Open app details page in settings app
Open app details page in settings app
@Erel · 2023-07-20
Source Code - ReplyAuto
I''m posting these files because many of me lost the source code of the ReplyAuto library: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...-whatsapp-telegram-background-service.138920/ Download Eclipse to edit and compile the library
@jsaplication.mobile · 2023-07-17
android.jar / targetSdkVersion / minSdkVersion
There are several versioned components that affect the compilation process and the runtime behavior of our apps. The purpose of this tutorial is to explain the differences between them and help you choose which version to use. Each Android version is mapped to an api level. You can see this mapping here: https://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html The api level is used in our code.
@Erel · 2023-07-16
XM Info Check [ Xiaomi/Redmi Activation date checker ]
XM Info Check [ Xiaomi/Redmi Activation date checker ]
@nso91191 · 2023-07-06
Push messages / Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
@Erel · 2023-06-26
B4ASnippetHome automation
Lora Weather Station
Lora Weather Station
@freedom2000 · 2023-06-25
AppCompat with ToolBar - minimal example
The project attached uses the powerful AppCompat library to replace the built-in ActionBar with a more robust ToolBar.
@Erel · 2023-06-23
Localize B4XFloatTextField Hint text
Localize B4XFloatTextField Hint text
@AnandGupta · 2023-06-23
Get Activity Orientation
Get Activity Orientation
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2023-06-19
ContactsUtils v2.00 : redesigned, recoded and enhanced new version
ContactsUtils v2.00 : redesigned, recoded and enhanced new version
@Alain75 · 2023-06-04
B4XEval class [modified by RB Smissaert]
B4XEval class with error handling
@RB Smissaert · 2023-06-01
B4ASnippetComms & Network
Start Local Hotspot
Starting from Android 8 there is a public API for starting a local hotspot. Notes: - The hotspot doesn''t allow internet connection. - The password and SSID are chosen randomly and cannot be changed. - Debug it with USB debug mode as it will break B4A-Bridge connection.
@Erel · 2023-05-31
Start receiver at exact time
Start receiver at exact time. The standard StartReceiverAt is inexact, in order to allow the OS to make optimizations.
@Erel · 2023-05-28
UriViewer : a viewer for Uniform Resource Identifier
UriViewer : a viewer for Uniform Resource Identifier
@Alain75 · 2023-05-26
B4ASnippetList- and scrollview
Programaticaly suppress divider in customlistview
Programaticaly suppress divider in customlistview
@Alain75 · 2023-05-25
B4ASnippetFile handling
File GetCreationTime alternative
File GetCreationTime alternative
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2023-05-21
Share a PDF with a specific WhatsApp number.
Share a PDF with a specific WhatsApp number.
@Zirfer · 2023-05-16
PermissionsManager is a library that enables the management of runtime permissions. This library completely replaces the standard RuntimePermissions library with the addition of modern dangerous permissions and special permissions that require approval via the settings application.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-05-15
RegEx.Matcher2 and getting first and last words of String
RegEx.Matcher2 and getting first and last words of String
@mfstuart · 2023-05-14
Thumbnails viewer
A HorizontalScrollView with square panels to hold the thumbnails of the images. With automatic scroll behavior so that each selected item can be seen in its entirety on the screen. With a colored frame for the selected item. Frame position memorized.
@GeoT · 2023-05-12
Add In App Purchases on the fly to your B4A and B4i projects [CHARGEABLE] [Class]
[Class] Add In App Purchases on the fly to your B4A and B4i projects [CHARGEABLE]
@hatzisn · 2023-05-04
B4ATutorialFile handling
Get Path of File/ Folder
Get Path of File/ Folder
@StephenRM · 2023-05-03
Sound Meter
Sound Meter
@Almora · 2023-04-22
B4ATutorialViews - additional
Resizing Text Control Custom View - Set text control size based on text - Non Latin Text fix
Resizing Text Control Custom View - Set text control size based on text - Non Latin Text fix
@Andrew (Digitwell) · 2023-04-19
B4ALibraryB4Xpages [B4A]
AndroidPages - B4XPages alternative with orientation support [B4A]
AndroidPages - B4XPages alternative with orientation support [B4A]
@Spavlyuk · 2023-04-15
B4ASnippetFile handling
External Storage Extras
Additional methods for the original ExternalStorage class
@max123 · 2023-04-14
AdsHelperFromStarter - AdsHelper for Traditional B4A Apps & More
AdsHelperFromStarter - AdsHelper for Traditional B4A Apps & More
@Jack Cole · 2023-04-12
B4ALibraryViews - effects [LIB][B4A]
BMTypeWriter [LIB] [B4A]
Create a simple TypeWriter Effect on any TextView
@Brian Michael · 2023-04-03
OSMDroid 6 BonusPack
This library is an addition to the OSMDroid 6 library. Contains additional classes and methods for geocoding, reverse geocoding, POIs, Routing and others. This library is based on the original GitHub library version 6.9.0, but I had to rework some classes due to deprecation to make them functional.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-04-03
OSMDroid 6 Mapsforge
This library is an addition to the OSMDroid 6 library and enables the display of Mapsforge offline maps in the OSMDroid6 MapView. Mapsforge maps are vector maps, which allows the size of the map file to be several tens of times smaller.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-04-03