language [SSML] tool
Bare Bone Text To Speech [TTS] with Speech Synthesis Markup Language [SSML] tool
@MicroDrie · 2023-08-13
B4A Rapid book updated to B4A 12.50
B4A Rapid book updated to B4A 12.50
@PhilipBrown · 2023-08-09
CLVDragger - drag to reorder items Animation effect [class]
CLVDragger - drag to reorder items Animation effect [class]
@chjk · 2023-08-06
Simple Call GPT-4
Simple Call GPT-4
@instahery · 2023-08-03
FilePicker with PickVisualMedia in Android 13!
FilePicker with PickVisualMedia in Android 13!
@tuhatinhvn · 2023-07-26
Print Made Easy
Print Made Easy (via the rawbt printing service app)
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2023-07-25